Chapter 6: Brother ✊

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A/N: Some of you asked me if this will follow the anime. The events will stay in the same order but I will be changing some things to how I want them to be 😌


I spent the entire day yesterday looking for Nacho, with no luck at all. I couldn't find Kirishima anywhere, which meant I couldn't see my bird either. 

"Today's a school day, so I'll definitely find Kirishima at UA. But is it worth it?" I mumbled to myself, looking up in thought. 

Lmao of course it was worth it. 

I pulled out my shades and put them on, grabbing a hoodie and throwing it on as well, draping the hood over to cover my hair. 

I walked all the way to UA and saw a lot of people going to the arena. Was there supposed to be an event today? 

I easily walked in and went through the halls of the school, searching for the red head. No luck as of yet, why was it so difficult to find a single angsty teen? 

"Hey kid, are you where you're supposed to be?" 

I looked behind me and saw pro hero Snipe, looking down at me with authority. 

"No, where am I supposed to go?" I asked, turning around fully.

"You're not even in uniform. Here, we have extras in the staff room" Snipe said, opening the door and coming out a few seconds later with a packaged uniform. 

"....what?" I asked in a appalled voice. This was extremely baffling to me, I was just looking for my bird. 

"Once you're finished getting dressed go into the auditorium, the events will start soon, so hurry" Snipe finished and pat my head before continuing down the hall. 

I stood there for a few seconds, no way that just happened. I shrugged and walked towards a bathroom and put the shirt on, over my hoodie so I could still be comfortable.

I'll just go in, ask about Nacho and then get the heck out of there. I would destroy the entire city just to find Nacho. 

I finished up, walked out of the bathroom. I found a gym bag laying around, so I stole it so I could put my extra clothes in there.  

"Alright, now to the auditorium" I sighed, stretching my arms as I walked down the hall. I heard chants as I got closer to my destination, I might die just from nervousness 👉👈

I finally walked out, all of the classes were already scattered around so I just stood somewhere in the back. I was ignoring all what was being said from the fan service hero and focused on finding Kirishima. 

"Now off you go, to the starting line!" The fan service hero declared and the crowd all started moving one way. 

Are these shits really pushing me rn? 

"Wait what are we doing?" I asked, turning to one of the students. 

"Are you serious?" A guy with indigo hair and eyes asked, looking at me in astonishment. 

"Why the hell would I bother asking you if I knew?" I sassed. He looked like he was concentrating after I had answered his stupid question and his eyes showed surprise. 

I narrowed my eyes and they changed to (f/c). His quirk was brainwashing, was this asshole really trying to control me? An A for effort I guess. 

I continued through the tunnel and everyone was freaking pushing. I was getting real tired of this stupid nerd school by now. 

"And gooo!" Banana haired man yelled, almost making me go deaf. I stayed in place as everyone was pushing each other to get out of the tunnel. 

The need to kill people has never been as strong as it is now. 

I felt a cool breeze in the air and I saw ice starting to blast my way. The ice didn't touch me but everyone else was stuck to the ground. 

"Ah shit, I didn't bring my skates" I mumbled and started weaving through everyone who was struggling to break free. 

"Hey, have you seen this person?" I asked one of the imprisoned students. They looked at me and I held up a poorly drawn picture of a red spiky rock. 

"Uhhh, no I haven't" she replied, still trying to break free. 

I nodded and moved on to someone else, holding up the picture again. 

"Uhh, yeah actually! He got through the entrance and is already on the track" the guy responded, pointing towards the end of the tunnel. 

"Oh shoot I missed him then, thanks man!" I said, breaking the ice at his feet before running towards the exit. I had my infinity surrounding my entire body already, so every step I took broke a good potion of the ice where I would've stepped on. 

I kept running as I exited the tunnel and out into the open. Students were still jumping over the ice, using their quirks in unique ways. I couldn't wait to fight them when they became pros. 

I saw massive robots towering over a bunch of the others but ice encased their metal legs. They were obviously going to fall in a few seconds, but some of them didn’t get the memo. I was debating if I should just watch some students get crushed to death. 

But I saw the familiar red hair of Kirishima. I couldn't let him get crushed, he's the only one who knew where Nacho was. 

I rushed towards the red head and pushed him to the ground, I stood over him and used cursed technique red, making the robot blast away from us, breaking a few pieces from it in the process.

"AND THE STUDENT FROM.....which class is he in?" 

"I dunno" 


I rolled my shoulder a little and turned around to look at Kirishima, who looked up at me in amazement. 

"You-" Kirishima gasped once he recognized me. "What are you even doing here?!" 

"I want Nacho" 

" saved my life" Kirishima stated. 

"I guess so" I shrugged. 

"Let me call you brother!" 


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