Chapter 40: Set This World In Flames Of Blue

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A/N: Happy 40th Chapter everyone! 🎊🎉

"The hands of those you put your faith in, were the hands of the murderers of my family"

Dabi perked up when he heard the familiar voice that echoed throughout Musutafu.

"Oh shit, kid actually pulled it off" Dabi chuckled, closing his eyes. The league and the Tartarus prisoners were all kneeling down in front of a few heroes, who had caught them thanks to All for One ruining the original plan.

A women introduced herself as Machima, a man named Yahune followed her around. A few recognizable heroes were there as well, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, and the crippled All Might.

"So, what's the plan then? Keep us here and wait for Y/N to come and murder you guys?" Toga asked, fighting the binds that kept her hand together.

"Y/N's little game, is getting put to a stop. Today" Machima said, walking towards Toga. "You can't hide in his shadow anymore."

"You're all one to talk about hiding. You're all in a bunker, too weak to stand up in front of Y/N and fight him like you're oh so confident about. Where does that pride go when you lock eyes with Y/N?" Dabi taunted, letting out an airy chuckle when the heroes didn't say a word.

"Oh that's right. You're too scared to end up like him, huh?" Dabi chuckled, motioning his head towards All Might. "Humiliated, crippled, left only to remember what you did to deserve that."

"Bold words coming from villains who hid from the crowds, hid from heroes. What were you guys doing while we were out saving lives?" Midnight asked.

"Thinking about all the ways we could kill you" Shigaraki answered, making the room go silent.

"Sucks, doesn't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit. You're shaking, because you don't know the plan. You're all terrified" Dabi continued.

"Not really. I want you to see something" Machima said, grabbing a cube from Yahune and twirling it around in her hand. "See this little thing? Y/N alone, doesn't stand a chance" she explained, making Dabi direct his eyes towards the item.

"He'll be trapped in here by the end of the day. And I'll torture him everyday. I'll make him watch his family get massacred over and over" Machima said with a light laugh at the end.

"Be honest with me. All of you" Dabi began, making all the heroes attention turn to him.

"Do you feel any regret? Would you have done things differently?" He asked, looking around the room.

One by one, the heroes started turning their heads to look elsewhere, refusing to answer the question. Except for one hero, Aizawa looked on with a pained expression.

"Everyday. I wish I could go back, there's not that I don't think that" Aizawa answered, Machima tapped his shoulder to silence him.

"I wish I could go back too. I would have killed him the moment he was born" Machima replied, making the villains clenched their jaws in anger.

"We brought them" Hawks and Mirko said as they walked Y/N's grandma and Eri into the room. Eri was holding the older women's hand so the blind women wouldn't trip over anything.

Infinity (BNHA x Villain Male Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant