Chapter 3

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It turns out that the knock was from one of the grandmaster's servants gifting me a dress to wear for the party. I look at myself in the mirror, it's a nice dress don't get me wrong but it is way too short. I pull it down slightly to make sure it covered my butt then walked out to meet Loki.

He had changed into a blue version of his Asgardian armour, "What are you wearing?" He asks as he looks over me

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He had changed into a blue version of his Asgardian armour, "What are you wearing?" He asks as he looks over me. "The dress that the Grandmaster gave me, do you like?" I reply with a twirl. He smirks and walks up to me "Oh I love it but I don't want other men seeing you like this"
"Well suck it up, the grandmaster will be expecting me to wear this so I will" I say with a grin then walk past him to the door. I look back with a smirk "Well are you coming, my king?" He groans but follows after me anyways.
We walk into the party, me slightly behind Loki and with my head down as a sign that I'm his servant. He glances at me and I nod saying that I'm okay before he leads me to the Grandmaster who was surrounded by rich, weirdly dressed people. "Ah Loki, glad you could come, you even brought your... maid. Could I talk to her, we didn't really get to know each other earlier" The Grandmaster asks as we stand in front of him. "Of course, I'm just thankful you returned her to me" Loki replies. The Grandmaster waves me over to his side then walks away from Loki. "Lets get to know one another shall we? My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it." He looks at me with a proud expression and I fake a small smile. "Tell me about yourself"
"Umm" I say not quite sure what to say "My name is Avery, I haven't seen much of the universe. I've been in Master Loki's service since I became of age. And I have never seen this contest of champions though it sounds very interesting" I smile with fake enthusiasm.
"Tell you what, when my scrappers brings in a worthy champion, I bet it will be 142, you and your supervisor are invited to watch the big battle in the evening. How does that sound?"
"That would be amazing, sir" I frown "Don't you mean my master?" I ask, stopping when he does.
"I really don't like that word"
"Okay, me and my supervisor will gladly watch the gladiator battle with you"

He nods then waves his hand when someone else comes over in a signal to go away, I go back to the center of the party but can't find Loki. I decide to wait for him near the exit and hope he walks past it at one point. Awkwardly I stood by the door with my arms crossed across chest and I was constantly fiddling with the material of the dress. "Well don't you look pretty" a random guy says walking up to me, he had on an elaborate suit and seemed to have had one too many drinks. "Are you going to say something or just stand there?" he demands coming closer; I lean away and don't look at him to hint that I'm not interested. "Hey girl" he grabs my arm and forces me to face him. "Please go away" I say wincing as his grip got tighter, "You think you can tell me what to do" he spits in my face and I almost gag at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "You wanted an answer" I say confidently not at all like what I was feeling. "You shouldn't have said that, bitch..."
"Step away from the lady, please" I hear a familiar voice come from behind the man, Loki. The guy turns and glares at Loki whilst still gripping my arm, it was beginning to really hurt. "You call this bitch a 'lady'?" he asks with a slight scoff. "Yes I do, now release her" Loki demands, completely composed but I could see his jaw working.
"Or what?" The guy says pulling me with him to get right up in Loki's face. I could see Loki's face scrunch up a little in disgust before it returned to its previous mask of indifference. "I will squeeze your organs slowly, painfully every single one of them whilst your still conscious. You will be in so much pain but no one will notice due an illusion making everything seem fine. Only after a suitable amount of squeezing will I finally kill you but it won't be simple. Oh no, I will crush your throat then your heart making sure that you suffocate. Now let go of the lady and go back to your miserable life" Loki says with a grin at the end. The guy immediately lets go of me then pushes me into Loki before storming off, Loki takes my hand and leads me out of the party and back to our room.

The door slams shut as I rush into the room and almost break down. I try to take deep breaths but it's not working, I feel Loki stand in front of me "Just breath, darling" he brings me into his chest and rubs my hair calming me and I focus on his breathing and heartbeat. "That's it" Loki praises and continues to run his hands through my hair, it's actually quite nice. I wipe a few traitorous tears as I pull away from Loki but he doesn't remove his arms from around me "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying, it's stupid" I say with a humourless laugh. "No darling you have every right to cry, that man is a creep and won't touch you again otherwise I will go through with my promise." Loki looks me in the eyes "I should kill him for touching and hurting you like that" he states whilst rubbing my bruised arm soothingly, his cool hands feeling nice on my skin. "Loki you can't kill him"
"Not even give him a severe heart attack"
I look at him in disbelief "No!"
"Why not?" Loki whines like a child.
"Because I thought you turned over a new leaf, no more killing people"
"Can I at least turn him into a frog?"
"Yes you can turn him into a frog" I agree and kiss Loki lightly on the lips.
"Then step on him"
"No, Jesus Christ, you can turn him into a frog then let him go. He's bound to be stepped on by someone else, just not you" I say and he smirks "I like the way you think, pet. Get changed, I will be back in a minute" he says before walking out. I shake my head and quickly change into some nighttime clothes, which consists of my underwear and one of Loki's more casual tops, before laying down on my side on the bed.

A few minutes later Loki walks in with a proud smile on his face, he walks over and kisses me on the lips before changing into his night clothes and getting into bed with me. "All done sweetheart. He is a frog destined to live out his days on the streets of Sakaar where he will most likely get trampled to death tomorrow." Loki says nuzzling into my neck, spooning me from behind. "Goodnight my king" I mutter as I go into dreamland but I vaguely hear Loki reply. "Goodnight, my love"

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