Chapter 1

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Standing in a darkened hall, I saw a blonde robed figure pace down towards a set of golden doors as he approached a familiar figure stepped out from behind the curtains. His dark emerald and black clothing contrasting to his brother's lighter choice of ceremonial outfit. This was Loki, a figure I saw regularly in my dreams and his brother Thor who only showed up a few times. I walk behind Thor and stop when he halted next to his brother and the muffled sound of crowds could just be heard from beyond the doors. Loki turned slightly with a smirk "Nervous brother?"
Thor just laughed "Have you ever known me to be nervous?"
Loki looks at him doubt "Well there was a time in Nornheim"
"That wasn't nerves brother. That was the rage of battle" Thor tries to defend himself.
"Ahh I see" Loki says still not truly believing him.
Thor noticing this continues to carry on his story "How else could I have fought my way through a hundred warriors and pulled us out alive"
Frowning, Loki stutters as though remembering a different way of events. "As I recall I was the one who veiled us in smoke to ease our escape" Thor interrupts by laughing "Ah yes, some do battle others just do tricks"
At that moment, a servant approaches the brothers with a goblet of wine for Thor and hearing the last of Thor's sentence laughed. Being slightly annoyed by this, Loki flicks his wrist and the servant's face turns to horror as snakes appear from the goblet instead of the wine that was there two seconds before. The servant yelps and drops the tray and the goblet, Loki just laughs with a wide grin on his face. "Loki, now that was just a waste of good wine" Thor complains and Loki looks towards the servant the grin still present on his face. "Oh it was just a bit of fun, right my friend?" Loki feigns innocence and with a wave of his hand the snakes disappear in a green haze. The servant breaths a laugh and picks up the tray and goblet as he retreats with Thor and Loki still laughing. The servant returns a moment later with Thor's helmet and he takes it with a nervous expression. Loki noticing this makes a joke about the feathers that succeeds in making Thor laugh and he retorts by making a jab at Loki's horns. "I was being sincere" Loki says turning to face Thor. "You are incapable of sincerity" Thor replies
"Am I?"
Loki looks into Thor's eyes and says with complete sincerity "I've looked forward to this day as long as you have. My brother and my friend, sometimes I'm envious but never doubt that I love you"
Thor smiles and grips the side of Loki's helmet "Thank you"
Loki grins "Now give us a kiss" Thor slaps his chest and tells him to stop it. Loki then exits and a few minutes later Thor follows him through the doors.
I smile at the relationship between the two brothers and hope that nothing would come between them.

All of the sudden the scene tilts and I am thrust sideways into another scene with a very angry Odin. Unlike the one I was just in I'm unable to move and can only observe as Odin lays into Thor.
"Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin shouts throwing a sword to Heimdall.
"I was protecting my home." Thor tries to defend his actions.
"You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now!" Odin continues as Thor's friends drag one of them out, leaving Odin, Thor, Loki and Heimdall behind. Thor still tries to defend himself "There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you." I frown, realising how arrogant Thor actually is and nothing like he was in the previous vision.
"That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior's patience." Odin tries to reason but ends up angering Thor more.
"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls."
"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!"Odin insults Thor and he does the same.
"And you are an old man and a fool!" "Yes. I was a fool to think you were ready." Odin's voice reduces to a whisper
"Father..." Loki tries to intervene as he realises what Odin was about to do but he just gets a shout/growl.
"Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are unworthy of these realms!  You're unworthy of your title!" Odin tears the plates off of Thor's chest "You're unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed. I now take from you your power!" Odin commands Thor's hammer to him "In the name of my father and his father before..." the armour on Thor begins to retract until it is no longer there and Odin says his final words. "I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!" Thor is pushed through the Bifrost and Loki watches him with shocked expression only now truly realising the power of his father.
I stand in shock as everything is silent and Loki storms out along with Odin after throwing the hammer through the same portal that Thor went through.
I woke up with a gasp to see the concerned face of my sister hovering over me. "Jesus Jane, can you not hover over me when I've just awoken" I say moving away from her face. "Well I'm sorry but you were tossing in your sleep again, was it another 'dream' of yours."
I sigh, ever since I turned 16 I've been having realistic visions in my sleep sometimes nightmares, sometimes pleasant and like the one I just had they can be both. The only person who knows is my older sister Jane but she just blames them on my artist brain that makes up people and places that I can draw the next morning. That's right I'm an artist whilst everyone else in my family has gone into astrophysics; to say I was different from my family would be the understatement of the century.

I run my hands through my and look groggy up at her. "Yes, I'll probably end up drawing it later on today" I rub my eyes and get out of bed. "Speaking of, what are you doing in my room, it can't just of been because you heard my mumbling" I say grabbing my clothes out of my closet. "Oh yes, Erik just arrived and you know that we're going to see those formations tonight." Jane says excitedly. "You're coming too"
Having just entered my en-suite, I stick my head out with a confused look on my face. "Why am I coming?"
She pauses "Well you're our driver"
I resumed getting changed whilst calling out "I thought that was Darcy"
"I just want you to be there Ava, please" she says raising her voice slightly. I stick my head out one more time and smile "Okay sis, I'll be there and tell Erik not eat all the hash browns I actually plan on eating breakfast today"
Jane nods and finally leaves my room; I finish my morning routine and exit to face the day not particularly excited to be staying up late tonight.

 I stick my head out one more time and smile "Okay sis, I'll be there and tell Erik not eat all the hash browns I actually plan on eating breakfast today" Jane nods and finally leaves my room; I finish my morning routine and exit to face the day n...

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Her outfit ^

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