Chapter 37: I Am The Resistance

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A/N: I'm alive! I got a second job recently at a video game store and now I finally have time to sit and write the next chapter! We are entering the final arc of this book, it's definitely been a blast to write and I hate to see it come closer and closer to the end. 
Hope you're ready to see Y/N go off on the heroes. 

My wounds felt like nothing, the reverse technique taking effect the moment my dad explained the properties of the technique. 

I only ever used the reverse technique for combat, the red glow only causing pain and death to those who opposed me. But using it to heal my wounds faster than anyone could imagine, I had no idea it could be done. 

My clothes, face, and hair was still coated in my own blood. Some dry blood coming from my newly healed eyes from back when the flash grenade blinded me severely. The blood from my stab wound covered most of my shirt and jacket, but the gaping hole has long since sealed. 

"Can't believe I let myself have a moment of weakness. Embarrassing" I said, looking at my family, who looked back with smiles on their faces. 

"Go Y/N, there's still work to do" Jupiter said, smiling lightly as she held the hand of one of our little cousins, Akine. 

"Go kick some ass" Akai encouraged, messing with my hair playfully. 

"We're all in your corner" mom reminded. 

"Make our story known, and shape this damaged world" dad added, holding onto mom's hand. 

I smirked in their direction, my glowing eyes holding pure determination. 

"They won't know what hit them. After today, no one will ever forget our names" I promised. I gave them all one last look, before leaving my old home. The final phase of my plan. It all ended here.


"The main goal was to capture Y/N and bring him here. Did I not make that clear the first time?" Machima asked as she stared at Toji with a glare on her face. 

"We managed to contain the rest of the league as well as the escaped prisoners. I think this was a successful mission" Aizawa defended. 

"The main target got away" Yahune reminded. 

"You're just upset your little puppet got away and you can't use him for yourselves anymore. Right?" Aizawa pressed, his glare hardening at the government officials. Some of the other heroes gave each other an uneasy look. They had yet to accept what had happend at the Amitayus village. 

"He doesn't have a team anymore. What more can he possibly do alone?" Endeavor asked. 

"Your biggest mistake is underestimating him" Aizawa reminded, taking a glance at the crippled All Might, who sat in his wheelchair in the corner of the room.

"The worst is yet to come. I can feel it" All Might mumbled, looking down at his remaining arm. 


"The fight was insane, to think the heroes set all that up" Kirishima muttered, looking at the dorm window. 

"They're amazing, aren't they?" Midoriya said with a smile, watching as the news channel played the recent battle.

"Something's up" Bakugou mumbled, crossing his arms as he stood by the wall. 

"What do you mean?" Sero asked. 

"Y/N makes no sense. He seemed to carefree when we met him at USJ, now he's attacking government buildings and killing officials. The heroes seem pretty desperate to keep his quiet too" Bakugou voiced his thoughts. 

"Y/N is still a merciless killer. Endeavor said it himself, Y/N's family attacked the heroes years ago" Uraraka defended, earning a few nods around the room. 

Kirishima excused himself from the others, going up to his own room silently. He didn't know why, but something in him was screaming at him to listen to Y/N. Listen to what Y/N had to say. 

Kirishima opened his bedroom door, his eyes softening st the lump on his bed. He had found Nacho outside of the cleared battlefield, and had hurriedly scooped him up before any harm could come to the bird. 

Nacho meant a lot to Y/N, Kirishima knew that, so he wanted to protect what Y/N held dear to him. 

Kirishima walked back to where the others were after he made sure Nacho was okay. Once he arrived in the room, the TV shut off. 

"What the-" Kaminari started but was cut off by a loud rumbling coming from outside. 

The UA kids all ran to the window, looking up at the large screen that always displayed advertisements or news reports. 

But no commercial was playing this time. Y/N was standing in front of the TV with his arms behind his back. Behind him, the screen was glitching for a few moments before stopping completely. 

"People of Musutafu, hear me!" Y/N yelled, his voice seemed like it echoed through the streets. The people below stopped, all looking up at the killer at once. 

"My name is Y/N Amitayus. Hear what I have to say!" Y/N continued. 

"Nine years ago, the heroes attacked my family in cold blood. What they tell you, are lies. They're power-hungry" 

Footage of a four year old Y/N being tested on was played behind him. Their old symbol of peace holding the child down.

"They'll do anything for power" 

Guns being raised, heroes blocking all exits while the cries of the Amitayus family was heard as the gunshots sounded. 

"We were only there to die. We didn't have dreams, our only purpose was to be relentlessly shot down by those you put your faith in!" 

The women being dragged off, their heroes turning their heads to block out the gruesome images, covering their ears to ignore the pained screams and pleads for help. 

"You're all imprisoned by their society! You're labeled a villain the moment you use your quirks in public, a right to you that should be a given since birth!" 

"An act against a hero, is treason" the video behind Y/N sounded. 

"The heroes aim to have full control over everyone!" 

"Y/N is everything we've looked for" All Might said to Akai and Jupiter, as they tried to get back their little brother from that days testing. 

"Put your faith in me! I am not your enemy, I am the resistance!" Y/n yelled, the crowds horrified expression from the video being shown slowly turned to those of rage. 

Not towards Y/N this time. Rage towards the heroes. 

And in an instant. The old cheers for the heroes, disappeared. Replaced with cheers of Y/N's name. 

Y/N, still covered in his own blood. Turned the tables on the heroes in a span of a few minutes. 

And the heroes, could only watch in a terrified silence.

Infinity (BNHA x Villain Male Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora