Chapter 17: A Perfect Plan

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Location: Musutafu High Security Government Building

”We’re in position, just like Y/N said” Toga said through the comm links. 

“Good, any questions?” Y/N asked. 

“Does this disguise make me look fat?” Twice asked. 

“Shut up Twice” Dabi snapped. 

“Everything is set, it’s all up to you now Y/N” Shigaraki whispered in the earpiece. 

“Then, let’s get this show on the road” I declared. 


Location: Amitayus village, 3 weeks before

”Why this place? Shouldn’t we attack a more hero type building? This is more government official type stuff” Spinner asked. 

“Who do you think the heroes get their orders from? A higher power, the government is pulling all the strings from their spot behind their desks” I explained. 

“Told ya dummy” Twice said, throwing a paper ball at the lizard. 

“Absolute children, everyone in this room” Kurogiri muttered. 

“You said you planned this for years, had it always been this specific building you targeted?” Dabi asked. 

“Yup, this one has always been my main goal” I confirmed, throwing a thumbs up as an extra confirmation. 

“And this plan will destroy what exactly?” Shigaraki asked. 

“This alone will destroy the government, and with them destroyed comes the heroes fall as well” I replied. 

“Why not just, destroy the building? We’ve seen the damage you could do” Magne questioned with a raised hand. 

“Because destroying something doesn’t magically shape it into something we want it to be. It doesn’t work that way” I answered, walking around the old living room. 

“So that means, Stain-“ Spinner started but cut himself off. 

“Precisely. Stain wanted to make the world a better place by killing all the heroes he saw unworthy of their title. That was doing nothing but causing a panic within the civilians as well as the heroes and their government. What he was doing wasn’t going to change a thing, but he had the right idea” I ranted, petting Nacho as he rested on my shoulder. 

“Is that what lead to his demise then?” Toga asked. 

“…sure something like that” I replied, trying not to laugh at the irony. 

“So what exactly are we doing there?” Compress asked. 

“We, are merely going to tell everyone the truth” I said simply. 

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