Chapter 21

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A few more months have passed, life was a constant battle between cases, paperwork, and being in love with Spencer, thankfully you get to see him everyday and you never get tired of spending time together. No matter how hard the cases get of how busy work is, you and Spencer always manage to make time for each other.

"The kitchen is a mess" You look back towards the counter. Spencer and you have just finished making a cake to celebrate your 10 months at the BAU. Spencer wanted to make every month for you special, knowing how happy you were at your job and how happy he was that you joined.

"So who is going to clean up?" Spencer eyes you

You shrug, slowly reaching to you plate to grab a small piece of cake

"Close your eyes babe" You say covering his eyes

"y/n what are you doing, why do you want me to close my eyes?" Hes confused

"Oh Spence just do it"

He closes them, reluctantly

"Open your mouth"

He opens, smiling, thinking you will be romantic. You pick up a piece of cake smearing it down from his forehead into his mouth.

"Y/N" He shouts happily as he wiped the cake from his face, reaching for you

You shriek and run away laughing. Spencer trailing behind you with his arms out and a face full of cake

"Y/N I swear you're crazy" he catches up to you wrapping his arms around your waist and throwing you on the couch,

"Crazy for you"

He begins to tickle you, pinning your arms down, you scream out in laughter. Leaning up to kiss him. He lets go and wraps his arms around you leaning into you further running his hands through your hair, you do the same. Your breathing is synchronized.

"I love you so much Spencer" you say between kisses

"y/n i love you more than anything in this world" he kisses your forehead all the way down to your neck.

You awake to Spencer's alarm going off beside you

You finally learned to bring some clothing over to his place, you changed into a burgundy blazer, a grey shirt and black pants. Walking out of the room you see Spencer making pancakes

"Well good morning Dr. y/l/n" he smiles eyeing you up and down

"Good morning Dr. Reid. I see you cleaned up after last night" You wink

Walking up to him you put your arms around his waist and kiss his neck.

"y/n i'm cooking, you could spill something" he giggles

"Sorry Dr. forgive me?" you smirk

"Always, my love"

Spencer serves up the pancakes, he was actually a great cook. After finishing breakfast you both head into the office holding hands.

"Morning lovers, I see you had fun last night" Morgan says pointing to Spencer's neck, a small bruise peeking out from above his collar.

"Funny Derek, yeah we did have fun" You smile and walk over to your desk.

"Today is a paper day so continue as you are" Hotch says walking in then over to his office.

You and Spencer look at each other, usually paperwork days are slow and you have the opportunity to spend together.

A few hours go by of everyone chatting and working on cold cases

Spencer gets up from his desk and heads over to the file room as he walks past you he runs his hand over your back.

You wait a few minutes and get up to go to the file room

"Finally i thought you would never show" He pulls you closer.

"Dr. Reid, we're at work" you act playfully shocked

He begins to kiss you starting at your neck and playing with your hair. You lean into him.

Suddenly the door opens. Penelope is standing in the doorway

"Son of a - babe you didn't lock the door" he puts his arm around you

"Oh... hi you two, who knew you two would be the one to do this at work" Penelope says joking as she walks past you to get a file she winks and taps your shoulder, Penelope turns around and leaves the room shutting the door behind her

You and Spencer turn to each other and laugh.

"Sorry Spence, i thought i locked it"

"That's okay, we can make up for it later" He gives you a hug and walks back to his desk. Waiting a couple of seconds you briskly walk to Penelope's office and shut the door behind you, smiling big

"Pen, i can't believe... i'm so sorry" You laugh covering your face

"Two doctors busy at work" She laughs

"Pen, i love him so much, i cant even explain it to you, he is so special, i love him more than anything" you run and sit down in the chair beside her leaning in she grabs your hands

"Y/n you two have something special, we all can see it, your relationship is beautiful"

You thought back over the past few months with Spencer, it wasn't always perfect but you could always work things out. If you two fight it wouldn't last long, you both knew communication was the most important thing in a relationship. You both agreed very early on no matter what, you two would always communicate how you were feeling.

"I'm having a party this weekend for everyone, would you two please come, I want it to be fancy, so dress up" Penelope says

"Yes, yes i would love to come, I will talk to Spence"

"Hey sweets, thanks for always being here" You smile

"ALWAYS my love" She give you a hug as you go back to leave the room

"Spence, Penelope is having a party this weekend, it's a fancy one, she wants us to dress up, would you like to go together?"
"Of course I would, you know that" He grabs your hand

"I know, but i wanted to ask"

The rest of the day goes by quickly, everyone says their goodbyes and heads home, you leave with Spencer.

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