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I fall asleep thinking about the beautiful angel that is Billie.

After a restful nights sleep at the end of a stressful day, I woke up to the sound of my sister arguing with my mom about something I couldn't care less about at this point. I try to fall back asleep, but their voices are just ringing through my ears, so I give it up and decide to just get ready for school. I look at my phone and it's 5:45, 30 minutes before I usually get up.

I roll out of bed to take a quick shower before coming back in my room to pick out an outfit. I really want to look cute for Billie again today. What if I honored her style in some way? I have chains, maybe I should wear something cute and femme like yesterday, but with chains? Would she thinks that's cute, creepy, or decide to write a whole song about how big of a copycat I am?

I'm going to wear it. If I chicken out, I can just take them off before Billie sees them, but for now, I will put them on. I leave my room and make my way downstairs for my morning pop tart, still getting used to the clinking noise the extra chains make while I walk.

By the time I am done and ready to leave, I still have like 25 minutes to kill. I guess it couldn't be too bad getting to school early. I decide to go back upstairs to grab my journal before I head to school and I'll just kill my time there.

"Bye, Mom! I am going to go to school a little early today!" I shout across the house so she can hear me from her office.

I honestly have no idea what my mom does for work. All I know is that most of the time she is hold up in that office typing loudly on her keyboard, or at work. It's okay though, she is probably doing good work and she finds time for us when she can.

"Bye, sweetie! Be safe!" I hear her muffled voice through the office door.

"I will!" I shut the door to the house and turn around to face my street.

I walk down the sidewalk, taking in the neighborhood. It seems so different from when I usually leave my house. The air still feels chilled and everything is still slightly damp from the night before. It is refreshing to say the least.

I approach the school and decide to just sit on one of the steps at the front so I can see Billie walk in. I finished up her essay and figured I'd just give it to her early in case she had any edits to make. Today I have History and Algebra with her, just like the day we met.

Looking around for anyone nearby, I take out my journal and just doodle some stuff. "Some stuff" turns into a whole ass Billie love poster goddamn. I drew more hearts on that page than I think I have over the course of my whole life, but it was fun to draw. I caption it at the bottom:

Proof that I am a useless lesbian.

I return my journal to my bag as I see some students begin to show up. I'd rather not out myself for being careless. As I close the zipper, I feel a presence standing over me.

"Good morning, princess, what's in that little journal of yours?"

I smile up at her maliciously, "You would have to show me yours first" I retort.

"Fair game," she concedes.

Wow I really just had a normal conversation with her. I reach back into my bag and pull out a printed essay, adorned in a portfolio cover to protect it. I learned my lesson from yesterday, so I smile sweetly and gently hand her the work, "here." I smile again, using every chance to communicate that I am not in any way challenging her.

"Good girl," she praises and tenderly takes the essay in her hands, "Much appreciated."

I smile and nod, causing my chains to jingle a little, catching me off guard. This is where I wish I had left these mother fuckers at home.

A light shade of pink crawls up my face as I look back at her smiling down at me.

I notice that she switched shit up today. Instead of her usual chunky chains, a thin strand of pearls sits around her neck. I have never seen her wear that before, but Billie will forever be unpredictable and I love it.

I look down to my shoes, avoiding the intense eye contact she had been giving me while I studied her jewelry, and I scratch the back of my neck near the chains in embarrassment.

She pats my head twice and says, "Nah, it's cute. Don't worry."

I smile creeps on my face as I continue to stare intensely at some gum that was left on the ground and she walks into the school.

As long as I am talking to Billie, I swear every day is going to feel like a goddamn marathon.

The bell rings for first period and I walk in expecting Billie to be there, but she wasn't. Must have stopped in the bathroom or something. All I do know is that she will be here. She promised her mom she would attend school and she really does not seem like the type to break a promise.

I sit near the back corner and place my stuff down. Some guy walks up to me, Jared? James? Jonah? God, I don't know.

"This seat taken?" He says suggestively.


I turn my head away, breaking eye contact and looking to the front of the classroom with my arms crossed over my chest, "Yes."

I could humor him and be nice but I am never going to like him and leading him on would be worse than momentarily bruising his ego. At least, that's how I'd want to be treated.

He takes the L and moves to another seat. Right as the bell marking the start of class blares through the speakers, a short, intimidating girl steps into the classroom and takes the only seat left, the one used for Jonathan's sorry attempt at a pick-up line.

"Hey, shorty"


Okay so first off, wow. Thanks for 1k reads in like, a day.

Second, if you want longer chapters, that's cool but if I do that there will probably be updates less often so lmk. I am just doing this for fun so there is no schedule.

If you are not getting enough from this book, I also have a Billie x Y/n story if you wanna read that.

mkay, bye.

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