Chapter 20

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"I want everyone to know about us Spence" you say with both your hands on his face

"I do too, I want everyone to know how happy i am" he kisses you again

"Wait before we tell everyone i want to tell Penelope first" you pull out your phone and begin video chatting her

"y/n hey... oh my stars, my love are you okay what happened" She sounds shocked as she sees your face

"I'm okay darling, don't worry I will explain everything when I get back. But I actually have something exciting to tell you that couldn't wait" You smile

"Oh my... Spill" She says with wide eyes and anticipation

"Well.... Me and Spencer-
"ARE IN LOVE" he shouts from behind you jumping into frame

"LOVE? oh my gosh I thought you might be into each other, y/n why didn't you tell me earlier? Wait I don't even care, I'm just so happy for you two" She sounds excited

"I wanted to tell you first before we told the team" You smile,

"Oh y/n, I'm so happy for you, you two are perfect"

The three of you talk for a few more minutes before hanging up.

With another case completed you all head to board the jet.

"y/n and Derek great work, everyone did a wonderful job. Take a day off. Y/n I want you to take as much time as you need to heal, please take care of yourself" Hotch says

Everyone sits down relaxing from the case. You and Spencer sit beside each other setting up a chess board. He was much better than you, but sometimes he went easier on you, although still losing it was fun to just be with him.

When you were together it felt like everyone in the room disappeared

"Again, you can't let me win even once?" You laugh shoving the chess pieces

"Love, you'll never learn if I let you win" he smiles grabbing your hand. Realizing what just happened you look up at each other with wide eyes. You have been so secretive about your relationship, but now that you were ready to tell everyone you both let your guards down. Spencer wanted to host a party and tell everyone there.

"Love? Hand holding. Am I sensing romance here" Emily playfully mocks

"Yeah I heard that too, Reid since when do you call y/n love?" Rossi says

"Yeah y/n?" Derek chimes in

Spencer coughs looking slightly embarrassed but amused

"Okay, Spencer and I have been together for a while, we were planning on telling you but-"
Spencer again cuts you off

"But we're in love" He states joyfully. He seems to enjoy saying that part of the reveal

"Love?" Everyone says in unison

You both jump a bit at their reaction

Smiling at everyone Spencer grabs your hand and kisses it

"Yes in love, I love y/n and she loves me"

"You guys, that is the best thing I have heard in a long time, we were all wondering when you two would happen, I guess it happened sooner than we thought" Emily smirks

"So... Jack was right this whole time" Hotch adds

"Jack?" JJ asks confused

"A while ago I looked after Jack and took him to the park, we ran into Spencer, he said that Spencer looks at me the same way his dad looks at Beth. We weren't even dating at that point, I guess Jack knew something we were too scared to admit" you explain

"Kids are smart" JJ smiles

You continue the flight home talking with the team about everything from the case to your love for Spencer.

He puts his arm around you and pulls you close, laying your head on his shoulder. He rubs your arm, and kisses your forehead, this is where you wanted to be, with Spencer, in his arms. 

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