Chapter 22

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It was the evening of Penelope's party.

"Fancy.... fancy, hmmm i don't know what to wear" you say sitting on the bed

"Oh this one, wear this" Spencer pulls a long black iridescent dress from your closet

"Yeah that one is nice" you say examining the dress

"Nice? Sweetheart it's stunning, but on you it's breath-taking"

You blush as spencer lays out the dress for you

"Spence you should wear that dark red suit" He goes to the closet and finds the suit you are talking about. You both get changed looking at each other in the mirror. He kisses you

"You are the most beautiful woman i've ever laid eyes on"
"And you are the most handsome man" you kiss him back

Arriving at Penelope's door you can hear chatting inside.

"Ahh the party has arrived" you walk in and say jokingly

"My girl you're here" Penelope runs up to hug you

"Hey you two" JJ says

"I love that we party and work together" Emily laughs

The party goes on and everyone has a great evening, Penelope knows how to throw a good party. Everyone dances together.

You walk into the kitchen and see Penelope standing alone

"Hey babes, everything okay?"
"Oh I'm fine girly, just taking a breather"

"Hey Pen, i want to ask you something... You and Derek, what's going on?"

"Derek? Honestly, there was a time that I did like him, but I think we've just become better friends, I love him with my heart"
"Is it like a right people wrong time kind of thing?"
"I think so... but enough about me, i heard a little rumour about you and the good Dr."

"Rumour? What was it?" You say eagerly

"I heard..." She looks around the room "That he wants to propose to you, now I know i shouldn't tell you but... your my best friend and i have to tell you"

"Propose?" You smile with wide eyes as you cover your mouth

"Would you say yes?"

"Yes.. of course i would, i love him with my entire heart."

The night ends and you go back to Spencer's house and head straight to bed, you fall asleep to Spencer reading a book out loud

"Y/n, hey y/n wake up darling" Spencer shakes you arm

"W-what? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, Hotch just called we have a case, we need to get to the jet we will be briefed there"

Waking up you change and head to the airport.

Just before you step into the plane Spencer grabs your waist and turns you around to give you a kiss

"What was that for?" You smile kissing him back

"When we are on a case we never know what happens, I always want you to know before we leave that i love you"

"Aww Spence, i love you too, but don't speak like that, we will both be fine." 

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