Chapter 16

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"Nothing" Spencer says back quickly

"Okay" you seem surprised at his tone, and stand up to leave. Feeling slightly bad that you pressed him, maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it.

"y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that. I've just been thinking a bit about yesterday." He ruffles through his papers on the desk.

"Hey that's okay, I'm sorry I pressed, it's none of my business if you don't want to tell me" you smile apologetically

"It's not that; It's nice you care about what I am going through. I was just thinking about yesterday," he says slowly.

"Yesterday?" You seem confused

"Yeah, when Jack mentioned the way I looked at you. Like how Hotch looks at Beth" He avoids eye contact with you

Your stomach does flips, butterflies appear.

"Right, yeah I remember" you state anticipating his response

"Kids are smart, they pick up on things that adults often don't, they are very perceptive of situations, and can read emotions well. Jack is in the age group where he is absorbing everything around him and picks up on things that many people often do not." Spencer rambles

"Yes, kids are very smart. But I am going to assume you may be trying to explain what you're feeling, maybe you feel the -"

"Hey y/n, I have a few new cold cases I placed on your desk that need to be looked over by end of the day:" JJ says smiling, standing at the door and cutting off your conversation with Spencer.

"Okay, thank you JJ, I will check them out right now" You stand up looking at Spencer and giving a small smile as you walk away

"JJ, girl I love you but you have terrible timing" you think

The day continues and you Spencer tend to avoid eye contact. Spending most of the day deep in thought about the cold cases, racking your brain for every little detail that may help the local detective. You notice everyone else packing away their things getting ready to head home.

Everyone says their goodbyes, but you notice Spencer has already left.

A sick feeling arises in your stomach, did you say the wrong thing, is he upset now?

"Ugh y/n just leave things alone, you jump on situations too quickly" you state in your mind.


It's been a few weeks since that conversation with Spencer. Spending so much time with the BAU team you grow close very quickly, one day with them is like one week with a regular person. You feel like you have known them for years. Thankfully things became less awkward between you and Spencer, you never did finish your conversation with him, but decided to leave that alone, maybe it was for the better. You have been spending a lot of time with Penelope, and you two have become best friends, you feel like you can talk to her about anything.

"Y/n, seriously your girl KNOWS when something is up with you. I am no profiler but I know when my girl is overthinking something, so spill darling, who is he?" Penelope grabs your shoulders and gives you a small shake

"Ugh why do you know everything about me" you laugh

"Because we tell each other everything," She says looking into your eyes.

"And you blackmail me with it" you say running away jokingly

"Who me? No I would never, I just have it all stored in your very detailed and very secure best friend file on my laptop" She points to her computer

"Fine, fine, I'll spill, Spencer, i don't know i guess i can't stop thinking about him. A while ago, we were having a conversation, and I think he was going to say he liked me, but we got interrupted. I guess I don't really know how to tell him, or even if I want to tell him," You say quietly.

"Tell who?" Spencer's voice rings from behind you. You jump

Oh shit, how much did he hear? You scream internally

"Spencer, hey, how long have you been there?" you state nervously

"Not long, just enough to hear you say I guess I don't really know how to tell him, or even if I want to tell him. So tell who?" He states crossing his arms

You look at Penelope she pats your back for moral support

"Nobody, nothing" you shake your head

"That doesn't make sense, how could you be unsure if you want to tell nothing to nobody?" He sounds confused

"Did you need something?" You say attempting to change the subject hoping it works

"Yeah... Rossi is having a dinner party tonight, are you two going?" Spencer states taking your bait to change the subject

"Yes we are going" Penelope speaks

"Okay, see you there" Spencer walks away

You check to make sure he is gone and sigh out loud.

"Y/n no no no, why didn't you just tell him" Penelope wines

"I don't know i froze, i don't want to tell him like this, I want it to be natural" You sigh

"Y/N that was natural, that was the perfect opportunity to BE natural, he literally asked you who you were walking about. You could have said Oh Spencer its you its always been you my darling. Oh y/n i feel the same way!!" Penelope jokes mocking your voices

"I'm going home, I will see you tonight, I swear you better not try to pull anything" you wave your finger as you walk out the door

"Bye my love" Penelope shouts after you

You head home to get ready for the party. You put on a black and deep red sparkling dress. And a pair of heels to match

You decide to call a cab to go to Rossi's because you know you will be having a few drinks.

Arriving at the beautiful mansion, you walk into the backyard the first person that grabs your attention is Spencer; he is dressed in a burgundy suit.

You try to catch your breath as he approaches you.

"y/n wow, hi, I'm happy you're here" Spencer says as he reaches down to hug you


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