Chapter 34: Beginning of the End

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A/N: I made a pie at work today and these girls I worked with were like "ohmygosh I didn't know you knew how to make pie 😱" and I was like "The ingredient page is right there 💀" and then proceeded to slice my hand with a knife when cutting into it cause they were making me laugh. Living the good life rn. 

I got asked a question! "Ghostie, does your friends read your books?" I have a few friends that read my books but they don't know I wrote them, they don't know I'm secretly ghostdonuts 👻 Hope you enjoy the chapter! 

"What I've noticed again and again, is how incompetent you heroes are. You always seem to fall into Y/N's trap, and then try to move on from it" Toji said as he stood in the room. 

"Why you-" Enji started but Nezu lifted his hand, indicating to let Toji speak. 

"That's not happening while I'm here. We're going to make our own trap for Y/N. I've studied Y/N, and I'm the only one who can bring him down" Toji continued. 

"Studied?" Aizawa questioned.

"Toji was very interested in Y/N's quirk. The fascination blooming when Y/N barely manifested his quirk" Machima explained with a smile. 

"Then that means-!" All Might gasped. 

"Toji was one of the leaders that declared Y/N taken into the heroes care, and the execution of his family" Yahune finished. 

"And my plan worked afterall. Y/N's built up rage, made him stronger than I thought. But I'll tame the boy, into the obedient puppet he was supposed to be raised into" Toji promised. 

"How do we lure someone like him in?" Edgeshot questioned. 

"Y/N will most likely make a move soon. An attack right after his prison break in Tartarus is something I would do. And that move will be to reveal the reason for his actions" Toji continued explaining. 

"The reasons?" Mountain Lady asked with a head tilt. 

"Your family dies, your sister and mother
get mutilated as you run away by the people who were only there for you. Wouldn't you like revenge?" Toji asked coldly, making the heroes wince at the brutality of his words. 

"Endeavor, you will be the centerpiece of the trap. You will announce your failure to keep the citizens safe. But the conferences is only a disguise. Y/N would want to use the conference as a way to show the world his ideals and the heroes brutality on him and his family. When he does, we attack him and his team from all directions" Toji said with a smirk. "Their rein ends soon, and the heroes will have their weapon back." 


"A conference?" I questioned as I looked at the latest headline. 

"This is what we've been waiting for" Twice exclaimed, looking at the paper. 

"A good attention grabber. All of Japan will definitely be watching Endeavor make his speech" Compress agreed. 

"This seems way too easy to me. Why hold a conference so soon after the Tartarus break?" I wondered, Nacho flapping a few times to indicate his agreement. 

"It's like you said, the heroes are desperate to retain their image. The prison break definitely made them look bad, they're desperate to reassure their people" Shigaraki added.

"Yeah but-" I trailed off, not really sure about the heroes announcement. Because really? The headline says Endeavor wanted to apologize for his inability to shield the people from the villains wrath. How could he agree to that a few days after Tartarus? Something had to be up, but I had no clue what it could be. 

"I agree with Y/N, this could be a trap" Lady Nagant agreed from her place at the corner of the room. 

"Y/N is literally indestructible, who can beat him?" Overhaul pitched in. 

"I think we should use this to our advantage. Everyone will be watching" Dabi said. 

"There's a 90% chance this could be a trap" I pointed out. 

"Then? What do we do? We might not get a chance like this again, but it could still be a way to lure us in" Stain said. 

"Spring the trap. But have lookouts all around the surrounding area. Let us know when somethings gone wrong. Protect Dabi when he does his opening speech in place of Endeavour's public apology" I explained. 

The others in the room nodded but I was still unsure about the decision. The heroes had something up their sleeves. 

And I had to figure it out before all hell broke loose.

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