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She pulls me out of the car by my shirt and lifts her hand to pat my head and says "thank you, kitten" She winks at me and gets in her car and drives off, leaving me a red and shaking mess.

I begin to walk home shakily, still completely flustered from what Billie did and low-key weighed down by all the extra stuff I am carrying. She hurt me, she actually choked me until I couldn't breathe and is making me do her homework, but somehow she makes me feel safe. Maybe it's because she knows I am gay and is genuinely okay with it. Does she even know? Like yeah, she's definitely acting fruity, but is she sure? She must be, I mean I was tomato red the whole day at school today. I hope no one else noticed.

I walk up the steps to my house and make my way to the door, opening it.

"Hey, Honey! How was your day at scho- wow that is quite a lot of books you have there! It looks like you are taking twice the classes!" My mom exclaims.

"Something like that" I mumble.

"What, honey?" She asks. 

"Nothing, Mom! Just learned a lot today I guess!" I fake chuckled, trying to get her to drop it.

"Oh alright Cameron! Don't stay up too late studying tonight, okay?"

"Okay, Mom!" I walk upstairs to my room, passing my sister's room on the way.

"'Sup, bitch" I hear coming through her doorway.

"I love you too" I say, rolling my eyes and continuing down the hall.

I sit down at my desk and immediately start on Billie's economics homework. I could do mine first but, honestly, Billie's is the priority. "Damn, this shit is easy." I say to myself. I am in honors econ, so her basic ass shit is nothing to me. 

After I finish her worksheet and questions, I move on to my own econ homework which is much harder to say the least. Eventually I get it, and the rest of my homework done. All I have left is Billie's essay about how her summer went. I recall what Billie said earlier: "I guess you'll just have to get to know me." What does that even mean? I have until Friday to get it done, so I choose not to worry about it. She'll probably come and talk to me tomorrow, so I'll just ask her then.

I look down at my watch to check the time and see that it says 7:00, and right on cue my Dad shouts up the stairs, "Dinner!". I come rushing down, knowing that he whipped up something amazing like always. 

"What's on the menu tonight?" My mom asks.

"Jackfruit Tacos" My dad casually says.

"JACKFRUIT TACOS!?" I hear my sister from upstairs.

"Now you got her attention" I say, letting out a chuckle.

"Dude! That's my favorite! Thanks, Dad!" She exclaims, running down the stairs.

"Of course, and don't call me dude, I am dad." He says, smiling back at her.

"Yeah, yeah..." She trails off as she sits down and begins stuffing her face.

I have always had good parents and a good sister. I am grateful for my family life for sure. They are always there to make me laugh, and they care so much. I actually haven't come out to my parents yet, though. I know it seems like I have because I switched schools for homophobia, but my parents thought those were just rumors someone spread, not the truth getting out.

I would tell them, and I am pretty sure they would accept me, but no matter how loving they are, they are not very good with touchy topics like sexuality. Not even homosexuality, just sexuality in general. I never learned how my period worked until school held a seminar, and then had to proceed to teach my sister because she was too scared to tell mom. I guess these topics are just uncomfortable to them. My parents like to keep everything fluffy and surface-level. 

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