Chapter 27

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The next few days were a blur, you spent most of them sleeping with Spencer beside you. The rest of the team headed back home while Spencer insisted to stay with you in Colorado.

"Good morning my fiancé... how are you feeling today?" Spencer asks as he sees your eyes flutter open, he gives you light kisses as you wake up.

"Good morning babe, better, I feel better today" You sit up in the hospital bed as the doctor walks in through the door

"Hi y/n, your wound seems to be healing well, I can give you the clear to fly back home, I will transfer your file information to your doctor, make sure you see her when you get back. You will need to take it easy for the next little while, that doesn't mean that you can't be at work, but not field work, strictly in office only" The doctor hands you some paperwork and leaves the room

"We can go home, finally, I bet you're tired of sleeping in a hospital room" you look over at Spencer sitting in the chair beside the bed

"Never tired, if i am around you then I am perfect" He says as he gathers up your things and packs them into a small bag. You get up and change into some comfortable and loose fitting clothing carefully putting everything around your bandages. The two of you head to the airport, and get on the jet to go back home.

Spencer reads A Study in Scarlet out loud as you rest your head on his shoulder. You look up at him as he reads, fascinated by every inch of his face, the way he spoke, his eyes, behind them had so many stories and so much love to give.

"What?" He laughs as he stops reading looking down at you snapping you out of your vision with him.

"Nothing" you say looking at the book

"Is there something wrong?" He says putting an arm around you

"No just admiring my fiancé" you place a hand on his leg

"Admire away my love" he continues to read to you. A man that could read 20,000 words per minute and would be done this book by now, chose to read out loud just so you could listen, that must be love.

Before you head home you know everyone is at work and want to stop in to say hello

Entering the bullpen everyone looks over towards the frosted glass doors, Penelope comes running but slows down for fear of hurting you.

"You're home!" She shrieks

"I missed you so much... here" Penelope hands you a big get well soon/congratulations basket from the team.

"Aww, thank you guys" you say giving everyone hugs. Spencer takes the basket from you so you don't have to carry anything around

"How are you feeling?" JJ asks

"I feel like I've been shot" you laugh. Everyone spends the next 45 minutes chatting and laughing together, it really was like family.

"I think I better take you home now," Spencer says, putting his arm around your waist.

"If either of you need anything at all please call me, i will be over soon to have a movie night" Penelope winks

"Y/n take as much time off as you need. Please feel better" Hotch says as you leave

In the car you turn to Spencer

"Spence, do you think I could stay with you until i'm ready to go back to work?"

"Yeah you could, or... you could just stay with me... like move in"

"I would love that, I basically live there already."

As you walk up to the house Spencer steps in front of you and opens the door

"Welcome home my love" You smile at his words and walk into the house seeing it decorated with welcome home signs, pictures of you and Spencer together and the team.

"Spence, you do this?" You give him a hug

"From a distance, I called Penelope and she gladly came over to decorate"

Spencer had decided to take the next few days off of work in order to help you at home.

"Spencer you should go back to work, I'm doing better now"
"Work? There will always be work, what's rare is finding someone who makes you happy. Y/n I'm staying home with you until they drag me back"

"Or until they call, i know you've been working on cases from home" you laugh poking his arm

With the time you had off of work Spencer and you had taken the opportunity to plan your wedding. You both decided on an Autumn wedding, nothing too big but with close friends and family. Asking Penelope to be the maid of honour she of course said yes, you also asked Emily and JJ to be your bridesmaids. Spencer wanted Derek as his best man, while Hotch and Rossi would be his groomsmen. Jack and Henry were very pleased to be the ring bearers.

Finally you were able to go back to work full time, but the team did not want you out in the field, instead you stayed back and did profiling work from the office. You actually enjoyed staying back, being out in the field was great but your skills seemed to be of much better use back at Quantico.

After a long day at work Hotch called you into his office

"y/n we need to talk about your position here at the BAU" He said seriously

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