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"Sit on my hand, Cameron," she commands.

"Are you gonna do anything?" I ask, hoping she doesn't get angry at me for asking.

She just sighs and looks in my eyes, "No," she smirks, "Only if you want me to."

Holy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I let out a strangled chuckle, trying to act cool, "Okay, just don't move it."

"I promise."

I slowly lower myself down into my seat, resting my ass on her hand. I wiggle around a little bit getting comfortable and she giggles. 

"So why are we doing this?" I ask.

"It's fun, isn't it?" she replies.

"Fun for you?" I ask, curiously.

Billie looks at me for a moment then clears her throat and turns to the papers laid out on my desk, "So, the female reproductive system, huh?"

Does that mean no? Wait no I don't want her to do this just for me.

But I'm too scared to move.

And I don't want to move.

"Y-yeah," I start. Sitting here, I feel like we are back to when Billie and I first met and I could barely speak.

"So tell me what to do and I'll do it," she pauses, "I would usually be the one in control, but I have no idea what most of this stuff means," she says with a wink.

That action and her hand literally being on my core almost makes my eyes roll back, but I contain it.

"Okay, y-yeah. Well I have already written an expla-" I look up to meet her eyes, practicing eye contact, "explanation of the process, so next we just need to design an experiment."

"And how would we do that?" she asks, "Do I have to get you pregnant or something?" she says as she wiggles her fingers.

I jumped, "Hey! You said you wouldn't move them!" My face turns a bright red as I am sure she can feel all the things going on down there at the moment.

"Oh shit, sorry," she apologizes, "Just tell me how we are going to do an experiment," she says, adjusting herself in her chair, causing her hand to move a little bit again.

This time I don't say anything. I just sit frozen, the feeling of her hand cupping my pussy not being able to leave my mind.

"Having trouble focusing are we?" Billie teases.

I sit still for a moment and when I realize she spoke, I nod my head and sort through the papers.

"Okay, so there are lots of online websites that simulate the pregnancy process, so we will just decide what variables we want to change and test each scenario." I explain. I am much better at talking when it involves school stuff.

"I have no idea what half the words that came out of your mouth mean, so how about you show me? I'll just sit here and be moral support." As the last two words leave her lips, she wiggles her fingers again.

I suck in a breath and continue working, explaining to Billie what I am doing and why I am doing it.

"Damn, you're way better at explaining this shit than the teacher," she remarks.

"Oh, thanks. You're too kind," I say.

"No, you're just terrible at accepting compliments. And also at, like, talking in general," Billie says playfully rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not my fault I can't speak half the time," I respond.

Shit. Why did I say that?

"Oh yeah? Then who's fault would it be?" She asks, a smirk taking over her face as she stares intensely into my eyes.

"I-, uh, my- my anxiety." I say, trying to cover up my dumbass mistake.

She lets out a small laugh, "Sure baby."

I decide to change the subject, not wanting to talk about me anymore, "So, that math quiz tomorrow, do you feel ready?" I ask.

"No, actually, can you explain to me what the fuck SOH-CAH-TOA means? Is that like some sort of other language?"

I chuckle a little and Billie glares at me, "eh-ehm, uh, sorry, yeah so SOH stands for 'Sine, Opposite over Hypotenuse meaning..." I continue to describe the math to her and give her some practice problems to try.

I watch her stare at my crudely drawn triangles, furrowing her eyebrows at them. She begins to do it wrong and I don't know if I should stop her now or let her finish. 

"So, actually," I start.

"UGH," Billie says, interrupting me and throwing her head back. She also squeezes my fucking pussy, so I stand up quickly, alarmed by the sudden movement.

"Why is this shit so-" She cuts herself off, "Why are you standing?"

"You just- um," I gesture to her hand on my seat, her fingers still in a claw-like formation.

"Oh, SHIT. I'm sorry. I totally forgot my hand was.. there"

I just let out a small uncomfortable laugh and Billie moves her hand off of my seat. We finish studying, half the time Billie cussing out the problems I carefully drew out for her, and the other half of the time Billie making suggestive remarks. I think it's just in her nature.

"Okay, thank you, Cameron, for helping me with this. I should get home for dinner."

"Of course! I had a good time actually," I say, hoping that wasn't too much.

Billie stops putting her things in her bag for a moment, "Me too." She then clears her throat, "Well I should get going."

"Okay, let me just return your chair to Bailey's room first then I'll walk you out." I leave Billie in my room while I walk down the hall to Bailey's room, wheeling her desk chair alongside me. When I walk in, I am faced with a smirking Bailey.

"Having your girlfriend over again, I see?"

"Shut up, Bailey" I retort.

"Yeah, yeah, "she responds.

Before I leave, I turn around, "Hey, are Mom and Dad downstairs?"

"No, they told me to tell you they went to the store to pick up some things for dinner," Bailey says cooly.

"And would you have told me if I hadn't have asked?" I question.

"Probably not."

I scoff playfully and leave the room, rejoining Billie in mine.

"Okay, Billie, I'll walk you out now. Thanks for helping with the project."

She chuckles, "I was more of a hindrance than a help, but it was fun messing with you."

I just blush and lead her out of my room. We say our goodbyes at the door and I watch her car drive off. I step back in my room ready to write in my journal about this whole experience. I poke into my backpack and my journal is nowhere to be found.

Hm, I must have just put it away earlier.

I open up the drawer it always sits in and find no such book.

Where is it?


Hey we hit 100 votes! (Now 106) Thank you! I am glad you guys are liking the book.

I was actually thinking that maybe when I finish this book I should write another one with the same plot and characters but all in Billie's POV.

Or I could just start a new book with a whole new plot. Either one I am good with so lmk what you think!

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