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I am about to gather up the courage to ask and she leaves. again. Now I am going to have to go find her at lunch.

I stand there for a couple minutes to gather myself, pee, and head to my fourth period class... with Billie. I am late because of my conversation with Billie and I step into the classroom, interrupting the lecture. 

"You are late, Miss Crawford" 

"Sorry, Mr. Brown" I say, looking around the room for an empty seat. The only one is towards the front, so I walk towards it, passing Billie who smirks at me. I would think that she would make sure that I sat next to her, but not today I guess.

The teacher continues the lesson and I can't help but wonder why Billie didn't kick anyone out of their seat to sit next to me. I guess she must really want me to approach her. Doesn't she know I have social anxiety? I mean, it's pretty obvious. 

This class went by quickly, me only having to jot down a few notes and listen to the lecture. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. Again, Billie leaves without saying anything to me and I leave shortly after to go get food and gather up the courage to go talk to her.

"Billie, I want you to please come to my house after school today, so we can work on your essay together" I am seated at my table, whispering different things I could say to Billie.

"Hey! Billie, can you please come over to my house after school? I noticed you have a car so maybe you could drive us." Is that too much? I don't want it to sound like I just want a free ride home.

"My house. After school. You. Me." Okay that is just a no. Come on Cameron just go over there and give it a shot.

I gather all my courage and bring myself off of the bench I am eating on and across the cafeteria to Billie, who is talking with a friend. "Hey, Billie"

She turns around angrily but her face softens as soon as she sees me. Her change in demeanor sends butterflies through me. She smirks and waves her friend away. "Yes, Cameron" she takes a step towards me.

"Hey, I don't have plans after school today, do you?" I say, pulling myself together and standing up straight.

She smirks again, "Depends.."

"Well, if you have the time, you could take your car and we could go somewhere, like a cafe to get to know each other"

Billie scrunches her face, "A cafe?"

This sends panic through my veins. She doesn't like my idea. What do I do now? I stood for a minute, my mouth slightly open, probably looking like an idiot and then I spoke, "Y-yes?"

Billie turns her whole body to face me, "That kinda sounds like a date"

huh? "Oh! Oh no! I j-just want to have a g-good place to talk is all"

"Wow try and sound more repulsed by the idea of dating me" She says as she rolls her eyes and turns away.

"Wait!" I reached out and grabbed her arm before she could walk away again

She threw her arm out of my grip and turned around to face me. "If you touch me like that again, kitten, I'll have to punish you" She took a step towards me and leaned down to my ear, "But I'll come if you do." She stood back and winked at me before turning away and leaving.

The bell rang and it was lime to head to my least class of the day, physics. I made my way to my least favorite class and sat in my seat. If I'm being honest, I can't wait to see Billie today after school. I have to remember that this is purely business, I just need to know how her summer went so I can write her essay. She doesn't want to be friends with you, Cameron. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

"Alright, class. We have 5 minutes left of the period, and then you can go home. Take this time to clean up your things and remember to finish today's assignment before next class." Mr. Oliver walks back over to his desk and begins working on papers as the rest of the class bustles around, talking to friends and packing up their things.

I finish the problem I was working on and do the same. Billie and I didn't work out a specific meeting spot, but I assume I could just go to her car and wait since she'll be driving us. The last bell rings, excusing us, and I get up to walk out of the room. I make my way out of the school, weaving my way through the kaleidoscope of students. As I walk out of the door, I lay my eyes on Dragon, and turn to make my way towards her when I feel a soft hand firmly grab my forearm, the same way Billie did the first day I met her.

"Guess who?"

A smile makes it's way across my face as I begin to turn around but she stops me from doing so. She puts her hands on either shoulder and leans in from behind, talking into my hair. "Guess. Who." I hear sternly behind me, her hot breath lingering on the back of my neck.

I tic slightly and respond, "B-Billie" I am suddenly nervous. How does she do that to me? 

She hums approvingly in my ear and turns me around, smirking at me, "Good girl." I give her a small smile and she places her hand on the small of my back to lead me to the car.

We walk up to Dragon and Billie follows me to the passenger side, opening the door for me. I think it is so cute that she does that. Small gestures like that are what makes me like her even more. She shuts the door for me and walks around to her side of the vehicle and looks over at me.



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