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I jump off my bed and make sure the reddness in my cheeks has subsided before heading downstairs.

"Hey, Cameron, how was your day?" Bailey asks.

I send her a glare and say, "Pretty normal, what about you?"

"Oh, well, I went to school and then went to the store with Mom and Dad, then came home."

I smile insincerely and reply, "Well, I went to school then came home." I blinked about 1400 times to express annoyance.

"Sounds like you girls had very interesting days," my dad says calmly, deescalating the growing tension in the room.

"Yep." We both say at the same time, shoving our forks in our mouths.

We finish dinner and I slowly realize how uncomfortable my underwear are at the moment. 

I suppose I'll fix that when I get back to my room.

Also, Bailey is really getting on my nerves. Even though were close, we are still siblings. And she's annoying as fuck today.

I walk upstairs behind Bailey and when we get to the top, Bailey brake-checks me and I run right into the back of her.

"What the fuck!?" I shout.

"Launguage, Cam, I'm serious." I hear from downstairs.

"Yeah, language, Cam," my sister mocks.

I roll my eyes and groan, walking into my room.

I really wanted to talk to her about Billie, but of course she had to decide to be a bitch today. 

I change my underwear and then take out my journal, flipping to a new page:

Dear Billie,

I swear to god if you are reading this right now, GO AWAY. 

I excused you already, don't push it, so get up and go give my journal back right now.

Okay, to the actual passage now:


Billie, I thought you were better than this.

At first I was planning to be really mad, but then the cutest shit happened. You literally held me on your lap and snuggled me while reading my deepest thoughts about you aloud.

Never been so embarrassed in my life. 

Which brings me to my next point:

Why the fuck did I like that so much? Like it wasn't just butterflies in my tummy, like I actually got wet, like I had to change my underwear when you left.

Wet from embarrassment? 

Isn't there a thing, like an embarrassment kink? No that doesn't sound right.


Okay maybe I shouldn't 'shout' that but whatever.

I think I have one of those...

Anyway... I was gonna tell Bailey about it today but she was a bitch and now I'm mad at her but whatever.

Wait, I don't mean tell her about the kink, I mean tell her about what you did.

Okay, bye Billie, 


p.s. yes I wrote came on purpose it's funny.

Study Buddies// BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now