Chapter 10

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*A few weeks have passed*

You awake with a jolt to your phone ringing on the bedside table. It has been a few weeks since you have started working at the BAU. Time has gone by so quickly you love your job but you love your BAU family more, everything felt perfect.

You examine the room and remember you are at Spencer's house. You came over late last night, he texted you because he was going to have a movie marathon and wanted some company. You gladly obliged and took a cab to his house, you stayed up incredibly late laughing and watching movies together. Spencer offered you his extra bed for the night.

Picking up the phone and answering it you hear Hotch say

"Hi, y/n we need you in today, sorry to bother you on a Sunday but we have a case, see you soon"

"Okay I'll be there, by Hotch" you state groggily as you hang up the phone.

A knock comes on the door

"Come in" you say

"Hey, did you just get a call from Hotch?"

"Yeah I guess we have a case. Oh, do you mind taking me home to change and grab my to go bag?" smiling at Spencer, who is standing in the doorway still dressed in his pyjamas with messy hair.

"Of course, just give me a few minutes to get ready and we can head in together" He says as he shuts the door.

Getting up you have nothing else to change into but the outfit wore yesterday, coming over to Spencers, you did not expect to stay overnight. You put it on, and examined yourself in the mirror

Sighing, you think to yourself, "It does not look as nice as it did yesterday" trying to look presentable, you fix your hair and walk out of the room.

"I have some fruit cut up if you would like some" Spencer filled up two bowls and placed them on the table.

You sat at the table and ate the fruit, talking with each other about what the potential cause may be.

You both walk out to the car and he drives to your apartment.

"Do you want to come in while you wait?" You ask as you get out of his car

"Sure" he says, turning off the engine and getting out.

"Make yourself at home. I'll just be a few minutes." You say, closing the door behind him as you walk to your room to freshen up, change, and grab your bags.

Pulling on a comfortable pair of black pants and a basic red shirt, you are ready to face a new case.

"You have a nice place" Spencer says

"Thank you, it's not much but it's home" you both walk towards his car.

A few minutes later he pulls up at Quantico and you head upstairs together.

"good timing, or did you two come together?" Derek asks jokingly with a raised eyebrow.

You look over at Spencer who goes a bit red in the face.

"We came together, I don't live far from him, so he picked me up this morning" You say confidently. Knowing nothing happened between you two last night, you still felt like you were hiding something.

Derek looks at you and smirks. Everyone walks up to the conference room to hear Penelope present the case.

"Two kids have gone missing from a small town outside of Nashville, Tennessee. 16-year-old Bryan and 10-year-old Kayla. The same day these two went missing one year ago their mother went missing and was never found." She says as she puts up pictures of the family

"Where's the dad in all of this?" You ask

"Well that's the issue, both times he called one day after his family members went missing. The detectives said he seemed to be hungover, but there were no signs that pointed to him, they did not have enough to make an arrest." Penelope states putting up pictures of the father.

"Okay let's go, wheels up in 30" Hotch says

Everyone picks up their bags to head to the jet.

How exciting, well sort of, my first time in the BAU jet, this is starting to feel so real. you think to yourself. There hasn't been a case that has been far away since you started. You felt very official walking onto the jet, toting your bags and FBI badge.

Everyone takes a seat, the only spot left in the group is on the couch next to Spencer.

Penelope is video in via the computer

"How has the family been holding up since the mother's disappearance" JJ asks

"It does not seem like they have been doing well, the father has picked up drinking."

"maybe he drinks too much and blacks out" Emily says

"alcohol does affect men differently than women, and people often drink more than they realize; when you drink, it changes your brain, maybe the father doesn't realize how much he is drinking and then almost becomes a different person when he is drunk. Waking up he would not remember his actions," Spencer says, rambling about the effects of alcohol.

You smile but try to hide it from the team as you remember the first time you went to Spencer's place and you two drank a bottle of wine together. Spencer also seemed to remember because they looked at you and let out a small laugh.


Authors Note: This case is slightly based off of "All That Remains" Season 8 Episode 14 

Also: I hope you are enjoying the story thus far, thank you all so so so soooo much for reading my story everyone the reads this you make my heart so happy <3 Thank you!! 

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