Chapter 5

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I run towards the hanger and see Cap, Nat and Clint enter the Quinjet, I jump onboard and smile at their shocked faces "What did you think I was gonna sit this one out?" I ask, Nat grinned and we set off to save New York.
When we arrived we saw Thor and Loki fighting so Clint shoots at them but Loki fires a blast of energy towards and it sends us crashing into the street below. We quickly exit to see New York being destroyed and the huge portal that keeps letting the Chitauri through. As we made our way through the city a huge Chitauri Leviathan passed over top of us and Chitauri soldiers jumped from the massive creatures onto nearby buildings. "Stark you seeing this?" Cap asks as we look on in shock. We duck down behind an upturned taxi as we see Loki firing at civilians.

"Those people need assistance down there." I state but don't want to leave the others behind. The soldiers had begun firing at us and I used my powers to hold them still while Nat shot them in the face. "We got this. It's good. Go!" Nat says to both me and Steve. Cap turns to Clint "You think you can hold them off?"
"Captain." Clint pulls a trigger on his bow; an arrow is mechanically chosen "It would be my genuine pleasure." I grab Steve and we jump off the bridge to help the people below. We run through the explosions and jump over cars, me surprising myself by actually managing to keep up with Steve. We reach a line where the police where set up. I see some Chitauri and get out my knives and start to slice my through them even doing a small knife flip then stabbing a soldier that was trying to creep up on me. I get slightly distracted by Cap talking to the policeman "I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." He orders but the man just looks at him in confusion. "Why the hell should I take orders from you?" I crouch down as there was another explosion. Two went towards Cap and one ran to me but I held it with my mind and threw it toward Cap who quickly dispatched of the creature. The policeman was shocked and then walked away doing exactly what Cap told them to.

Realizing that the police know what to do, we run back to Nat and Clint and start to fight them but it was becoming too much until lighting came down from the sky, the Chitauri convulsed and drop dead on the ground. Thor touches down next to us. "Thanks" I say and he nods, smiling. 

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor replies blasting back more Chitauri. "Thor is right. We got to deal with these guys." Stark's voice came through the communicators in our ears. "How do we do this?" Nat asks
"As a team." I say, stabbing a soldier and throwing three of them into a wall. "I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor states as we pause fighting for a moment "Yeah, get in line." Clint mutters fiddling with his arrows. "Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need." I snap not wanting to think about them killing my on and off again friend. "Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us" Steve continues but is interrupted by Bruce rolling up on a motorcycle. "So, this all seems horrible." Bruce says walking up to us. "I've seen worse." Nat chimes in and Bruce looks apologetic "Sorry."
"No. We could use a little worse."
"Stark? We got him." Steve says into the coms. "Banner?"
"Just like you said."
"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Tony orders as he rounds the corner with a massive Leviathan. "I...I don't see how that's a party" Nat says and I have to agree with her. Bruce walks towards the monster "Bruce now might be a really good time for you to get angry" I state, realizing he wasn't going to stop. He just looks at me, "That's my secret kid, I'm always angry" Bruce's body then swells into the mean, green, rage machine that is the Hulk. He smashes into the Leviathan causing it to flip and Tony shoots the underside and it falls down, dead. We then arrange into a circle and my hands and eyes begin to glow as the Chitauri were attacking us from all sides. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a little excited in that moment, finally we were united against a common enemy we were finally fighting as a team.

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