Chapter 17

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You hug him back, feeling his arms wrapped around you, you sink into the hug relaxing in his arms, feeling safe

"Spence, you look so handsome"

"Thank you y/n, you look beautiful." he looks down at your dress and you do a little half spin

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," Spencer says

"Girly!" Penelope says running up to you and hugging you tight

"Sweets, you look stunning" examining Penelope's dress

"Says you hot stuff, spin for me baby" She shouts jokingly and spins you around

"Ahh smart one looking good," Derek says coming up behind Penelope

"As do you, Princess" You laugh with Derek.

"Hey Spencer, can we talk?" You turn to him

He nods

"I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," You say to Penelope and Derek

Spencer and yourself walk over to a bench and sit down, you hear the chatter of the group in the background.

"What did you want to talk about?" you tap Spencers shoulder

"A while ago we were having a conversation that we didn't get to finish" He avoids eye contact with you

"Yes, I remember i was wondering if we would talk about that"

"I thought you have been avoiding me," Spencer says quietly

"No Spencer, no I'm so sorry I've made you feel that way. I haven't been avoiding you, I guess I just have been confused"

"Confused? About what?"

"Us" you catch each other's eyes

"You feel the same way too? I didn't know how to tell you, I feel like you knew, you understand me better than anyone" Spencer says

"I wish we talked about this earlier instead of keeping this to ourselves. How about we make a deal, when something is bothering us, can we communicate with each other?" You say

"Yes, i would love that, please always come to me, with anything" Spencer grabs your hand


"Yes Spence?"

"Want to go on... would you like to... a date, would you like to go on a date with me?" Spencer says nervously

"Yes, yes I would I thought you would never ask" you laugh leaning in for a hug

Spencer holds you close, everything else seems to disappear.

"Want to have our first date tonight?" You say excitedly

"Tonight? But were at Rossi's party" Spencer sounds confused

"After, let's go watch movies and bake cookies. Stress free just me and you" You say holding his hands

"I love that idea" He kisses your cheek, you feel your face go red, your body starts to feel warm. You turn his face and kiss his cheek pulling back, you smile at each other lingering, you look into one another's eyes.

The rest of the party seems to go by in a flash, you could only focus on spending time with Spencer. You share a cab and go to his house.

Kicking off you shoes, you walk into his kitchen

"Cookies?" You ask

"Yes chocolate chip" He smiles and grabs the ingredients

As you add everything to the mixing bowl Spencer comes up behind you and puts his arms around your waist. You let go of the spoon and hold his arms leaning your head back into his chest. He kisses the top of your head, you feel yourself relaxing.

"You stopped making the cookies" He pouts

"You distracted me... Dr." You state playfully

As the cookies bake, Spencer picks out a movie for you both to watch.

"Mamma Mia?" He asks

"Oh yes please" You clap your hands as you sit down next to him

The movie starts, and you place your head on his shoulder, he leans his head against yours. Reaching over, he places a hand on your thigh, you take a quick breath in at his touch. He faces the palm of his hand up, inviting you to place your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, you smile. Finally you were with Spencer.

After the movie he turns to you

"Y/n, do you want to stay here tonight?"

"I would love that" you both stand up

Looking in each others eyes it felt natural, you were meant to be together. You put your hand on the side of his face smiling from happiness. He places his hand on the back of your head and gives you the softest kiss; you feel sparks rush through your body, you lean into each other, the kiss becoming more passionate. He hugs you tightly, bringing you in closer to him, you run your hands through his hair and feel his smile.


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