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She walks into the school, locking Dragon on the way, and I am left in the middle of the school parking lot, a red and shaking mess.

By the time Health class rolls around, I have calmed my thoughts for the most part, although the one part where she says, "I'll take care of you" rings in my ear still. But all in all, like dreams do, it is fading.

I sit in my seat and shortly after, Billie sits beside me.

"Alright, class. We will be starting a new project today! Exciting, right?" Says Mr. Brown.

The class just mumbles and Mr. Brown continues, "In this project, you will be given a subject from this list here," he holds up a piece of paper, "this list includes different body parts, organ systems and nutrient plans that you can study and carry out experiments on, etc."

As I am listening to the instructions, I get more and more excited for this project.

"There are half the number of subjects as there are students in this class, so each pair of you will get one. No trading. That includes subjects and partners. You get what you get. I've based your partners off of today's seating arrangements, so I hope you have chosen wisely," he says with an annoying little grin.

Hey, at least I don't have to do two projects.

"The paper I am passing out has your instructions. I want both partners to write their names on this and do not lose it! I will be using this as a rubric to grade your work." Mr. Brown begins passing out the papers, "Alrighty, get started!"

I accept our paper from Mr. Brown and glance down at it.

Reproductive System (F)

Oh, why isn't that lovely, I think to myself as I roll my eyes and start working. I write my name neatly and scribble Billie's name underneath. I don't exactly know her handwriting but it has to look different from mine, so.

"Hey, I write neater than that! Is that really what do you think of me?" Billie puts her hand on her chest to convey hurt.

I roll my eyes, making sure Billie can't see them and turn back to her, "My parts and your parts need to look like they are done by different people," I tell her, trying my best not to sound annoyed.

"What are we even studying for our project?" She asks, leaning closer to me to try and read the paper.

I slyly cover our subject, knowing the shit she will give me about it.

"Answer me, Princess," she says, nudging my elbow with her own.

"reproductivesystem" I mumble as I put my head down, closer to the paper.

"What? Repeat yourself, Cameron."

"reproductivesystem" I say again.

"Cameron," she insists.

"The REPRODUCTIVE system oh-KAY!?!" I shout. Luckily the class was already loud as fuck, so no one looked at me funny... besides Billie of course.

"Excuse me, Kitten, would you like to adjust your tone?" She says in a chillingly calm voice.

"I-I'm sorry, Billie. I don't know what got into me," I know exactly what got into me.

"I want you to beg me not to hurt you when we get out of this class," she tells me.

I immediately oblige," Please, Billie. I am so sorry for my tone. It wont happen again. Please don't hurt me, I beg you." I say, clasping my hands together in front of me.

Well that sparked something in me that I'll have to push down for a while.

"Relax, baby," Billie says, placing a hand on my thigh.

Study Buddies// BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now