Bonus: Billie's Turn *

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"mmmfuck," I hear through the door to the bathroom.

I came to check on Billie since I'd noticed she'd been in there a while.

She's fucking masturbating.

My face begins to heat up as I hear her softly moan again. In the few months that we've been dating (and fucking), I've never once seen Billie cum. She's always just 'taking care of me'. She enjoys it of course, but I always wonder if she would like reciprocation.

a particularly broken moan can be heard through the door and after a few seconds, I hear her washing her hands. I continue to stare blankly at the door, shook by Billie's beautiful sounds.

The bathroom door opens and Billie begins to step out before abruptly stopping before she hits me, "Oh.. hey Cam."

I continue to stand, frozen, "he-ey."

Billie holds in a laugh. Yes, my voice did in fact crack just then.

Goddamnit, I'm turning red again.

We stand awkwardly for a few moments before Billie speaks up, "shall we head back to our movie?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," I respond.

Billie takes my hand and walks us back to her living room, where Frozen II is paused mid-song. I click play once we sit down, and Billie wraps her arm around my shoulder. The volume is quite low, as her parents are home and talking in the kitchen.

As the movie plays, my mind keeps circling back to what I heard in the bathroom. I'm one hundred percent sure Billie knows I heard, considering I was standing, red-faced, right outside the door when she opened it.

I lean into Billie's embrace, putting my lips up to her ear, "you, um, sound really pretty," I whisper hesitantly.

Billie smirks and wets her lips, "oh yeah?"

"Yeah," I say, more confident.

"Thank you, Baby."

Olaf begins to sing about change and Billie shuts off the TV.

"Billie!" I protest.

"Nuh uh I don't know how you got me to watch this shit in the first place," she chuckles, "let's do something else please."

I get an idea and smile a little, "Let's go to my house."

A smirk creeps on her lips as she looks to her parents in the kitchen, "hey guys? Mind if I sleep at Cam's tonight?"

Maggie turns to us, "Are Cameron's parents there?"

I get worried, but Billie continues to be nonchalant, "No, but we're responsible kids, right?"

Maggie chuckles, "Sweet Cameron here is responsible, I don't know about you," she jokes.

Billie rolls her eyes and Maggie speaks again, looking over at me, "you're in charge alright?"

I smile, "Of course, Mrs. Baird."

"Call me Maggie, hunny, and alright you kids can go."

I look down, "Right, Maggie, sorry."

"Don't worry," she assures, "have fun!"

"Will do," Billie says quickly before grabbing my hand and practically dragging me out of her house.

I know she has other things in mind, seeing as her hand is on my thigh as we drive to my place, but I really wanna please her tonight.

I just have to know what I want and ask nicely, I remember.

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