Chapter 8

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You smile at the text from Spencer, he seems to message you in the evenings. You did not want to think too much into it, but you felt little butterflies in your stomach at the idea that he was sitting at home and thought of you.

Y/n I don't think I will be at Rossi's party tomorrow, I know I said I wasn't sure but I haven't felt well all evening.

You were slightly saddened by the thought of not seeing Spencer tomorrow. But understood his situation.

Oh no, are you okay? Is there anything I can do?

You respond concerned for his health

No, no, I am fine, I'm not contagious or anything, just feeling a little down I guess, hopefully I'll be good soon. You have fun tomorrow, and have a great night tonight.

If there is anything I can do let me know, honestly. Goodnight : )

It was hard to think about your team's mental health, it is important that you are there for each other to help and support them if they need it. You roll over and fall to sleep

You awake to the sound of your phone ringing. Its Penelope

"Hey hey girly, you better get your butt moving its shopping day. I'll be there in an hour!"

She yells excitedly

"Oh yes, I'm up I'll see you soon," you say, looking at the time moving your bedsheets off of you and putting on your slippers.

You spend some time getting ready and decide to dress casual for the day of shopping, something you can easily change in and out of. Out of your closet you pull a pair of black leggings and a crewneck Disney shirt.

Your phone rings again

"I'm outside lets go" Its Penelope

You look outside and see her car waiting in your driveway. Opening the door, you also see another person sitting in the backseat, its Emily, you smile feeling excited that she also wanted to come with you. Hopping into the car you greet the girls and head to the shopping mall.

The three of you head into a beautiful dress shop, and Penelope starts pulling dresses that she thinks will looks nice on you and Emily.

"Oh y/n this one is pretty" She says as she pulls a pretty purple and black lace dress. You thought it looked stunning.

"Spencer may even like it too" Emily says with a wink

"Spencer?" You question sounding confused

"Honey we're profilers, we notice everything" Emily smirks

"Well, there's nothing going on, he's great to work with and that's about it. Besides I think he mentioned he wasn't going tonight" You said trying to play it off as if you were unsure

"Oh, too bad... Emily darling, this would look amazing on you" Penelope pulls a gorgeous red dress with a slit up the side.

The three of you head to the change room and try on the dresses. Penelope picked the perfect size, she really is brilliant. The dress slides onto your body looking perfect, you smile at yourself in the mirror, you don't wear dresses a lot you feel kind of insecure, but this one, this one looked beautiful. You stand confidently and walk out the changing room.

"Wow" Emily and Penelope say in unison

"Wow yourself, you guys look breathtaking" You laugh back

Penelope was dressed in a beautiful black sparkly dress that complimented her perfectly.

You paid for your dresses and decided to go to the food court to grab some lunch.

The three of you spent the day laughing and shopping walking int various stores. Just spending time together as friends. Emily invited you over to get ready at her place with Penelope, you gladly went.

Putting on the dress, you felt happy, and excited to be going to your first BAU party. But couldn't help but think about Spencer, you decided to send him a quick message

Hey Reid, just checking in, I hope you're doing okay and having a good day

Shortly after you clicked send, he sent a message back

Y/n Hi, Thanks for checking in, that's thoughtful, I'm fine, spent the day reading. Just struggling a bit this weekend but I'll be okay. Hope you have a good night at Rossi's

You read his message and wondered what could be troubling him, you didn't want to ask the girls and seem nosey but hoped things would be okay with him.

The three of you headed to Rossi's mansion. You pulled up wide-eyed

"Woah, some house, Rossi got it nice" You laugh

"I'd say, but it's nice that he invites us over" Emily says

Penelope parks the car and everyone walks through the front door

"Baby girl you made it" Derek says hugging Penelope

"Y/n, Emily, nice to see you too," Rossi says from behind Derek, and hands you a drink.

Everyone spends the next few hours mingling and having a few drinks. Rossi prepared a delicious pasta dinner for everyone.

"A profiler and a chef, can you get any better?" You say laughing as you tap Rossi on the shoulder

"An author" He says smiling, you laugh together.

After spending some time in casual conversation, you look at the time, 9:30pm, you decide to call a cab and head home. Everyone says their goodbyes and your cab arrives to pick you up.

As you're driving down the road you see the Kneaded Bakery sign

"Oh do you think we could quickly stop here?" You ask the driver

He pulls into the parking lot and you run into the bakery. It smells lovely of fresh-baked sweet donuts; everything looks so good. You decide to get a pack for four. Running out to the cab you think Spencer would like these.

"Where to miss" the driver asks from the front

You pause for a second

"Umm... 23 Ashburn road please" You say 

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