Chapter 16: This is War

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A/N: I got more approval for that child reader story, so I will start planning that out as I work on Infinity! Enjoy the chapter everyone!


"Y/N's it!"

"Bullshit! You didn't even touch me! Go fuck yourself Twice!"

"Please mind your language" Kurogiri scolded

"Sorry. Twice, KINDLY go fuck yourself" I corrected.

Y/N: 😇👍

Kurogiri: 👁👄👁👎

I started running after Toga, who started waving her hands in the air as she ran. Dabi was sitting by the little river that had a peaceful current, Nacho was sleeping on his shoulder.

We were currently hiding out at my old village, where the Amitayus clan used to live before the genocide.

"Gotcha!" I yelled, tagging Toga and quickly turning around and running away.

"Aren't you two a little too old to be playing such childish games?" Shigaraki asked, pointing at Twice and Toga.

"Says the one that got his panties in a bunch at USJ" I shot back, sticking my tongue out mockingly.

"Oop" Dabi sounded, putting his hand over his mouth like he heard a dark secret.

We stopped playing our game after a few minutes, Twice and Toga ran to the water and I said I would join in a little. The rest of them also went towards the water either to swim or lounge around, Kurogiri went to be the lifeguard.

I looked over to Shigaraki, who looked deep in thought about something I was unsure of, but I had somewhat of an idea of what was on his mind.

"You thinking of meatloaf head?" I asked once I was standing beside Shiggy. I saw him look at me from the corner of his eye before directing his attention ahead again.

"I have no clue what I'm supposed to do. Mast- All for One was the one who told me what to do all this time, and now he's been arrested"

"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Me?" Shigaraki questioned, finally turning his head to look at me from behind the hand on his face.

"Yeah, what do you want to do?" I asked. There was about a minute of silence before he finally said something.

"I've never thought about what I want to do. I was never asked that before" he replied.

"This All for Shit guy, all he had you do was run around and fulfilling his own desires?" I asked.

"His goal was to kill All Might, and that's what I've been trying to do time and time again. What he wants after the symbol is dead, is beyond me"

"He wanted you to kill All Might because he couldn't do it, right? So he used you as a meat shield" I clarified for him. Shigaraki didn't confirm or deny what I said, just continued to listen.

"To tell you the truth, your boss didn't have the best plan, he kind of went with the flow of things. His fight with All Might showed me that, he didn't prepare for that to happen" I said.

"He did allow us to escape from there" Shiggy pointed out.

"But was it because he wanted his puppet still out here to do his bidding?" I questioned back.

"What about you? You're just doing this for fun right?" Shigarki asked.

"Fun?" I asked with a head tilt.

"That's what Stain hated about you, and heroes and civilians say the same thing. That you're only fighting the heroes because you felt like it"

"That's what I want them to think, but that's not really true" I said, smiling up at the villain.

"It's not?" Shigaraki asked.

"Not at all, this whole damn world is going to fall by my own hands. Everyone will get what they deserve" I replied, smiling down at the ground.

"So you have everything figured out then.... I know the answer to your question" Shigaraki said after a few moments of silence. I turned to look at him.

"I want to bring the world down too, and shape it to how I want it to be" he explained. "Without All for One calling the shots this time"

I smiled at the villain, letting out a small laugh as well.

"Even if that means following along behind you" Shigaraki continued. My eyes widened at his comment.

"Really? You'll help me out?" I asked.

"Damn right kiddo" Dabi said as he walked towards us, Nacho looked like he was getting pumped. The rest of the league followed behind them.

"We all have our own goals. But you'll bring us one step closer to achieving them" Magne said.

"As long as I get to make some people bleed!" Toga said with a sinister smile.

"I too would like to make this world a place for real heroes, and you'll help me achieve that" Spinner said, clenching his fist in determination.

I looked at all of them, the ones who didn't say anything wordlessly nodded at me. Confirmation of them wanting in on my plan as well.

"We're all behind you now kiddo. Just like you planned" Dabi said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Nacho hopped from Dabi's shoulder to mine, and I smiled at the bird.

"You're all with me?" I asked.

"We're with you" Shigaraki said. The others nodded and I felt my smile grow.

"Alright then. This means war" I declared.

The heroes, the government, they're all going to crash down. And get exactly what they deserve.

A/N: Y/N's plan is finally getting set up! I'm getting pumped to write the next few chapters! See you next update!

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