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An evil laugh appears as a man sits in a chair holding a cat as Chloe who's dressed like a princess is tied to a chair with guards surrounding her as the man spins around "we can do this the easy way, Princess

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An evil laugh appears as a man sits in a chair holding a cat as Chloe who's dressed like a princess is tied to a chair with guards surrounding her as the man spins around "we can do this the easy way, Princess." He asked as Chloe pulled on the ropes "or the hard way. Now, for the last time, tell me the royal nuclear middle silo nuclear missile royal launch codes." The man said as he walked up to her holding his cat as she leaned back "so I can rule the world!"

"Help!" Chloe yelled as Carlos then showed up on a motorcycle.

"I need somebody

Logan was then punching someone out on a dock.

"Not just anybody

Kendall was then in a cool car.

"You know I need someone

James was then in a airplane high in the sky getting ready to jump out.


The man then evil laughed when a ring on Chloes finger started to beep and blink as she looked at it.

"When I was younger
So much younger then today
I never need.."

James then saw the location of the tracker in which he then jumped out of the plane.

"I never needed anybody's
help in any way."

Then Carlos was zooming through a forest on his bike as bad guys followed.

"But now these days
are gone
I'm not so self assured
Now I find I've changed
my mind
And opened up the doors

Kendall was then in his nice car on his way.

"Help me if you can
I'm feeling down

Kendall then pressed the freeze frame button as he posed.

"And I do appreciate you
Being round

Logan was fighting more bad guys on the dock as he jumped on his water ski.

"Help me get my feet
Back on the ground
Won't you please
Please help me

Chloe then was afraid as the evil man was coming at her with a sharp tool as he evil laughed.

"And now my life has changed
in oh so many ways

But then it stopped working as she furrowed her brows and the man looked at it.

Kendall was then in his car again as he pressed the sexy fan button.

"My independence seems
to vanish in the haze

Then James pulled out a mic as he was falling through the sky.

"But every now and then
I feel so insecure

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