Bonus: Mommy Pt.2 *

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I do as she asks, tucking my head in her chest just as it was a few minutes ago.

"Good girl."


We lay there for a long while, drifting in and out of sleep. I stay awake most of the time, savoring my moments with Billie, and contemplating life, as always.

I really like calling her Mommy. It's just so cozy I can't even describe it.

It's almost like if Billie's my Mommy, I'm protected from everything in the world and there is no need to be afraid. Because she's right there, always.

But she also has authority, and that's hot as hell.

I hear her begin to stir awake from her short slumber and I look up to meet her eyes when they lazily open. She notices me staring and smiles softly, "Hey Baby."

I blush at her raspy voice, "Hi Mommy."

Tingles shoot up my spine at her name and I nuzzle deeper into her collar to hide my blush.

I just called a pretty girl Mommy'. My life is complete.

"Aw Baby don't be embarrassed," she coos, cupping her hand under my chin and holding my face.

I stare into her with big eyes as I patiently wait for what happens next, and Billie tilts her head slightly as she looks at me, "Can you do something for Mommy?"

I nod eagerly and she chuckles, "I could get used to this."

I blush again, my face still in her grasp, and she speaks once more, "Okay Princess. Hmmm what could I have you do?"

As she contemplates, I grow more and more excited to be good for her. The idea of being praised by Billie grows more and more appealing as she stares to the ceiling in thought.

Finally, she speaks, "I want you to dress up really cute for me okay? Go put on that tennis skirt of yours and your lacey pink top for sure. I'll go downstairs to make us dinner and tell my parents we're staying over here a little longer."

"Yes Mommy," I reply.

"Good girl," she praises.

I give her one last hug before getting up and heading to my closet. I take out the shirt and skirt as well as some tights with little hearts on them. I accessorize and head downstairs to greet Billie.

I find her standing over the stove and when she notices my presence, she motions for me to come closer. I do so and she tucks some hair behind my ear, "You look beautiful my love. Run on over to the cupboard and grab the salt for me."

"Yes Mommy."

I grab what she's asked for and place it beside her on the counter.

"Thank you, Baby. You're so good for me," she praises as she places her hands on my waist.

I shake my head as I blush and she chuckles, "Okay, sit your adorable self down at the table and I'll bring over dinner."

I nod and walk on over, choosing a seat and scooching in. I watch as she finishes up our food and makes a couple of plates before placing one down in front of me.

I grin and take in a big whiff, "My favorite!"

Billie pats my head, petting my hair as she sits down beside me, "I hope its up to par, I found your dad's recipe on the fridge."

I can't contain my smile as I look up to the paper on the fridge labeled, 'Cameron's favorite', and the one next to it, 'Bailey's Favorite', each having our favorite dinner recipes written on them, "Thank you, Mommy."

Study Buddies// BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now