Chapter 43: Who I Am

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"...This is, really fucking awkward right now" Y/N was the first to speak up, looking around at everyone present during the fight. Panting heroes and villains who were worn down, looking at the young villain. 

"Like, woah. I got goosebumps, anyone else?" Y/N questioned, pointing at a few heroes he made eye contact with.

"You guys..You guys are betraying us?" Uraraka asked, looking at the classmates that stood against them. 

"Woah woah woah, no need to be pointing fingers now. I'm just as fucking confused as much as the Fandom of Naruto was when Sasuke actually piped Sakura. So let's all take a deep breath, maybe sit in a circle and hold hands and talk about our feelings? I'll go first, I'm pretty sure most of my team is high right now. Including me? Who knows?" Y/n said, trying to defuse the situation. 

"It seems there was a change in events, a drastic change" Nezu said, popping out of nowhere. He stood in front of Y/N, as the said villain snapped his attention towards the animal. 

"Shit! What the fuck are you?! Don't just show up out of nowhere man!" Y/N yelled, his hand going to his chest to even out his breathing. 

"You good?" Dabi asked with an uninterested expression. 

"No! There's a talking rat the size of a dog in front of me!" Y/N responded, before looking pointedly at the rat. "You, need to sort this out, I doubt anyone appreciates Winnie The Pooh coming out of nowhere." 

"I am the principal of this school" Nezu introduced. 

"Oh... so are you a real animal?" Y/N asked. 

"Who knows?!" Nezu exclaimed. 

"...Okay so I'm gonna need some answers. Cause I thought you were a tiny man in an animal costume pretending to be a pet, and walking around a high-school in disguise. Like a pedo" Y/N explained. 

"A..Pedo?" Nezu asked. 

"Like a major pedophile, I got red flags the moment you walked up. So, I'm gonna need some, I don't know, a blood test? Animal control, who should I even call at this point?" 

"Stop messing around" Aizawa said. 

"You, are not off the hook either dirty jesus" Y/N said with a pointed finger. 

"Enough of this, Y/N. You need to surrender. And you, UA students, you have only a few seconds to go back to the school. And I'll forget what you just did" Machima spoke out, standing straight with blood splattered on her face. And the blood on her hands, indicated that the splatters didn't belong to her either. 

"Go back? You're serious right now? After all that shit was thrown in our faces?!" Bakugou yelled, his hands sparking. 

"Everything we were taught, everything we were destined to follow was all a lie from the start. And you want us to go back to the lies?" Kirishima asked, tears peaking at the corner of his eyes. "I put my trust in the heroes, and they're no different from the villains!" 

"I lived under the sams roof as a man connected to the massacre, and you stand there like it should be normal? We're being influenced by murderers!" Todoroki joined, looking mostly at his father. 

"Your time's up" Machima sighed, and in a swift motion pulled up her gun and shot at blinding speed. Kirishima closed his eyes out of instinct, and opened them back up when he felt no pain. Y/N stood in front of him, the bullet a few inches from his face. 

"And here we go again. Same old shit, different day. Newest headline! 'UA students went rouge, forced to terminate!' And hope for the citizens of this damn city believe you. It's the same endless stream with you guys, huh? Kill kill kill, cover it up and label yourselves as heroes. And when we kill when it's not under your terms, we're the worst people to ever be born" Y/N said, motioning to his team that stood behind him. 

"You were created, for the sake of the heroes. You were never allowed to have a free will, have any choices but to follow our orders. You were made to be a killing machine, that was your only purpose. And you're selfishness, running away from that village. That's what killed your family, you made us open fire that day. Because from the very start, you were ours." Machima said, a deafening silence rising amongst everyone there. Villains paled at the words spoken from the women, heroes also looked in shock. Hearing their motives, made the guilt so much worse. 

Y/N soon let out a quiet laugh, before starting to levitate, slowly going up and looking down. 

"You, have some nerve saying that to my face. No right to make my own choices? It's such bullshit. Created for the soul purpose of being a killing machine? Sounds about right, because I will kill every single one of you. And you, don't get to tell me, who I am" Y/N said, looking up. Machima herself faltered at the cold eyes, glowing with such malicious intent. 

Y/N appeared in front of her and grabbed her, shooting in the sky. The fighting commenced between the other villains and heroes, UA students also joining the brawl. 

"You forced my hand the moment you killed everyone important to me" Y/N said as Machima tried to get herself free. The two could hear everything from where they were. 

"Shhh, you hear that?" Y/N asked, making the struggling women cease. The echoing chants from the citizens of Musutafu could be heard, all saying the same thing over and over. Y/N's last name, Amitayus, was being chanted like a sign of war, like a sign of a new beginning.

"You guys are finished, all of you. You make people envision their loved ones being slaughtered right? That's your quirk? Getting into the mind of a full powered Amitayus is pretty hard huh? Nothing you show me, is real hell. I already lived through it, so I think it's only fair if you see it for yourself" Y/N whispered.

"Wait, no no no-!" Machima cried out as the two started defending back to the ground, their speed breaking sound barriers.

Y/N gave Machima one last cold smile, before maneuvering their bodies to the women could hit the ground first. There was a crack in the concrete, splatters of Machima's mangled body mixed with the other remains of heroes that were standing right below them when they fell.

"Have fun in hell" Y/N whispered, and he could've sworn. He felt the chains holding his family from ever finding peace, crumble.

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