Bonus: I went to the store Pt.2 *

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⚠️SMUT, heavy mentions of sex, toys used: costumes, handcuffs

A/n: this stuff is way out of my realm of what I've written but I was horny ok.

Billie smirks, "We've been kinky since I choked you in the hall and you got wet."

I laugh and pick up my phone to check the time:


"What time do you have to be back by?" I ask Billie, referring to her house.

She smirks, "Oh, don't worry, Baby, we have plenty of time to play."

I blush at her boldness and watch as she picks up 'Kittens outfit', "Go put this on for me, let's try some things out."

I nod submissively and walk into the bathroom, grabbing a black lace lingerie set on the way.

I start by stripping off the clothes, and putting on the underwear set. I pick up the tail and hold the ribbon delicately in my hand, wrapping it around my waist, and tying it securely.

I pick up my apron, My apron, weird, and also secure that around my waist before putting on the ears.

I hold the collar in my hand and look at myself in the mirror.

What am I doing?

Making love to my partner. I'm gonna have good sex with her.

Get out of your head, Cameron, this is for Billie and you. There's no judgement, you guys are just making love the best way you can. No shame.

I stand up straight and put on my collar, pushing away all the internalized mysoginy.

I go to open the door to the bathroom, hesitating a bit and ticking in nervousness before I hear Billie behind it, "Come on out, Kitten, don't be embarrassed."

I slowly turn the knob of the door, looking for Billie and finding her sat on the bed, fluffy handcuffs in hand, "Hey, Baby, you look so beautiful."

I blush hard and straddle her lap.

She looks at me, licking her lips and placing her hands on my hips, "How do you feel? Comfortable? Safe? I want you to feel safe."

I nod sheepishly, "I feel safe. I also feel exposed."

She tilts her head, reaching up to adjust my ears, "Good exposed?"

"Yes," I say confidently.

She bites her bottom lip, "Okay, what are your rules with these?" Billie asks, picking up the handcuffs.

"Okay, you cannot by any means leave me anywhere. That is not okay with me and I would be traumatized," I pause to think, "as a matter of fact, I can only wear those when we are touching, otherwise I'll feel abandoned. You can't even get up to get something from across the room."

Billie nods her head, repeating what I said, "No leaving you anywhere, not even to quickly cross the room, and I promise, you say the word, they come off."

I give her a small smile and she takes them in her hand, "If you don't get turned on by this, tell me. No matter how safe you feel, I don't want you wearing them just for me."

I nod in understanding, my ears slipping a little and my collar jingling. The sound of such movements sending a wave of arousal through me.

Billie takes each of my hands gently, and pulls them behind my back. I feel one metal ring close around my left wrist, then my right.

"Okay, Kitten, give them a little tug," Billie instructs.

I try to pull my hands apart, hearing the chain between them clink, and feeling the fuzzy cuffs restrain my hands behind me.

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