Chapter 6

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The three of you arrive at the prison Derek and Spencer work out a plan as they head into the interrogation room and you stand outside to observe the body language. Derek thought it was best that you watch the body language of Jason, seeing that this was your first interrogation with the BAU.

Derek and Spencer enter the room the interrogation lasts thirty minutes. You stand outside behind the one way mirror watching every move that Jason Ashley makes. The boys emerge from the room and you stand around to chat, they asked what you seen.

"It became clear that whenever you asked Jason about his partner, he looks above your heads, when he is asked about his involvement in the crimes and his personal life, he looks directly in your eyes. But when Jason is questioned about the victims he looks down." You state mirroring the eye contact that Jason made.

"Looking down? Could that show remorse?" Derek asks

"Maybe, it may also show that he views the victims as below him" You state

"Looking up may point to someone he admires, someone who he views as an authority figure" Spencer states excitedly

Derek grabs his phone

"Baby girl, you're on speaker with y/n and Spencer" Derek says playfully into the phone

"Ahh pretty boy and pretty girl, talk to me" She states jokingly

"Penelope, can you look up people that have visited Jason since his incarceration, maybe looking at repeated visitors" You ask

"Also, look up people in Jason's life he may view as authority figures, parents, siblings maybe?" Spencer adds.

"Okay... one second my darlings... got it, so it seems like Jason's father was never in his life, he left when Jason and his siblings were quite young. His mom worked at a grocery store, but it seems like she was arrested a few times for prostitution," Garcia says, the three of you look at each other.

"But that's not all, Jason's mother suicided when Jason was fifteen, by drowning herself in the bathtub, oh goodness it looks like Jason was the one that found her. It was at this point Jason and his siblings went separate ways."

"Garcia check recent credit card records for each of his siblings, look for any abnormal activity," Derek adds in. You all wait a few minutes while she pulls up the records

"Okay so nothing strange going on with his brother, but oddly enough his older sister has rarely used her bank account it seems like she withdrew all her money about five years ago and it has been inactive since"

"Okay thanks darling" Derek says hanging up

Your phone rings, it's from Hotch

"y/n we went to the former home of the Ashley's, it is still in their name, but nobody has lived there. But we found a small black book with a list of contact names, we went down and talked to some of the girls on the street. They knew Jason's mother, but they also know her daughter Vanesa, she worked the street around 3 years ago, but still occasionally comes around" Hotch says

"Do you think Vanesa in the unsub?" You ask

"According to the girls, she had a close encounter with a man one night where she almost died, since then she hasn't been working the streets as much."

"I wonder if her close encounter with death made her leave the lifestyle, believing that death encounters bring about lifestyle change. Jason related his mother's death to her leaving the streets, so he wanted to help the other women leave by cleansing them, so to speak, viewing that death was the only way out." Spencer says leaning into the phone

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