Chapter 14: Nasty

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"So you are in collaboration with the league of villains" Midoorknob said barely above a whisper. Dude was freaking tf out as he backed away to stand directly in front of the kid with the red hat. 

"Oh no no, I was hiking" I said, facing away from the attacker and at the two cowering in fear. 

"Who...who is that?" The kid asked, gripping onto the hero in training, looking at me in obvious fear. 

"Hi I'm Y/N" I introduced myself, not flinching when the guy tried to punch me again. His fist stopped before hitting me in the back and I slowly turned to face him again. 

"Attacking when I'm facing away? And you interrupted me again, I don't like being interrupted I'll have you know" I said with a smile. 

"You damn brat, I'll rip you to pieces!" He yelled, putting more pressure on his fist, trying desperately to break the infinity. 


"And I'm going to kill that stupid bird too" 

Okay, he crossed the line with that one. 

"You know what?" I challenged. 

"What?" Muscular fired back. 

"Your muscles don't make you cool, they make you look nasty!" I insulted. 


"You heard me! If I were to choose to hang out with you or Jeff Goldblum but when he starred in the fly, I'd still go with Jeff!" 

"You little shit!" 

"You can tell me McDonalds chicken nuggets was made out of  human feces and I'd still eat them before seeing you" I continued. 

"...what the hell?" Midoorknob muttered behind me, the kid he stood in front of protectively looked just as confused. 

I legit forgot they were behind me still. 

"You are so going to die" Raw Ground beef said, making his muscles grow even more. Gross. 

"You're nasty" I said, tapping my foot impatiently. 

"Yeah, well- well my group doesn't think so!" 

"Group? Your group sounds like a bunch of wannabe drug dealers if they decided to hire you" I sassed. 


Nacho came out of nowhere and his talon sunk into Terminator's good eye. 

My jaw dropped as the lousy drug dealer spun in circles while Nacho kept his claw in his socket. 

"See? Even Nacho is done with your bullshit" I scolded, hands on my hips as I leaned forward a little. 

He tried to reach for Nacho, to rip him off his eye. So I appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm, twisting it a few times and made him yell in pain. 

Nacho released and landed on my shoulder again, satisfied with his work. 

"Woah Nacho, you were way more useful that Sakura from Naruto" I said, lifting my finger to make cursed energy blue. (Apologies to Sakura fans, this was just a joke she got better as the series progressed 😂)

"Y/N stop!" Midtier yelled but made no move to rush me. 

Dafuq? Who told him he had authority? 

"Again, I'm saving you, asshole" I grumbled, launching cursed blue at balloons for body. His body reacted differently than most. His muscles were the first to push together, making it even more painful. 

He yelled in agony as his muscles burst, his body mangling itself right after his muscles were gone. 

I stared down at the body while the two behind me were frozen on the spot. 

"....well, that was exciting" I said, breaking the silence. Nacho chirped happily and looked like he mocked the man we just murdered. 

"Y/N, that was too far. Even for you! He didn't deserve that!" Midonkey yelled. Wtf was his name again? 

"Your name is Y/N? Thanks for killing him" the kid said, looking up at me with a indifferent face. 

"Kota?!" Midouma said in a shocked voice. (I was laughing for 5 minutes when I called Midoriya Douma) 

"You are SO welcome! See Midnoodle? That's how you thank someone for saving your ass" I pointed out exhasperatedly. 

"...Oh shoot they're after Kacchan!" Midonalds panicked, forgetting about what just took place. 

"Whomst dafuq is Kacchan?" I asked with a raised hand. 

He ignored me and grabbed the kid. His legs glowed from plot armor purposes and jumped off the cliff. 

I looked down the mountain as they decended. 

"The hell he supposed to do with two noodles for arms?" I asked Nacho. He shrugged while shaking his head in disappointment. 

I looked back down at their retreating figures before waving it off. I sat down and took my backpack off. 

"You want gummy worms or gummy bears?" I asked, and Nacho nudged the worms with his beak. 

Guyss, both Rewind and Infinity are going great!

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Guyss, both Rewind and Infinity are going great!

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