Chapter 30: Expand to Infinity

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The sound of humming sounded through the quiet village. The heroes and soldiers absolutely quiet, like they were relaxed to the sound as well. 

Even if it wasn’t directed to them. 

Jupiter continued to hum as she ran her fingers through Y/N's hair. He laid his head on her lap as he stared up, letting the snow gently fall on his face, making no move to wipe the water away. 

It was a few days until Christmas, and Y/N wanted to spend some time with his older sister. They were both sitting on the roof of their house. The sun has long since went down, and all families should be indoors by now, or there would be consequences. 

But Rahuse wanted to spend the holidays with his wife and kids, making the pro hero Eraserhead in charge of security. 

He knew the two were on top of the roof, but he didn't say anything. Of course he felt bad for the Amitayus clan, but he couldn't voice his opinion. But he would allow two kids to spend the next few days in peace. 

"Jupiter's brighter than ever" Y/N said as Jupiter continued to hum quietly.

"It's because you're happy now" Y/N declared proudly, nodding to himself. Jupiter let out a laugh, looking down at her brother. 

"Yeah, I am happy. I'm always happy" she whispered in an amused voice. 

"No you're not. We're stuck here, it's only been good because that mean man has been gone. You'll be sad when he comes back here" Y/N muttered back, laying on his side now, his head still resting on Jupiter's lap. 

"That's not true. How can I be sad when I have you, Akai, mom, and dad? Grandma's here and Grandpa too" Jupiter reassured. 

"But I overheard you talking to mom the other day. You wanted to look at all those fancy shops, to buy new clothes since you keep having to fix your old ones" Y/N said in a confused manner.

"Well yeah, those are things I'd like to do and have" Jupiter agreed. 

"Then you are sad" Y/N confirmed. 

"But those are just things, Y/N. I can't replace you. I can't replace Akai or mom or dad. There's no way I could be apart from all of you and not break down. As long as we're all together, I'll always be happy" Jupiter explained with a gentle smile. 

"That makes sense, I would be sad if you left me too" Y/N agreed, sitting up now and facing her. 

"Then let me see you smile, so we can be happy together" Jupiter laughed as she started messing with Y/N's hair. He laughed and tried to escape her hold, only for her to scoop her younger brother in her arms and set him in her lap, hugging him for dear life as his back faced her now.

"Can you sing again?" Y/N asked, letting his head fall back to fully rest on Jupiter. She looked down with a small smile and started singing one of Y/N's favorites. 

"Hush now, be still love don't cry. Sleep as you're rocked by the stream" She sang quietly. And as she went onto that next line, she felt a tear run down her face, hugging her little brother tighter. 

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