Chapter 26

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Opening your eyes for a few seconds you do not recognize your surroundings

Things go black again

While you pass out Spencer cries kissing your head, and calling your name. The ambulance arrives at the hospital and rushes through the doors

"Female, aged 28, gunshot wound to the abdomen, she just passed out" The medic says rushing you to the operating room. Spencer running beside you

"Sorry sir, you have to wait out here" a nurse says to Spencer, as he hands him a cloth to wash the blood off. He is distraught.

Emily and JJ were able to rescue the children, Sylvia was also rushed to the hospital, she had a pulse. Oliver had stabbed her, the children were safe and returned to their parents. Once Sylvia was in the hands of the doctors, the rest of the team rushed to Spencer's side.

"You're covered in blood Spencer, we need to wash you up," Emily takes the towel from him. He was too weak to do it himself, he simply sat there crying in silence.

A few more minutes go by, Spencer finally is able to work out the words
"I-I asked y/n to marry me" He cries harder putting his face in his hands

The rest of the team looked at each other shocked, but happy, tears began to form in their eyes, they were unsure what would happen to you.

"She said yes of course" Derek says sitting next to Spencer.

He nods, rubbing his face.

"She needs to be okay, I can't move on without her" he yells out

"I know... I know" JJ says reassuring him with a hug

Everyone sits in silence for the next few hours.

A doctor walks into the waiting room

"You here for y/n y/l/n" She asks

"Yes, how is she? Is y/n okay, I want to see her right now" Spencer says quickly standing up.

"The surgery was touch and go for a while, I am happy to say that she has made it through, but she is very weak and needs some time to rest. She is incredibly lucky" The doctor says,

"What room?" Spencer says walking down the hall

"Number 18" she calls after him

Running down the hallway he stops at your room walking in, he sees you still sleeping. Sitting beside you he gently grabs your hand.

"y/n I don't even know what to say, i couldn't lose you, i love you" He lays his head on the bed next to you and waits for you to wake up.

Slowly, you open your eyes, you feel weak, your body is throbbing with pain. Looking around the room you see Spencer holding your hand and reading a book.

Weakly you move your fingers to try and squeeze his hand.

"Y/n you're awake, oh your eyes, they are so beautiful, you're okay, just rest you're safe I promise i'm here with you" Spencer perks up putting his book down he leans in and kisses your forehead.

"My fiancé" you smile weakly

He gasps "y/n you remember, me asking you?"

You nod "I could never forget that, it gave me strength to push through, knowing you wanted to marry me" you say slowly and a tear rolls down your cheek, he brushes it away

"I wanted to wait until you woke up to give you this" Out of his pocket he pulls a beautiful engagement ring and holds it up for you to see. You smile wide, you hold up your hand for him. He takes your hand and gives it a kiss as he places the ring on your finger.

"My fiancé, even with a bit of blood, bruised and dressed in a hospital gown, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" He smiles. Running out the room quickly he grabs the team

"She's awake, she's up. Y/n remembered I proposed to her, we're engaged. She's awake" Spencer runs back to the room.

The rest of the team walks in, you smile at everyone holding out your hand.

"y/n you had us worried" Emily says

"Congratulations are in order to the engaged couple" JJ smiles pretending to hold a glass of champagne.

"I am so happy for you two" Hotch smiles, oddly enough yes he does smile... Sometimes

"y/n i've never been happier, thank you for sticking with me, and making me who i am today, i love you more than anything in this world" Spencer says giving you little kisses.

You smile looking at Spencer, who would have thought that when you first met that tall boy genius on your first day at the BAU that you would be here, with a gunshot wound from a crazy unsub and engaged to the love of your life. You felt tired, but were so excited to begin planning your wedding. 

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