Chapter 3

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"Ava? Ava wake up" I groan and see Nat and Clint standing over me, I shoot up but immediately regret that decision as I almost fall over. Nat catches me and takes the gauntlet off me, "What was that?" I asks grasping her arm. "Don't know but we need to move, whoever it was probably wants the gauntlet" Clint rushes us and we all run through the sewers, Clint halts us and shoots his arrow down where we were going to run, it illuminated several outriders crawling towards us. "Thanos" I whisper before Nat pulls me back the way we just came. We run for several minutes before I turn and bring down a section of the tunnel, it blocked the outriders but not for long. I look up at the gap I made and see the sky, I turn at Nat and Clint's confused faces. "I'm going to fly up, you take the gauntlet and get it as far away from Thanos as possible" I explain.
"Why don't you take it?" Clint asks.
"Because I'm going to hold back Thanos and before you ask you can't come with me as I'm going to collapse this tunnel and I don't want you guys in it" Nat nods and gives me a hug "See you up there" she says before she and Clint run further down the tunnel. I wait for as long as I could before removing the barrier and leading the outriders upwards, I almost get overwhelmed when I make the walls crumble around me and push all the debris on top of the outriders as I exit the hole and fly towards where I could see Thanos standing.
"But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." I catch Thanos explaining, I come to a halt seeing the masses of creatures in Thanos's army. I glide over and land next to Steve, he looks at me in relief, I grab his forearm and use my powers to heal the cut that he gained from Thanos. "Thanks"
"Well you can't go into battle with a damaged arm" I say with a smile. He narrows his eyes "What do you know?"
I just smirk and tap my ear piece, we hear a voice coming through, it was Sam. I turn and see a portal opens up, and T'Challa walks through with Okoye and Shuri. Sam flies through and I walk past Steve to see many more portals open up. I knew Dr Strange was bringing some heroes to the fight but not on this scale, I recognise Val, Wong, the Wakandan army, the Asgardians and I see Peter swing through the portal. I notice Wanda and my dad come to the front line with me and Cap, I get startled as Scott breaks through the compound and lowers Rhodey, Rocket and Bruce onto the battle field. Me and Steve face Thanos once again who looks shocked at the sheer amount of heroes that had come to defend the Universe. I allow sorceress to come through and my attire changes as I form two swords to fight with. "Avengers" Steve calls as he summons Mjolnir.
Thor lets out a battle cry and we all go running into battle. I shoot upwards before falling down and slicing my way through the outriders. I trip up a creature then bury my sword into its chest, I look up then rise above the mass and spread my arms to take out many as possible. Suddenly I'm knocked to the side by a leviathan, I tumble and then manage to gain control but now I had a massive creature after me. I try to avoid it then Val tosses me her spear, I catch it before driving the spear all the way through the creature and then back the way it came. I hold the spear and watch as the beast crashes into outriders below. "Hey, can I have that back?" Val shouts from her Pegasus. "Sorry" I then toss the spear back at her. We then continue through the battle, together.

"Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint shouts through the coms and I spot him  and Nat running with the gauntlet despite me and Val flying over the enemy's side of the battle.
"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve orders.
"No! We need to get them back where they came from." Bruce shouts and I let out a sigh of frustration. We can't do two things at once, we need to focus on the battle then return the stones.
"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony states. Exactly, one thing at a time guys. I hear a sound from below and see a van surrounded by outriders.
"Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?" Steve questions.
"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!" Val answers as I knock several Chitauri out of the sky.
"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asks
"Maybe ten minutes." I finally see Scott and notice a woman in a similar outfit next to him.
"Get it started." Steve starts.
"We'll get the stones to you." I finish then turn in mid-air and fly back to the hero side to help with the passing of the gauntlet. I see T'Challa get knocked back by a boomeranging sword from Thanos, he goes to get it but Wanda stops him and begins to crush his armour. I nod at her then knock Ebony Maw off his pile of rocks, his grip on T'Challa loosens and I watch as the gauntlet is taken by Peter. "You shouldn't have done that" Maw says as he stands up.
"Shouldn't I?" I ask, sarcastically and he wraps me up in rocks, I struggle but he traps my arms and brings me closer to him. "You're pathetic army will fall and Thanos' world will be a glorious one"
"Shame you won't  be there to see it" I say back then stare into his eyes. I let my mind dive into his chest and find his heart. I squeeze, crimson liquid rushing out of the organ as I contract it even tighter. The arteries and veins around the heart exploding like fireworks on the 4th July. I stare into his murky grey eyes and tilt my head to the side "What? Are you hurting?"
He tries to reply but I crush his heart, leaving it a mangled pulp inside of a Maw's chest. I land on the ground before standing upright with the body falling in front of me, death from an extreme heart attack. I look away before having to throw up my shield as fire rained down on us. I fly upwards, avoiding the fire as I land near Peter. I put a shield around us and hold it but suddenly it stopped. The cannons began firing at something just out of view then a bright light tears through Thanos' ship and it crashes into the lake. I help Peter up and his eyes widen at someone who had just landed behind me, I turn to see a woman, emitting some sort of light with a small smile on her face. "Hi-I'm Peter Parker" Peter stutters from next to me.
"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?" Carol says and Peter hands her the gauntlet, "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that."
"Don't worry" Wanda lands near us.
"She's got help" Okoye finishes as she sees what's going on. Peter still looked skeptical, I turn to him "We'll be fine"
I run in front of the assembled heroes and extend my powers, taking out as many creatures as possible then Wanda joins me and we manage to create a pathway straight to the van. We fly upwards and Carol then shot forward with the gauntlet easily getting through; she is almost there when Thanos throws his sword destroying the van. I tumble to the ground from the power of the blast but quickly shake off the tiredness that is catching up on me and see Thanos trying to go for the gauntlet; I realise my foot is stuck and quickly work to remove the debris that had fallen when the van exploded.

