Chapter 28: A Brother's Dream

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"I love you little brother, don't you ever forget that" Akai said as he smiled down at Y/N. 

"You're okay I guess" Y/N said with a shrug, earning himself a shoulder nudge by his older brother. 

"I want to get you out of here more than anything" Akai admitted, sitting down beside Y/N as they rested by the stream in front of their village. 

"More than wanting Nachos?" Y/N asked with a tilt of the head. 

"yeah, more than that" Akai laughed, putting his hand on Y/N's hair. "I want to buy a house for mom and dad. Get Jupiter new clothes since she keeps sewing up her old ones. And you can be a regular little kid" Akai fantasies. 

"But, we're stuck here" Y/N finished Akai's thoughts. 

"But we're stuck here" Akai confirmed with a sigh, watching as soldiers and a few heroes stood around the village. 

"It's like they don't even hear us when we ask them to let us go" Y/N said, picking a few strands of grass. 

"Then, there will be a day when we make them regret not listening to us" Akai promised. 

"Like what?" Y/N questioned. 

"No clue, guess you'll have to figure it out when you get out of here" Akai shrugged like it was no big deal. 

"What?! Why me, why not you?" Y/N whined, jumping on his older brother. Akai laughed, lifting his hands to catch Y/N. 

"Because we all know that you'll definitely make it out of here. And from there, you'll make sure the Amitayus clan's story is heard, and remembered by all" Akai answered, making Y/N stop his assault and look up at Akai. 

"That's another dream of mine. If I die here, I want people to know why" Akai continued, looking up towards the night sky. Y/N looked from his older brother and towards the sky, looking for his favorite planet. 

"There's Jupiter, same as every night" Y/N said, pointing over to the planet. 

Akai hummed in response and held his little brother a little tighter. Forcing himself not to tremble, forcing himself not to cry, forcing himself to stay strong for Y/N. 

Because the 13 year old knew he would lay down his life in a heartbeat for Y/N, and he knew that would happen the next day. When they try to protect Y/N from the heroes, Akai knew they would only be killed. 

So, he wanted to hold his little brother a little tighter, one last time. 


I remembered that day so clearly. I remembered it all, the last brother to brother conversation I've had with Akai. He spoke of his dreams, only to be killed the next day along with everyone else. 

I can't fulfill all of his wishes for him. I can't buy mom and dad a new house in the city. I can't take Jupiter out to every store she wants to and buy all the clothes she desires. 

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