Chapter 12: What they Deserved

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A/N: This chapter is the heroes perspective and how they saw the Amitayus clan

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A/N: This chapter is the heroes perspective and how they saw the Amitayus clan

"We can't just sit around and wait for these things to happen. Y/N destroyed a government facility and everyone inside, including 27 heroes that were protecting it. And we still sit here and do nothing to stop him!" All Might yelled, slamming his fist on the table. 

The top heroes were all gathered around, not only from UA but also pros outside of the school staff. All had one thing on their minds, how to stop Y/N from continuing the wreckage he's been causing. 

"That is why I organized this meeting. We all know All Might alone can't contain the boy, so we have to think about this together" Nezu said, the number 1 hero looked down a little in shame. He was overconfident with his abilities, which ultimately led him to his downfall against the 14 year old. 

"I'll fight him and reduce the little bastard to a crisp" Endeavor growled. 

"No offense or anything, but you fought him a few days before All Might did, and you were down after a single hit" Aizawa said with narrowed eyes. 

Endeavor's flames grew a little from his rage, he couldn't believe he was bested by a kid, especially a kid who was younger than his masterpiece of a son. 

"We've underestimated the child's abilities, I will not deny that. Now it's time we overestimated him, go at him with everything we've got and overwhelm him" Nezu explained. 

"We can't even touch him, how can we possibly overwhelm someone like that?" Midnight questioned. 

"I haven't tried using my quirk against him. It worked on his clan, and he's younger than they were when we fought them" Aizawa added, looking around the table. 

"That might be our only option regarding his shield. As you erase his quirk, we enter from all around him and take him out" All Might declared, getting more and more confidence back now that they were forming a plan. 

"I wish we had more info on the boy, all his files were locked away, even from us" Nezu muttered, looking around the conference room. 

"What do you mean locked away?" Snipe asked. 

"Ever since the incident with the clan, the government thought it would be best to hide all the info, including what took place that day, and never released to the public" Nezu answered with a sigh. 

"So not a single person outside of this room knows what happened? It's no wonder why Y/N's angry" Aizawa said. 

"What do you mean? The Amitayus clan had it coming and got what they deserved that night" Endeavor said. 

"I wouldn't say that, I don't think we even knew the full story before we got the orders" Aizawa denied. 

"That family of menaces got exactly what they deserved" Endeavor argued back. 

"This is our karma. I agree with Aizawa, I too don't think we knew the  story before we were ordered to do what we did" Nezu intervened, a smile no longer on his face. 

The Amitayus Clan got what they deserved. Didn't they? 

9 Years Ago, Y/N was 5 years old 

All the heroes looked at each other, some looking more sad than the others. Aizawa was one of them, because he didn't know it would come to this. 

The heroes were called in by the government to assist in containing the Amitayus clan, who were said to have gone rouge. 

But by containing to their government, meant they made sure no one escaped when government officials and soldiers shot fire at the immobilized clan. Women, men, children, all shot dead in a few seconds. 

Aizawa was the most suspicions, the heroes were told that the clan announced their deviance to the hero society and said they were going to fight them with everything they had, train their children to fight and kill every hero. 

But why would they say something like that when they were clearly outnumbered? Why would they reveal a plan as serious as theirs were, and be complete unprepared when the heroes attacked?

"We're looking for a survivor. He's 5, has h/c hair and e/c eyes" one of the officials asked the heroes, pulling up a picture with one hand while the other held his recently used gun. 

"Sir, there's not a single survivor" All Might replied, gesturing to all the dead bodies that laid about. Mothers clutched their children to them like a lifeline, that had already flattened. 

Infants were thrown to the floors and killed on impact. Women were taken advantage of, while the men were slaughtered without a second thought. Even though the heroes didn't take part in the killing, watching it happen made them just as guilty. At least in the eyes of the five year old who managed to escape the genocide. 

All this, but not a single hero stepped in to put a stop to it. The soldiers reassured them afterall, the clan deserved this. 

"That's a shame, he was the one we wanted" the soldier grunted, stuffing the picture back in his pocket. 

Back to the Present

And still, in the eyes of the heroes. The Amitayus clan, got what they deserved. 

And in the eyes of that 5 year old, who grew to be a strong 14 year old. He believes the heroes deserve exactly what's coming to them. 

Y/N's Pov 

"Achoo!" I sneezed, covering my nose with my sleeve. Nacho sat in front of me as we both ate a bunch of snacks. 

Nacho made a questioning chirp and I felt chills. 

"I feel like someone's talking shit" I explained. Nacho made an offended chirp as a reply. 

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