Chapter 2: Protective

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Chapter 2: Protective

Taehyung and Jugkyung are roaming around the mall with the guards surrounded them. Taehyung was holding Jugkyung hands as they tried many kinds of stuff inside the mall. They caught attention for two reasons, first, because Taehyung has a lot of bodyguards, and second, Jugkyung was dirty.

"Mr. Kim, I think it's better to change Jugkyung clothes." Minwong said whispering to Taehyung's right ear.

"No, let him play and go wherever he wants." Taehyung scowled.

Minwong just sighs and let the two do what they want.

"Taetae hyung, look, I wanna try that car, let's ride on that." Jugkyung said as he tugged Taehyung's long finger.

"Sure, let's go!" Taehyung said and they went to the Toy Kingdom.

Taehyung carried Jugkyung, he put him to the toy car and Jinhoo gave the token. Taehyung slid it to the token slot and Jugkyung started to squeal. Taehyung clapped his hands in excitement and chuckled.

"Look, Taetae hyung, I'm driving brrr!" Jugkyung said and he rotates the steering wheel.

"Who's that?"

"Why he has so many guards?"

"Is he an important person?"

"He's not that familiar with me."

"Eww, why that kid looks disgusting!"

"Ahm, Minwong hyung, come on let's buy clothes for him." Taehyung said as he carried Jugkyung.

"Follow me, Mr. Kim." Minwong said and lead them out of the Toy Kingdom.

"Taetae hyung, where we going?"  Jugkyung asked as he looked at Taehyung's face.

"I will buy you new clothes, I'm sure you will like them." Taehyung said and ruffled his hair.

"Mr. Kim, I think it's better to take him a bath here. You don't have to worry Mr. Kim, no one will get inside to the restroom, and I have spare clothes for him." Jinhoo said.

"Okay." Taehyung sighed.

They arrived at the VIP restroom, Taehyung, and Jugkyung went inside, there are 5 cubicles with 5 showers. Taehyung put his wallet in the sink. Taehyung takes a bath for Jugkyung. washed his carefully and soap his body. Jugkyung chuckled as he felt tickled when Taehyung rubbing his waist. Taehyung also chuckled, he helped Jugkyung to brush his teeth and dried him. Taehyung being naughty has plans.

"Jinhoo hyung, the clothes aren't fit with Jugkyung, can you bring other clothes and please take Minwoo hyung with you. Please!" Taehyung yelled softly.

"Huh? Fine, wait for me here." Jinhoo said from the outside.

"But, Taetae hyung, it's fitted on me." Jugkyung said.

Taehyung put his finger on Jugkyung lips, shushing him. Taehyung looked outside to the door, he saw some of the guards not looking at the restroom. When Taehyung and Jugkyung are done, Taehyung carried Jugkyung and they ran away from the guards. They tried the escalator to the 3rd floor which is the floor for kids' clothes and toys. When Taehyung felt that they are far from them, he put down Jugkyung and hold his hand.

"Let's buy you clothes and ice cream!" Taehyung said excitedly.

Taehyung forgot that he left his wallet in the restroom.

"Tito(uncle) Jeon"✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