Chapter 6

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After Loki's death, I didn't really register what was going on, we found ourselves in a cave that had a portal that lead us to Earth and somehow we drove to where Erik, Darcy and some other dude was. "Erik?!" I say as we arrive enter Jane's place, I go over to him and give him a hug despite him not wearing any pants. "Avery? Are you alright?" he asks, I nod "I think so"
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything." Jane cuts into our conversation and Erik nods as she goes to Darcy
"Are you well, Erik?" Thor says after hanging his hammer on the coat hanger, I smile a bit at least we have a worthy coat hanger. Erik chuckles at the sight of Thor but it fades a bit. "Your brother is not coming, is he?" he asks
"Loki is dead." Thor replies and I look at the floor. "Oh, thank God." Me and Thor look at him in confusion "I...I'm so sorry." Erik backtracks and hugs Thor as he thanks Erik.
"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected." Jane says and I saw that she got that piece of information because of the aether showing her a vision before it was taken out of her.
"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal." I state, standing next to Erik
"Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time." Thor says
"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy questions before Erik pulls out a large map of the UK.
"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it. All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map." He starts drawing lines on the map "Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking" I lean forward to see Erik pointing at... "Greenwich?" the guy says, I still don't know who he is.
"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Jane explains and Thor summons Mjolnir, it shoots over to Thor's hand from the where it was hanging on the coat hanger. I sigh realising there was going to be another battle only this time with no Avengers because this is England, they don't care for what happens over here.
"I better get my pants." Erik says and I go upstairs to change into some more movable clothing so that I will be able to fight or run around the town.

_________________________ I plant one of Erik's devices into the ground and turned it on then put a thumbs up in Darcy's direction who then relayed the message onto Jane who was high up in a bell tower with Erik

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I plant one of Erik's devices into the ground and turned it on then put a thumbs up in Darcy's direction who then relayed the message onto Jane who was high up in a bell tower with Erik. I run up to Darcy and we hid behind a building with elves advancing on us. All of the sudden, the elves disappear, Darcy seemed pretty excited until we found ourselves being transported to the other side of Greenwich with some dark elves. I push Darcy and the guy I now know as Ian in front of me and we run as they begin shooting at us.
I use my powers to throw car parts at the elves but they continued to come at us. I create a barrier in front the three of us and focus on the cracks in the ground and send several of them plumenting downwards. I turn to see Ian, with the help of anti-gravity, lift up a car and smash it onto an elf that was about to attack Darcy. In that second we were transported back but not before Darcy and Ian kiss, passionately. I turn my head away and catch Jane's eye "Guys we are supposed to busy, we don't have time for a smooch. Ava why didn't you stop them?" Jane asks, putting all the blame on me, I give her an incredulous look. "What was I supposed to do? Kiss him instead?" I walk away but begin running when I see Thor. "Thor! We're too late." Jane shouts as Erik follows her.
"The Convergence is at its peak." Thor looks at the gadget spears in Erik's hand that hadn't been stuck in the ground. "Can those things stop him?" Thor asks and I realise what he is about to do. If Thor can get close enough then Jane can send the signal and transport Malekith back to where he came from as well as killing him. "Thor, I can help you" I say looking at the emerging red cloud surrounding Malekith. "How?" Thor asks and I look at him. "I can split the aether surrounding Malekith so that you have a clear path straight to him but I won't be able to hold it for long so you better hurry"

Thor nods and we both run to where Malekith was waiting for the realms to align completely. I stop just before the cloud and hold my arms out. I focus on the mist and I could see the blue hue of my power begin to split the cloud apart, I push my arms apart and it creates an opening in the mist that Thor promptly goes into. I squint my eyes against the wind and could hear the powerful voice of Malekith but couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Dropping to my knees, I still remained focused and the blueness of my power was still holding up against the immense strength of the aether, I tasted a metallic substance flow into my parted mouth and realised that my nose had begun to bleed due to the amount of energy I was using. All of the sudden I was thrown back by the aether inside of Malekith as he was hit by lightning, I flew threw the air and landed on my side. I staggered upright but something didn't feel right, I saw Malekith's ship disappear and was happy that we had won but still something was wrong. I felt different as though I had no control of my powers but at the same time I did. I summoned a small ball of energy and to my surprise instead of it all being blue, it had red intertwined with the blue but the red was pulsing as though it was trying to escape. I had absorbed some of the aether and now...I was a ticking time bomb.

A/NThank you for making it this far through my least favourite of the Marvel movies but Loki was good in this film and it is important to the plot so again thank you

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Thank you for making it this far through my least favourite of the Marvel movies but Loki was good in this film and it is important to the plot so again thank you. I hope you will read on as Avery's adventures continue in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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