All-New Halloween Spooktacular

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"Mummy!!! Daddy!!!" I groan at Hela's screaming before I feel a weight jump on me. "Hela?" I ask whilst prying my eyes open. "It's Halloween, mummy, I found a cat costume in my wardrobe. Please wake up mummy." Hela says as she shakes my shoulders.
"Alright, alright, I'm up" I grumble before sending Hela to change into the costume. I turn onto my side and see Loki awake with a grin on his face. "Oh shut up" I smack his arm and climb out of bed.
"I didn't say anything" he insists and wraps his arm around me.
"You didn't need to, your face said it all" I open the wardrobe and pause at the sight of only the Halloween costumes and no other clothes. "What happened to our clothes?" I ask Loki.
"I thought it was always like this" he replies and I pull out of his arms to face him, why is Loki being an idiot today? I walk away from Loki to sort myself out in the bathroom.

I finish and change into my costume, it's a black dress with stars, defining the V in my chest and the slit down my leg. It has a lace veil that goes across my shoulders and a headpiece made of fake jewels. I also found a large staff to finish off the outfit.

I make my way downstairs and see Hela in her cat costume sat on the sofa

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I make my way downstairs and see Hela in her cat costume sat on the sofa. "Wow mummy you look really nice"
"So do you, munchkin. Let's go to Wanda's house, you can go trick or treating with Billy and Tommy" I say and a big smile breaks out on her face "Yay, let's go, I want to see Billy again."
I smile then Loki walks down the stairs in a variation of his normal outfit. "How do I look?"
"You look great, dear." he grins then holds out his arm, I take it then we all walk to Wanda's house.
When we got there we see Vision storm out the house "Hey Vision" I shout and he finally notices us and gives us a very fake smile. "Are you alright?" If it were possible, his smile got even faker.
"Umm yes, just stressed for Halloween, I'm on guarding duty tonight"
"Of course, why don't you help him, Loki?" I suggest and look up at him. Loki nods and Vision shrugs so Loki goes off with him and I enter Wanda's house to see the back of someone's head but I recognised his voice. When Wanda moves out of the way I see the guy's face and I freeze. How is he here? That dream wasn't real or was it? I barely acknowledge Hela's hand slipping out of mine as she runs over to Billy and Tommy.
"Avery, you remember Pietro right?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Wanda.
"Yeah" I say and walk further into house whilst keeping my eyes on Pietro. "I thought Hela might want to trick or treat with the boys."
Wanda nods before she goes into the other room. Pietro throws his arm around my shoulder and I tense up at his touch. "Why so tense, girl?" he asks and I try to move out of his arms but he tightens his hold, "You look so hot in that dress, missy"
"I have a husband and my name is Avery" I say as I manage to get out of his tight hold.
"Doesn't look like it" Pietro then points to my finger and I look down to see no wedding ring. I glare at him and make my own ring then see a slight glitch before the ring is seen on my hand. "Happy?" Pietro just smiles and glances at my fisted hands "You really shouldn't get so angry, it might release a monster and no one wants that."
I clench my teeth whilst glaring at him, my powers bubbling under the surface. He grins then speeds away as Wanda comes back to me, smiling.
It was now late into the evening and there was some music playing from the bandstand. I walk away from Wanda and Pietro and see a woman waving me over. "Why hello, girlie, haven't seen you before."
"Well I just moved in with my husband and daughter. Wanda heard I wanted to move somewhere so offered this place."
"Well I'm Agnes, Wanda's neighbour. I hope to see more of you" I laugh and nod "Well I best be off, I have to pick someone up from out of town."
"See you later, girlie" Agnes says then drives away from the town center.
"Mummy!" all of the sudden I bombarded by the twins and Hela. "Mum told us that you can sing, can you sing for us?" Tommy asks whilst Billy and Hela nodded energetically. I lock eyes with Wanda then look down at the kids "I don't know..."
"Please Mommy, I'm sure everyone would like to hear you" Hela argued as Wanda came over. "There's a piano on the bandstand, you can play that song" Wanda tries to hint at something but I came up a blank. I nod anyways and Wanda leads me to a blonde haired woman who was by the stage, "Hey Dottie, this is Avery, I know you wanted some live entertainment and Avery has a song"
"That's great Wanda, come with me Avery" I follow Dottie up onto the stage before separating and sitting down on the piano stool. "Hey everyone, finally we have some live entertainment so sit down and enjoy." Dottie gives me a look before exiting the stage. I see the song on the music sheet then close the sheet, I wasn't going to sing that, that's Hela's song. I place my hands on the keys and pause before I begin playing whatever came to mind.

