Chapter 11

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Landing at the airport Hotch assigns teams to spread out

"JJ and Emily, I want you two to head to the police station. David and I will go talk to Bryan and Kayla's teachers at the school. Reid, y/n and Morgan I want you three to go to the house and talk to the dad."

Arriving up to the nice sized family home Derek notices the father standing in the window and points him out.

"Good cop, bad cop?" Derek says laughing as he looks at you

"Sure, as long as I get good cop" you smile

"I'll intimidate him with a few questions just to see how he reacts, Spencer keep a watch on his body language," Derek says

 "Mr. Devens, I'm Dr. y/l/n, this is agent Morgan, and Dr. Reid" You shake his hand

"I'm James, have you heard anything about my kids? Where are they?" he says, sounding upset, you couldn't blame him for being mad his kids were missing.

"We are working on that, sir, but right now we need to ask you a few questions," You say in a comforting tone.

"Tell us about the days leading up to you kids going missing" You ask"Well, they went to school and spent some time with their friends. Honestly nothing out of the ordinary" He says

"Did you fight at all?" Derek says leaning in

"Of course, mostly with Bryan, he's a teenager though, you know typical teenage stuff."
"Have you been drinking?" You ask

"Its the anniversary of my wife's disappearance, yes I had a few drinks, but that's not a crime"

"Well, it's a crime your kids are missing, why did you wait to call the police?" Derek says seriously

"I-I didn't notice, I thought they were just up in their rooms," James says quietly. 

Spencer leaves to look around, he comes back with a cellphone.

Derek pulls out his phone

"baby girl" he says"Hello 007, how can I be of service, sir?" Penelope banters back

"We found Bryans phone in his room, I want you to track the calls," Spencer says

The three of you move to the next room.

"okay one second..." There is a short pause "it looks like he had made a few calls to a helpline, let me see if I can get the recordings of those calls and send them to you" She hangs upJust then Hotch calls

"Hey, you guys, so we spoke with the teachers, it looks like recently the kids have not been doing well in school"

"well, that's understandable if it's since their mother's disappearance." You speak."Yes, Bryan has been getting into a few fights at school." Rossi adds.

Just then you receive a message from Penelope with the recording of the helpline call.

Listening to it the kids sound scared about their fathers drinking problems Derek brings it out to show the father. He becomes enraged, yelling that he would never hurt his kids. Suddenly he calms down

"Ugh big baby always crying." The team looks at each other

"Oh, you're wondering where the kids are, god they are so spoiled, HE SPOILS THEM YOU KNOW." 

He? dissociative identity disorder. You think

Spencer goes to speak, but you grab his arm to stop him.

"What's your name?" You ask politely"Hey honey, I'm Ben. I know you're thinking it, I didn't hurt them just taught them a lesson that James is too scared to do"

Derek gets a call and comes back upset

"A lesson? What kind of lesson, like killing your own daughter?" Derek says

Ben/James face drops,

"K-Kill no no I would never do that never never never, I was upset but I would never hurt them" He cries pacing back and forth

"Where did you bring them?" You ask kindly as you walk towards the father, Spencer grabs your hand to hold you back, so you don't walk any closer.

"Where did you bring them?" You repeat.

"An old cabin we had an old cabin, there's food and beds there, I just wanted to bring them out there, to teach them to live in the elements for a day. I would never hurt my babies never. I swear. I went back and I didn't know where they were, they had left, so I came back and called the police" He begins to cry harder.

"OH, stop crying, I did what I had to do, you see, I'm around when he becomes too weak to do something," Ben says.

You pick up the phone and call JJ"JJ, near where the body was found, was there a small cabin?" you ask

"yeah, but nobody was there." She responds 

"We need to find Bryan," You say as everyone runs out of the house, leaving the father with the local police.

With bullet proof vests tightened and the stars out, you begin to search for Bryan. Hours go by and still no sign. You're driving with JJ and Emily in the van.

"Wait y/n stop" JJ and Emily say in unison.

They jump out of the car.

"It's okay, were the FBI, you're safe now Bryan you can come out" JJ says in her calm voice

The young boy comes out carrying a gun he is covered in dirt and mud, he looks terrified.

Some time passes, and you drive Bryan to the hospital, Spencer sits with him to ask him some questions.

The police bring the father into custody now that the child has been found. The evidence and the location finally pointed to him. Bryan asks to speak to his father; Spencer brings him into the room.

"Bryan doesn't look mad or scared, more annoyed," you state looking at Emily, she agrees.

The team decides to send Bryan home with Spencer.

"Something isn't right about this, he seems to have no problem talking to his dad, who by the looks of Bryans arms, hurt him, why does Bryan have no reaction" Emily seems puzzled

An hour passes and you decide to give Spencer a call.

"Hey how is it going" You ask"Yeah I'm not sure, he seems too relaxed, I mean it could be shock, but he just went through a big trauma, he hasn't even asked about... yes darling everything is okay, I will be home soon, I know I miss you too" Spencer trails off

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