Chapter 24

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It has been a few hours, JJ has completed a press conference that involves the family members. The team is very tired after being awake for a full day and multiple interviews, but nobody is willing to sleep until the unsub is caught.

You phone rings

"Hello this is agent y/n" you say

"Agent" A muffled voice says on the other end

Your face becomes concerned, you put up your hand silencing everyone and put the phone on speaker for the rest of the team to hear. Everyone becomes incredibly quiet, almost like they stopped breathing

"You looked over me" the voice says

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" you question

"Nobody pays attention, looking right at me with your beautiful eyes, staring into my heart... but YOU... IGNORED... ME" the voice yells, it sounds muffled as if it is being run through a generator to hide the real voice

"Do you know about Jenna, Milo, and Sylvia?" you continue to remain calm not wanting to reflect any amount of fear or anxiety in your voice

"You'll know soon enough. Await my instructions" the line goes dead.

You look around the room and stay silent

"The unsub is directing this at me" you say quietly

"y/n do not blame yourself or take on this responsibility" JJ says reassuring you by rubbing your arm.

Rossi, Emily, and JJ leave the room to go look at the crime scenes and speak to the families again.

"Why do you think the unsub called me?" you say

"It sounds like for some reason you have made an impression on him, something you said or didn't say, a quick look maybe. But do not blame yourself" Derek says standing behind you putting his hands on your shoulders. Spencer eyes you and Derek, Spencer moves closer to wrap his arm around you.

"Do you think we talked to the unsub at the school" you turn to Spencer in deep thought

"We must have, but we talked to so many people. The voice said await the instructions, we should wait for him to call back and we also still need to hear from Garcia" Spencer reaches out to hold your hand.

Another hour goes by but it feels like an eternity, you constantly check your phone to see if a new message or call is coming in.

Derek's phone rings making you jump

"It's just my phone smart one, don't worry"

"Baby girl talk to us, whatcha got?"

"Well i checked staff at the school, none of them have previous criminal records, but there are 20 people who match the profile that have had losses within the last 15 years, 10 of which are family related. I'm sending you the files now" Penelope says hanging up

"Ten, that's a start" Derek says

You check Spencer's watch, 1:45am, exhausted but unwilling to sleep until this case is solved you look through the files Penelope sent.

Your phone buzzes on the desk.

"Hello" you answer

"Ahh darling y/n, you answered fast, excited to talk to me?" the generated voice says

"Where are Sylvia, Milo, and Jenna?" remaining calm you feel your heart beating, like it is going to come through your chest.

"Oh they're fine, well the kids are anyway. y/n since I met you I knew it was you I needed, I thought Sylvia was right for me, but it's you sweetheart"

Spencer reaches out and squeezes your hand, letting you know he is right there beside you.

"What do you mean?" you respond

"Let's make a deal, you come to me, and I will let Sylvia go."

"What about the kids?" You ask

"Our kids... They will be safe with you, when you get here" the muffled voice continues

"Okay, where do we meet?"

"I will text you" The line goes dead

"No y/n you can't go, last time you were undercover you got hurt, not again" Spencer begs you

"Spence, we have to save those kids" you say rubbing his back

"Sweet stuff, can you check where that call was made from?" Derek asks calling Penelope

"Yeah, it looks like it came from a burner phone, its signal is bouncing off a few towers."
"Cross check the locations close to those towers with the list of potential unsubs" You say thinking the team may finally be onto something.

"Checking... okay... one second... Match.. Oliver Jonson, lives at 23 Lakeside road"

"Oliver, the guy at the desk?" Spencer asks

"Maybe that's what he means, he works at the front desk of the school but everyone overlooks him, people don't see him as significant" you say

Hotch calls Emily, Rossi and JJ to go to Oliver's house to try and find him

"Penelope, any other locations in Oliver's name?" Derek asks

"No sorry darling nothing, just the home" She says

"11 years ago he lost his wife to cancer, then one year later his children died in a car accident from a drunk driver." Spencer reviews his file

"He has been trying to recreate his family ever since, whenever someone doesn't fit within his family he gets rid of them" You add

A few minutes go by and Hotch receives a call from JJ, he puts her on speaker

"Guys he's not here, he left the burner phone, he knew we would be here. Y/n wait for the address he gives you" JJ says

You nod, knowing she couldn't see you but you were too deep in thought to speak right now.

You get a text, your phone buzzes on the table.

16 Birch lane, come alone, unarmed, if your team raids our home, nobody will survive. Be here by 3am

"I'm going" You stand up

"No, no you're not y/n, we need to think of another way" Spencer holds your arms

"Spence, we need to save Sylvia and the kids" You say

"I can't risk you going in there" He begins to tear up

"It's our job Spencer, you know that" you wipe a tear from his eye

"y/n we know you are excellent at talking to the unsubs, you know what to do, convince him to let everyone go. We will have you wired, listening to everything you say, we will slowly come, we will be right behind you" Hotch reassures you. He is like your family and has looked out for you since you started on this team, you hope his plan works.

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