"Seems like a part of me will always have to lose
Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?
I don't have the answers, not today
It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see if the grass was greener
On the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough, or would I still be wondering?
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing
If I had everything, would it mean anything
To me?
Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had
I said too much to ever take it back
Scared I'll never find something as good
And would I even know it if I could?
From the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough, or would I still be wondering?
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little brave than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing
If I had everything, would it mean anything
Maybe I should turn around and take the other road
Or maybe I'm just looking for what I already know
I'm just wondering
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little brave than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing
If I had everything, would it mean anything
To me?
Would it be enough
Or would I still be wondering?"

I stop playing the piano to a thunderous applause from my audience, it looked like everyone in the town was here watching me play. I stand and bow but when I stood up I saw Pietro on the ground with  blood staining the ground. I blink and try to remain calm as I walk off stage, I find myself in a dark space and that's when everything hit me.

How could you forget me? Let that traitor take my place and fool my nephews. Remember me Avery. REMEBER ME!!!

I sink to the ground holding my head "P-Please stop" I whimper. No, you can break through this enchantment, you can do it. I lift my head and look around, where the hell am I? I slowly stand up and look around before remembering what Jimmy told me. I smile, I managed to break through Wanda's mind control. I slowly stand and make my way back over to Wanda and fake Pietro because that guy is not him.
Help me
I halt at the pained voice, where is that coming from.
Please, we didn't ask for this.
Help us, it hurts.
Why is she doing this?
I know you can hear us, please.
Why aren't you doing anything?
I come out of people's thoughts and look at the crowd seemingly happy but are they all in pain because of Wanda taking over their minds. "Mommy?" I look down at Hela. "I'm tired. Billy and Tommy ran off to get sweets but I wanted to wait for you" Hela explains before she lets out a big yawn. I pick her up and settle her on my hip, "Lets go home then" she nods and rests her head on my shoulder. I walk over to Wanda who was looking confused "Hey Wanda, I'm going to head home. Helana is getting tired"
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" I nod then make my way home. As we got further away from the Town Center, everything became a lot quieter, I tighten my hold on Hela then hurry inside our house. I lay Hela down on the sofa and get myself some water, I'm shocked when someone grabs my arm. I let out a yell and shoot whoever is behind me with my powers. I turn and see Loki's shocked face before he disintegrates in a blaze of hexagons. I try to reach out but he was already gone. He wasn't real, he never was, I was all along and never truly knew. I slide down the cupboard door and put my head on my knees, I look at my ring finger and see it was gone, just like my husband. I hear Hela coming into the kitchen and wipe the tears from my face. "Mummy, where is daddy?" she asks innocently. "Daddies not coming home tonight, he got held up" I try to come up with a lie but she looks at my face "Is that why you're so sad?"
I nod and give her a weak smile, she runs over to me and gives me a hug from the side "Don't be sad, mummy, I'll always be here. Look a butterfly" Hela extends her hand and a turquoise butterfly flies out and lands on my finger. "You can do magic?" I say astonished but I shouldn't really be surprised having me and Loki as parents. I frown, is Helana mine and Loki's child or is she someone else's that we have essentially kidnapped.  
"I love you Helana" I say and give her a kiss on the top of her head.
"I love you too, mummy"

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