Chapter 32: What You Couldn't Do

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A/N: I am so sorry about the long wait! 8 days without an update is insane, I remember the good old days when I was writing Rewind and had chapters out everyday, sometimes two chapters a day. Sorry guys, I was really sick the last couple of days and I'm starting to get better now. I hope it doesn't affect the quality of my crappy writing, but I hope you enjoy the next chapter. 


"So, watch me." 

The audience was silent as Endeavor delivered his speech. The hero brackets, his moment to show everyone that they were in good hands of the new number one hero. 

After Y/N crippled All Might into retirement, the public was uneasy. They didn't know his motives, why he did it, or what he's hoping to achieve. They didn't feel safe anymore, and Endeavor was more than irritated to hear of the public not having their full faith in his abilities. To doubt his abilities. 

Hawks had his signature smirk on his face, clapping his hands slowly, the one noise being made in the entire auditorium. 

The phones from all the news reporters started ringing almost simultaneously. Each one answering it, and taking advantage of the information given to them. 

"Endeavor! Y/N has been reported with, freeing all the prisoners of Tartarus prison within the hour! What do you have to say to this?!" A women asked, her cameraman focusing on the shocked hero. 

"Do you even plan on stopping Y/N?!" Another asked. 

"Do you think you can finish what All Might couldn't?!" 

"Why do you think Y/N would committe his crimes?!" 

"Do you think Y/N is mocking you?!" 

"Why weren't there more suitable heroes guarding the area?!" 

"Why was you being here more important than finding Y/N?!" 

"Well, this took a turn" Hawks chuckled, looking over at the conflicted new number 1. 

(Deadass fell asleep right here)

The screens in the auditorium went pitch black for a moment, and then went back to life with a disturbing image. 

Multiple villains, torn apart and strung up on All Might's statue. All of their faces were recognizable to the public and heroes. All of the dead villains were charged with crimes related to rape or a child's death. 

Above the dismembered corpses were the words: "I did what you couldn't do ;)" Written in blood. 

The crowd all cried out while the employees in charge of the auditorium tried to take down the pictures. Someone had infiltrated their system with ease. 

"That Y/N kid-" Hawks started, looking at the screens with wide eyes. 

"Is always 10 steps ahead of us" Endeavor finished, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. 


"HAHAHA" I laughed as I ran from Stain, everyone else was standing around, eating the pizza we ordered. 

"Take back what you said!" Stain yelled. (Take it back Leorio Take it back!....I'm tired, help-) 

"Why should he? He's right" Dabi said with a shrug. 

"What he say?" Toga asked. 

"Y/N said Stain looked like he was born in a grease fire" Kurogiri answered with a disappointed shake of the head. 

"This is definitely not how I planned my day would be going" a newly freed Lady Nagant sighed as she ate her slice, watching the mastermind of breaking into a heavily guarded prison run around. 

"Say, Overhaul. When you wipe your ass, do you accidentally destroy yourself and then reconstruct yourself right after?" I asked the very uncomfortable asshole of a guy. 

"....No" he answered in an unsure voice. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head a little. 

"Hmmm, suspicious" I replied. 

"What? No it's not-" 

"Anyways, the hero brackets should be wrapping up" I interrupted Overhaul, walking towards the original group while the Tartarus group was talking to each other and eating their pizzas. 

"That means they got the news of the break-in as well. Hope it was embarrassing towards the heroes" Dabi snickered, leaning back in his chair. Nacho flew to me and landed on my shoulder, I smiled and smoothed his feathers out. 

"I brought grapes" Twice announced as he ran into the warehouse.

"Yaaaaay" I cheered, running towards him with my hands in the air. Twice slipped on a water spill and face planted, making the grapes go flying. 

I watched as the grapes landed on All for Shit. 

"Ugh gross I'm not eating that shit" I whined, sitting on the floor. 

"Why not?" Spinner asked.

"The skinless looking grape touched the good grapes" I answered, pointing towards All for One. 

"You're such an asshole" All for One stated while Dabi and Shigaraki were wheezing. 

"So, Y/N" Lady Nagant started, walking towards me. I looked up towards her. 

"Before you got here and killed all the scum of the prison, your group said you had a pretty good plan. Does the next step involve us?" She continued, getting everyone else's attention. 

"Why of course it does. The next phase of the plan!" I announced, getting up from the floor with my hands behind my back, Nacho sitting a little bit taller.  

"Exposing them for they've done" I finished. Confused glances coming from the newbies. Excited ones coming from the originals. 

What a blood bath this will be. 

A/N: I'm changing things from the anime, I didn't do the Nomu attack thing. We can pretend Endeavor got a papercut from a huge ass paper over his eye or some shit. Or my dumbass self will have Dabi give Endeavor his scar if I remember, which I probably won't. 

I'll see you guys next update! Sorry for the filler, I'm setting things up for the storyline!

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