Chapter 27: Rooting For You

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"Are you sure about this? It could backfire on you" Dabi asked as we sat on the grass. 

"I told myself I would do it for years, ever since I started making this plan. No point going back on it" I answered, looking down from the hill we sat on. Eri was splashing in the water again, while the rest of the league were messing around on the clearing. 

"Yeah but breaking into Tartarus? Releasing all those prisoners so we could band together? I doubt most of them will even listen to you" Dabi sighed. 

"It's just like you said, gotta make them listen" I said with a smirk. Dabi chuckled and ruffled my hair, remembering the day he gave me that advice. 

We've stayed at the village for about a week now, I was putting finishing touches on my plan and letting the rest of them rest for a little. 

"Y/N Y/N!" Eri exclaimed, running towards me. I looked up and smiled at her, she had Nacho on her shoulder and holding something in her hands. 

"Look at this" she said, looking down at her hands. I looked over and saw a blue flower in her hands. 

"Oh nice, looks real special" I complimented. 

"It's for you" she smiled widely. I smiled back and opened my hand, letting her drop the flower on my palm. 

"You two are like brother and sister huh?" Dabi snickered.

"Brother and sister? I've never had a brother before" Eri gasped, looking at me in awe.

"Then it looks like you're in luck" Dabi said 

"Do you have a brother or sister, Y/N?" Eri asked. 

I pondered answering for a few seconds. 

"I had an older brother and sister" I answered simply. Dabi looked at me with a confused expression. He didn't know about my previous family. 

"Woah really?" Eri pushed excitedly. 

"Mhm, my sisters name was Jupiter, my brothers name was Akai" I continued. Nacho flew from Eri's shoulder to mine, sensing my discomfort. 

"Where are they-" Eri started but Dabi cut her off. 

"Why don't you go get Handy to get out in the sun, he needs it for his wrinkles" Dabi suggested. Eri looked behind her and saw Shigaraki sitting in the shade, looking gloomy as ever. Eri nodded and ran towards him obediently. 

"Thanks" I muttered, looking at the flower in my hands. 

"They gone? Your brother and sister?" Dabi asked. 

"Yeah" I replied. 

"So that's what all this was for" Dabi concluded. "And this village, this was where it happened? That's how you knew about this place" 

"This was my old home, they were all killed here" I explained, getting up and motioning him to follow. Dabi stood up and followed me. We both walked around the field and to the other side of the village. 

We stopped in front of numerous amounts of wooden crosses in the ground. I led the way further into the graveyard and stopped in front of four of them. Where mom, dad, Jupiter, and Akai were buried. 

"After it happened, I came back a few days after to bury them. There were a few I couldn't get, since some of them were set on fire. Like some of my cousins and uncles, also my grandma" I explained. 

"Who did it?" Dabi asked. 

"Who do you think?" I replied, looking down at the graves.

"I was so weak then. Couldn't do a thing, it's almost hilarious how weak I was" I muttered, beginning to walk out of the area. Dabi stayed for a few seconds before following me. 

"I remember my brother telling me how I could make a difference, I just needed a plan. A perfect plan, had to be genius even. I felt like I owed it to them, it was the least I could do" I said. We reached the clearing and we looked down at the others. 

Eri and Shiggy were in the water now, Toga and Twice were running away from Compress and Spinner.

"They're planning on doing the hero board soon, Endeavour's going to get his spotlight" I reminded. 

"Exactly what he doesn't deserve" Dabi agreed. 

"Don't worry, he's all yours" I laughed, nudging him a little. We both walked down the hill and Eri ran towards me, hugging me tightly. 


"Breaking into Tartarus isn't easy. But it will be for us" I said as the others sat around the room. Eri had went to bed not that long ago, and I needed to discuss the plan so we could get going.  

"You seem in a hurry to get this mission done, more than the previous missions at least" Toga pointed out. 

"Because if we get this done then the top 10 will be under a lot of pressure when they take the stage" I replied. 

"During the hero board?" Compress asked. 

"That's right, I plan on doing this mission before the show and get it done during it. All the cameras pointing to the heroes faces while the news reporters announce us making a fool of their system yet again" I pictured, doing gestures like it were a concert. 

"And why Tartarus?" Shigaraki asked. 

"The prisoners there will see a movement and want in on it. I plan on getting some recruits straight from the prison" 

"What if they don't want to join us? Would that make the mission a waste of time?" Spinner questioned.

"Trust me, I'll make them want to join. So don't worry about that" I dismissed. 

"What's going on?" Eri asked sleepily. 

"We gonna kick some hero ass" I replied. A pillow stopped a few inches away from me. 

"Don't use bad language in front of her" Toga lectured. 

"Oh come on! We're villains! FUCK" I whined. 

"Fuck!" Eri copied. 

"Oop" Dabi and I said together. 

"You're fighting heroes again?" Eri asked. 

The others glanced at each other but I answered. 

"Yeah, we are" I nodded, kneeling beside her. 

She seemed to process this before smiling up at me. 

"I'm rooting for you!" She exclaimed, holding her pinkie out. I smirked and locked mine with hers. 

"Let’s fucking do this" 

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