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Chloe was spending her day with Katie as both of them were crowded around a computer in the Palm Woods lobby, both of them laughing as Bitters walked up behind them "hogging are free internet again?" The man asked as Chloe rolled her eyes and made...

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Chloe was spending her day with Katie as both of them were crowded around a computer in the Palm Woods lobby, both of them laughing as Bitters walked up behind them "hogging are free internet again?" The man asked as Chloe rolled her eyes and made a hand motions to Katie that the man was crazy as she laughed.

"I'm trying to create a blog. Should I go political pundit. Or should I just post pictures of small animals with big heads?" She questioned as Chloe laughed "totally small animals with bid heads!" Then both girls turned to Bitters for his opinion "don't care."

The elevator then opened as a man and a woman were carrying lost of luggage as Chloe laughed "ugh look at those geniuses. She'll never make it to the door." He told them as Katie and Chloe jumped in "she'll make it further then him." They both pointed out, turning to him "care to make a friendly bet?" He asked as both girls shook his hand.

All three watched each person struggle and Chloe and Katie could see that they were winning as both girls smiled doing there secret handshake as the man fell "hah! You lose." Katie told the man pointing at him as Chloe laughed "that doesn't mean you too are better then me."

Then both girls spun around in there chairs with there eyebrows furrowed "yeah it does." They told him as they walked away.

After a quick lunch the girls were back in the lobby working on Katie's blog as Chloe looked up seeing Bitters come there way with cups "oh my god, he's gone crazy." Chloe whispered to Katie as he arrived "and now for a true test of skill, double or nothing."

"It was a friendly bet. It already is nothing, and we're trying to think of a blog here." Katie told the man as both girls looked at him but he didn't leave "follow the ball." The man then put it under a bunch of cups moving it around as Chloe and Katie watched "follow the ball. Where it goes, nobody knows."

"Middle." Chloe and Katie said pointing to the cup and turning hack to the computer "wrong." The man told them but as he lift the cup it was there "what?" Katie the shut her laptop as they walked away once more "dude, you should get out...now." Katie told him as Chloe shook her head "just walk away. seriously." Both girls told him as he soon did so.

"Maybe a travel blog, especially for when me and the boys go not tour?" She asked as Katie shook her head "maybe?" But then they walked into the Palm Woods pool only to get stopped by Bitters once again "the game air hockey." He showed them the table as he turned back to them "the rules first one to score wins. Double or nothing."

Chloe then looked to Katie "do you wanna take this one or should I?" And Katie shook her head yes and turned to the man "double of nothing is nothing and what do you think about a travel blog."

"Like, don't stay at the Palm Woods, because the managers nuts?" Chloe and Katie told him as he looked at them "WiFi's down. Besides, sounds like you girls are scared." He told them as Chloe looked to Katie "let's just walk away, and maybe just maybe he'll leave us alone?" But then he started to make chicken noises as Chloe turned around.

"Oh just give me a paddle." Chloe held her hand up as she caught the paddle, shaking her head and walking up to the table with Katie right behind her as the man put on music doing a dance as the girls waited putting there hands on there hips "sometime today." Katie told him as Chloe laughed.

"Okay." The man then put the plastic puck down and hit it with his puck, but without Chloe doing anything it bounced off the walls twice and went into his goal and Chloe threw the paddle across the table and walked off with Katie "maybe we can make the blog about annoying business managers!" Chloe exclaimed as Katie nodded her head.

Sitting in the lobby again as Katie and Chloe we're walking on the blog Bitters approached them "let's go triple or nothing, anything. I can't lose to a ten year old, and sixteen year old girl."and Chloe sighed as Katie and her got up "fine, and this ones for all the marbles," Katie closed her laptop "marbles representing nothing, of course."

"Got it." Katie and Chloe then got up as she grabbed the blue bucket moving Bitters "now, you stand in front of this bucket." She then put it down as her and Chloe walked to the other side of the room to another bucket full of water balloons "we bet that we can throw these water balloons into that bucket and not get a drop on you." Chloe told Bitters as her and Katie's picked up two balloons each.

"Ha! Impossible. You're on." He told them as Chloe sighed "let's get this over with." She told Katie as both girls started pelting him with balloons "this is kind of fun though." Katie told her as Chloe laughed "yeah."

Everyone around them watched as they finished crossing arms and fist bumping "aha! I win! Whoo whoo whoo! I win. I win. I win. You lose." He pointed to the girls and laughed "you didn't even get one balloon in the bucket."

"We know, but this morning, we bet a bunch of kids twenty bucks that we could pelt you with balloons, and you'd cheer." Chloe told him as Katie held out her hand for the money as she laughed. The kids soon coming by for Katie to collect as Chloe handed her what she earned "I'm gonna use it to finance my advice blog: bustyourbuildingmanger.com." Katie told him as they collected the rust of the money.

"Smart. Say, can you lend me a twenty to get some dry cleaning?" He asked Katie as she handed it over "keep it."

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