Chapter 25

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Spencer wires you and makes sure everything is working and that he can hear you clearly.

Checking the time 2:30am, it will take about 20 minutes to drive to the destination.

Everyone leaves the station and you go to get in the van by yourself.

Spencer comes up hugging you from behind

"y/n, darling, I wish we didn't have to do this" He buries his face in your hair

Turning around you see his tears

"I know Spence, but this will be over soon and then we can go home and take a few days off" You smile placing your head on his shoulder, you feel yourself starting to cry, this is the most intense case you have worked, you have seen so much, but if you were being honest with yourself, you were scared, but you couldn't let the team know that.

"I will be here listening to you the whole time, I promise my face will be the first one you see when this is over" he puts his hands through your hair. Leaning in, he gives you a soft kiss. Right here, right now, you feel safe with him, your anxieties subside for a few seconds.

"y/n... I love you" he puts his forehead to yours

"I love you too Spence" you give him a quick kiss and get into the van. And drive in silence. Knowing the team was right behind you, it was still scary, not being sure about what you were heading into

You arrived at the empty lot, you couldn't see the team, you knew you were not alone, but those feelings were still there, it was lonely sitting here by yourself waiting for the unsub.


You get a text

Don't worry y/n, you've done amazing sweetheart, you can get out of the van and walk to the lantern

You look around and notice a small light not too far from you. Your texts were also being monitored by Penelope who was keeping the team informed. You knew the team was closely listening to you.

"Go to the lantern" you say quietly before getting out of the car, making sure the team knows your location.

Your phone buzzes again

Look down, and pull the rope, it will open a door. Welcome home y/n : )

You shiver at the text, the only man you wanted to hear say welcome home was Spencer.

Pulling the rope a door leading to an underground bunker opens up. Taking a deep breath you climb down the ladder and see a well lit area, it looked like a house built underground. Slowly you walk down the hallway until you see a man sitting in a chair. Its Oliver

"Oliver, hi darling... i'm home" You say covering up your nervousness with a smile trying to play into the situation

"Ahh y/n i knew it was you, i could smell your perfume. Beautiful, is that for me sweetheart" He says smiling walking towards you

"Of course, i thought you would like it" he reaches out his hand, slowly you place your hand in his, you feel sick

"Darling, where are the kids" You ask politely

"Oh don't worry y/n they're playing in their rooms" He points to two separate rooms with Jenna and Milo marked on the door. He had been watching them for a while.

"Okay good, and where is Sylvia" you look at him

"Why would you speak her name, she tried to keep us apart, I no longer want her, I have you now, we are a perfect family, she... She's just in the way" He becomes upset

"I'm sorry Oliver, but we're together now, don't worry, she can't separate us. Let's go see the kids" You say trying to take his mind off of Sylvia for fear he would get more upset. You wondered if the team was moving in, you hoped they were near.

"I don't worry about Sylvia... anymore" He smiles at you

"Anymore... Oliver what did you do?" You look concerned

"Its okay, dont worry your beautiful mind about her" He says patting your hair

Turning the corner you see Sylvia's body laying on the floor.

Were you too late? You think

"Oliver no you said you wouldn't hurt them if I came. I'm here now" You say with your lip quivering and face getting warm as you looked at Sylvia laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"I do what is best for you... for us... for our family" He says pulling you in

This was your chance

You elbow his chin and he falls back. You begin to punch him, blood running down his face, you can see him getting weaker.


You fall to your knees, and clench your abdomen,

"y/n darling, I didn't want to do this, please im so sorry" Oliver cries as he kneels down next to you

You cry out in pain, feeling yourself getting weaker you try to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. The team bursts through the door, Oliver goes for his gun but you hear another one go off. It's Spencer, Oliver's body slams to the floor next to you

"Y/N" Spencer screams as he runs towards you. You hear his sobs as he holds your body.

"Spence, you came, you said... your face... would be the first'' you try to smile through the pain

"MEDICS, WHERE ARE THE DAMN MEDICS" He yells holding your head

The medics rush to you and quickly get you outside the bunker and inside an ambulance. Spencer gets in with you, he is putting pressure on the gunshot

"y/n, my love stay with me. Please" he cries as he runs one hand through your hair

"I'm here" you say weakly

"Don't leave me, i need you" you see tears streaming down his face

"I w-wont leave y-you" you breathe

"Talk to me Spence" you continue to say weakly

"Anything y/n, keep your eyes open, y/n I love you so much, I was planning something special when we got back but I need to ask you now, I cannot wait to do this... I know its bad timing, but I have to... y/n I want you with me forever, will you marry me?" He says through his tears, a smile forms across your face, despite the pain you felt so much joy, you needed this to help you stay strong

"Of course, yes, I love you"

Everything goes black

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