Chapter 4: Jugkyung doesn't like Jungkook

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Chapter 4: Jugkyung doesn't like Jungkook

Jungkook has woke up, his chest facing the mattress but his head was on the left side. He groans as he opened his eyes he saw a kid, the mouth was a little bit open but Jungkook won't be lying, the kid is kinda cute but not like Taehyung.

So, Jungkook being a tease taps the kid's shoulder but Jugkyung doesn't wake up. He put his fingers to Jugkyung's nose, pushing it up, and he was like a pig. Jungkook chuckled at what he doing.

"Oink, oink!" Jungkook giggled as he played with Jugkyung's nose.

He taps Jugkyung's lips, he tried to wake him up but nothing has happened. In his 5th attempt by putting his finger in Jugkyung's lips, Jugkyung harshly bites his finger.

"Arghh!" Jungkook groans

He pushing him away, but Jugkyung harshly bites it and stayed on that.

"Get away from me!" Jungkook yelled and he sat up to the bed, pushing Jugkyung's forehead who also sitting up on the bed.

A door harshly slammed opened and revealed Taehyung who holding a spatula and with a worried face visible on his face.

"Jugkyung, what are you doing? Let go of him." Taehyung said and pulled Jugkyung by grabbing his forearm.

Jungkook shakes his hands as he felt pain.

"What did you do to him?" Taehyung asked as he glared at Jungkook.

"I didn't do anything, that kid really bites me and looks at my poor finger." Jungkook said and show his pointing finger.

"No Taetae hyung, he's meanie, he makes me a pig." Jugkyung said while clutching Taehyung's coat.

"I'm waking him up! He's snore louder than an alarm clock!" Jungkook defends himself.

"I don't like him Taetae hyung, he's meanie and player with my nose." Jugkyung said fidgeting his fingers and pouting cutely.

"That's fine baby, yeah, he's a meanie but I'm sure you will like him soon. He just really a grumpy old man when he wakes up." Taehyung chuckled and pecked his cheeks.

Jugkyung chuckled and hugged Taehyung.

"How about me?" Jungkook asked pouting and looked at Taehyung with cute doe eyes.

Taehyung glared at him and rolled his eyes.

"No kisses for Jungkook, you meanie, fighting with a kid." Taehyung said

Taehyung heard Jungkook huffed, he turned around and leave. Jugkyung stuck out his tongue, teasing Jungkook and makes funny faces. He smirked in victory, Jungkook teases him by acting throwing punches at him. Jugkyung hurriedly told it to Taehyung, Taehyung turned around and saw Jungkook throwing a fist.

Jungkook unfolded his fist, waving to them, and smiled fakely.  Taehyung just shooked his head and he went downstairs.  Jungkook growled, he doesn't like that kid anymore, he taking Taehyung's attention. Jungkook just did his morning routine, when he was done, he went downstairs and he saw Taehyung feeding the kid.

"The meanie is coming" Jugkyung mumbled which Taehyung heard.

"Hello, cute!" Jungkook called and he pinched Jugkyung's cheeks.

"Yah, let go of me!" Jugkyung said and pushed Jungkook's hand.

But Jungkook just chuckled and pinched his cheeks harshly.

"Jungkookie, stop that!" Taehyung said and slapped Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook stuck out his tongue, he takes a seat beside Taehyung, he glared at Jugkyung and took a sandwich. He bites it and he was annoyed at Jugkyung's giggled.

"Taehyung, can you feed me too? I feel my finger numb, and I can't touch the fork and spoon, will you?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, whatever" Taehyung sighed.

He turned around to faced Jungkook, his back facing Jugkyung. He feeds Jungkook and wiping some sauce. Jungkook secretly glances at Jugkyung by peeking his head while Taehyung scooping food and he stuck out his tongue mouthing 'bleh' 'bleh' to Jugkyung.

Jugkyung was about to protest but Jungkook shoved the sandwich to Jugkyung's mouth while his hand under Taehyung's forearm. Taehyung got confused, he turned around and saw Jugkyung chewing the sandwich.

"Jugkyung, baby, if you need more, you should've told me first." Taehyung said.

Jungkook peeked his head again and smirked. When they were done, Jungkook went upstairs to wear his office uniform. While wearing his white button-up, Taehyung has arrived, leaving Jugkyung downstairs. Taehyung went near to Jungkook and arranged his necktie.

"I and Jugkyung will come to your office, will bring you, your lunch." Taehyung said.

"I appreciate that, honey." Jungkook winked.

"Let me see your finger." Taehyung said when he was done arranging Jungkook's necktie.

Jungkook shows his finger, Taehyung sighed when he saw a bite mark on it. He put a band-aid on it.

"Why are you making fun of the kid? Look, what happens to you." Taehyung sighed.

"I told you, I just waking up that kid, I never expect that he will bite me." Jungkook said and rolled his eyes.

"Still, you should've understood him. You're new to him, that's why he acting like that. Next time, be patience." Taehyung said as he looked up at him.

"Whatever, next time, give me kisses. I'm jealous about it" Jungkook mumbled.

Taehyung chuckled, he pecked Jungkook's cheeks who flinched a bit and giggled.

"Is that fine, huh?" Taehyung asked and smiled.

Jungkook nodded like a cute bunny.

"Be ready, you have work, you'll be late again." Taehyung said and brushed off Jungkook's shoulder.

They went downstairs, Jinhoo opened the door for Jungkook.

"Bye Taehyung, see you later." Jungkook said and pecked Taehyung's forehead.

"Say bye to Tito Jeon, Jugkyung." Taehyung said to Jugkyung while carrying him.

"Bye Tito Jeon, hope you don't come back." Jugkyung said and grinned innocently.

"Jugkyung, that's mean, don't say that again." Taehyung scolded.

Jungkook groans, he forcedly siled then he left. He went inside his car, his driver Sungoh started the engine. Jungkook glanced at the door. Taehyung waved his hand and Jungkook waves back. The car has already left, they arrived at the company. Jungkook went inside with his cold face. He get inside the elevator with Minjung beside him.

"Good Morning, Mr. Jeon." Minjung greeted and smiled.

Jungkook just give him a tight smile.

"Ahm, Mr. Joen, are you're husband will come here?" Minjung asked.

"Ah yeah, why?" Jungkook responded and glared at him.

"Nothing Mr. Jeon." Minjung said.

The elevator has opened and Jungkook come out first.

"Why he has husband? I can be better than him." Minjung mumbled under his breath.

Jungkook got inside his cabin and saw Namjoon was there.

"Oh hyung, good morning." Jungkook greeted and he sat down to his swivel chair.

"It seems bad morning to you, what happened to your finger?" Namjoon chuckled as he saw Jungkook's finger.

"Nope, Taehyung threatened it and he was cute." Jungkook chuckled as he leaned to his seat.

"Cute, huh" Namjoon retorted.

"But not that kid, he taking my Taehyung." Jungkook said and rolled his eyes.

Namjoon just shooked his head and he ignored him.

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