Chapter 10: Make them Listen

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"Have you seen the news?" Dabi asked. I was sitting on the couch while attempting to knit a tiny scarf for Nacho.

"No, why what happened?" I asked, not taking my attention off the scarf I was crafting. 

"Hero Killer was taken down. The heroes aren't revealing his injuries, all they said was that Endeavor defeated him" Dabi said.

"Oh yeah? Sounds intense" I said while trying my absolute best to hold down my laughter.

"Things don't add up though, what do you think happened?" Dabi interrogated. I pressed my lips together and calmed myself down before giving an answer.

"No idea" I managed to get out, finishing the scarf. "Nacho" I called, holding my arm out. Nacho flew from the windowsill and landed on my arm. I draped the scarf around him. 

"Whatever, I have to go. I don't know how long I'll be gone for" Dabi said, grabbing one of his bags that was filled with necessities.

"Where you going?" I interrogated, turning around to face him.

"Remember I told you I was meeting up with a guy named Giran?" Dabi started. I nodded in response as a que to keep going. "Well he said I would be a good fit for a group called the league of villains. I'm meeting up with the leader now" 

"Whaaat, you're leaving me?" I whined, shoving my face in the couch cushions.

"That's what I was going to ask you. If you wanted to come with, I'm sure the one in charge would accept you" Dabi offered. I lifted my head from the cushions to check if he was serious, and he was. 

"Nah I can't accept" I denied, not really giving the offer any thought. 

"Y/N kid, you shouldn't be alone forever. Going solo is risky, just look at hero killer. You should just let me take you to the league and then you can decide" 

"But I already know my answer, I can't accept. I have things to do" 

"Like what? You're a villain just for the heck of it, why not join and then decide what you want to do?" Dabi persuaded, sitting down on the couch next to me. 

"I already know what I'm doing though" I countered. 

"...You mean you actually have a reason why you've deemed yourself a villain? Care to share?" 

"Not at the moment, but when I do, it'll make history" I said, leaning back in a carefree attitude.

"Then why don't I just stay then? I'd rather help you out here than at some wannabe league of villains. I doubt the leader will even have the same goals as I do" Dabi said. 

"You should go check it out. Either way, the league will seek me out to join my own cause one day" I waved off. Dabi chuckled and put his hand on my head, messing up my h/c hair. 

"Have this all figured out do you?" He mused. I pouted and shook my head to shake his hand off.

"You need a plan to succeed in anything right? I've thought this through for a while now" I replied. 

"How long has your little idea been in your head? Give me an estimate" 

"I've been thinking of this since I was six" I answered. 

"Eight long years of thinking this through then? Well, then you go for it. Make this shitty world remember your name" Dabi encouraged.

"What are your goals?" I asked, tilting my head to the side a little.

"Where would be the fun in telling you now? Let's surprise each other when we make a mess of this world" Dabi said. I smiled in response, liking the newfound motivation I'm getting from this conversations alone.

"To be honest, I feel pretty disappointed" I confessed with a sigh. 

"Oh? What for?" Dabi questioned.

"I'm kind of afraid the world forgot who I am. If they did, that would defeat the purpose for how long I've been thinking about this. What am I supposed to do if they don't remember me at all?" I asked. In truth, I was referring to the Amitayus family as a whole, people needed to remember that name. 

"You think people won't listen to you? That only you remembered what they did that drove you down this path?" Dabi clarified. I nodded, keeping my attention on what the older had to say. I took Dabi's advice very seriously, I saw him as an older brother. He looked out for me for a long time.

"Then you make them remember" Dabi answered as if it were simple. 

"But what if they don't listen?" I asked, desperate for his answers. 

"Then you make it so they have to listen. They may have forgotten but not you. The past NEVER forgets." (Laughs in manga reader)

I looked down, my mind running in endless thoughts. Dabi made it sound so simple, it was why I looked up to him. 

"Thanks, Dabi" I smiled up at him. He huffed and stood up from the couch, stretching his arms over his head. 

"I better get going then, I look forward to seeing how your plan plays out. I hope it makes a big mess of things" Dabi smirked, holding his hand out for a handshake. 

"Same goes to you, let's engulf this entire world in flames" I agreed, standing up and clapping my hand with his. He both nodded at each other and Dabi walked out of the house. 

I looked at Nacho, who flew up to my shoulder and nuzzed his head on my cheek. 

"Make myself heard" I muttered to myself, determination filling my entire being. 

Dabi's pov

I walked along the sidewalk, making my way to the meeting place. I would meet up with Giran and he would lead me to the leagues hideout. 

I thought back to what Y/N asked, it was times like those when I remembered he's still a kid. I still picture him as that little 8 year old I found all alone, that fire in his eyes was already set. I saw him as my little brother, someone I want to protect but I knew he was capable.

Who knew he had a plan afterall, I sure as hell didn't. He's a strong kid, I almost feel bad for those he'll set his fury on.

"Alright little brother, let's see what you got" I muttered under my breath, smirking at the thought of it.

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