My face falls when Thanos puts on the gauntlet but Carol intercepts and manages to hold his hand open, I finally get free the land on his back. I wrap my arm around his neck and pull his head  backwards, I feel stronger with the stones so close and I feed off their power. Thanos shoots Carol with the power stone then throws me off his back with the remaining stones. I stumble to my feet trying to clear my head that was filling up with fog. Through my half closed eyes I see Thanos throw Tony aside "I am– inevitable." he says before snapping but there is a clink and no white light. I frown before seeing Tony kneeling upright opposite me, he held up his hand that held all six infinity stones "And I– am– Iron Man." I run forward with the last of my energy "Tony! Wait!" I shout but Tony snaps and I see the white light. I look around at all of Thanos' army turns to dust, no half measures this time, Thanos staggers to a rock and sits down. I watch as he closes his eyes and fades to dust, in a weird way I hope he finds peace with his people and Gamora.

I run to Tony and help him sit him upright, his armour had been torn away and his arm and half of his face was burnt beyond repair. It was a lot but I could do it, "I can heal you, Tony, just stay with me" I say and my hands glow as I begin healing his face. He grabs my hand and pulls it away from him "Tony?" I question as the glow flickers out.
It's okay, you're too tired. I'm ready.
I shake my head "I'm not. Please let me help you"
Let me go Avery, let me rest.
I come out of Tony's head as Peter swings down next to me, I stand up and step back straight into Steve, he gathers me into his arms and I finally break down. Soon dad joins us and I hug him finding comfort in his arms. I reach out to Tony one more time and feel him let go, the reactor light on his chest going out. He's gone. Steve tries to reign in his tears but ultimately fails as he watches his long time friend fade away. I look around as everyone gathers in silence, I see Wanda and know I have to tell her about Pietro, I can't leave it any longer. I pull myself from dad and walk to Wanda, "Walk with me?" she nods and I lead her away.
I kick stones out of my path and clamber out of the crater to face the lake that was next to the compound. Wanda steps up beside me and looks at the sun beginning to set, "Avery where is Pietro?"
I take a deep breath and face her "He survived the snap and kept me stable through those 5 years after the snap. He convinced me to return to the team to help restore the universe, I don't know what I would have done without him. But then we went to Vormir. One of us had to die and I wanted it to be me. I threw myself off the cliff but he wired me to the cliff still I stopped him from falling until he electrocuted me and I lost my grip." I had tears running down my cheeks and so did Wanda "I'm so sorry but he's not coming back"
Wanda pulls me into a hug "Pietro has always been like that, doing stupid things for the greater good"
"He wanted me to tell you that he is happy, that he's with your parents and that he-he loves you" I say stuttering at the end. Wanda gives me a weak smile and rests her head on my shoulder, "Where would you like his grave to be, I can't bring back his body but he at least deserves a nice grave."
"I think he would like one in Sokovia, our home, I know the perfect place next to the lake that was Sokovia." I nod and create a portal there. I send a message to Steve then we both step through the portal into Sokovia.

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