Chapter 2

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I dodge out of the way of a flying umbrella, wait umbrella? I quickly run after said umbrella, Strange had been talking with someone for the past ten minutes regarding a dangerous person that had alerted the sanctum whilst also moving them around the building. I stand at the top of the main staircase and see Strange with Thor standing next to a portal. "Thor?!" I call and run down to him. "Avery, it's good to see you again" Thor greets before turning back to Thor "I suppose I'll be needing my brother back" Brother? He can't mean Loki, can he?

Strange opens a portal above us and I could hear screaming before Loki drops onto the floor, that bastard. He lands quite heavily and looks up, flipping his hair back. "I have been falling for...THIRTY MINUTES!" he shouts and Strange shakes hands with Thor whilst Loki staggers to his feet. "Good luck."
"Handle me? Who are you?" Loki questions.
"Loki" I warn him, stepping slightly in front of Strange when Loki draws his daggers.
"You think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate..." Loki was cut off by me stepping fully in front of him and Strange sending us all through the portal. Loki, who was aiming for Strange, ended up falling in top of me. I glare up at him "Well hello darling" I just look at him not impressed "Get off"

He gets off me and I scramble to my feet realising that we were on a cliffside and Odin was at right on the edge. We walk over and join Thor who was already stood next to him. I stayed back a bit as this was a family affair. They sat down on the rock and began talking about Ragnarok and their previously unknown older sister, Hela. "I love you my sons" Odin states and I see Loki look up in surprise, I was just glad he finally realised his father did love him despite all the terrible things both of them have done. "Avery" Odin calls and I step up next to the trio then kneel so Odin could see me better. "Look after my sons, they will need you in love and friendship" I nod and look at Loki who had a sombre look on his face. "Remember this place. Home." Then as the brothers look towards the horizon, Odin dissipates signalling his death. I notice the clouds becoming darker as though an evil presence had been freed. "Brother" Loki tries to calm Thor but he just glares at him "This was your doing."
"Hey! Stop fighting both of you. Your sister is coming so you need to be on the same side whether you like it or not." I state and I take out the staff as a portal opens in front of us. Thor slams his umbrella against the ground transforming it back to his hammer whilst Loki converts mine and his clothes into more suitable armour. A woman walked out, she had messy black hair and a ripped black and green suit "Is he gone? That's a shame. I would've liked to have seen that." Hela says with an air of disinterest. "You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin." Thor greets hoping this wouldn't turn into a fight.
"Really, you don't look like him."
"Perhaps we can reach an arrangement." Loki tries again.
"You sound like him." Hela looks at all of us and I could see she wasn't going to be friendly. "Kneel"
Jesus Christ she sounds exactly like Loki, "Beg you pardon?" Loki asks in disbelief. Hela grins and summons a sword "Kneel...before your Queen."
"I don't think so." Thor says then hurls Mjolnir at Hela but she stops it in her bare hand. Thor says it's impossible whilst his arm was still outstretched, trying to recall his hammer.
"Darling, you have no idea what's possible." Hela states then proceeds to crush the hammer and it drops to pieces at her feet, we crouch slightly at the shockwave from the broken hammer. Hela grins then makes a large headdress appear and stalked towards us now with two swords in her hands. Loki grasps my waist and shouts upwards "Bring us back!" Then we were sucked into the Bifrost but Hela was also brought with us. I pull myself out of Loki's hold and try to fight Hela as she catches up to me and Loki. I wrap my whip around her arm and drag her away from Loki and try to push her out of the Bifrost but she manages to grab my arm then throw me into Loki and we both fall out of the Bifrost.

I see many different colours as I sped through the void of nothingness, I didn't know where Loki was and I didn't know where I was going. I crash onto a pile of rubbish and groan, I stumble upright and look around seeing I was on a planet full of trash and in the distance I could see a city. I start to head towards it but slip and fall down into a hole, this day can't get any worse can it? I felt something hit my neck then I collapse as bolts run through my body. No, this is much worse then I passed out.
I wake up strapped into a chair and I could feel it moving forward, it was all dark and I couldn't move from the chair. "Fear not, for you are found. You are home, and there is no going back. No one leaves this place." a female voice suddenly spoke, I try to pull my hands free but them were stuck for good. Where am I? What is this? Where is Loki? "But what is this place? The answer is Sakaar." The tunnel around me changes to a cosmic scene "Surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown. It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you. But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved. And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster." The voice continues and a silhouette of a man appears on my left side, what the hell is going on? "He is the original. The first lost, and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and the father of the Contest of Champions. Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster. Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds." the voice springs that sudden information on me, I clutch onto the seat as it begins to get faster and the voice kept repeating 'prepare yourself'. I shut my eyes tightly when the seat suddenly stopped. I cautiously open my eyes to see I'm surrounded by brightly coloured guards and two woman and a man was in front of me. One of the woman looked around my age with painted lines on her face and some sort of armour. The other woman has more muscle than the first but she also had painted lines on her face and seems to always have a scowl on her face. The last person was a robed man sat in some type of throne, he had a look of intrigue on his face, he must be the grandmaster and the guy I had to please. "She's a beauty" he says finally after examining me for a minute. "You did good" the guy says to the younger female.
"I'm sorry but from the presentation, which was really good by the way, I am to belong to you, the grandmaster?" I say questioningly, he shudders in pride when I said that then grins at me "Indeed, is there a problem?"
"You see I already belong to someone, his name is Master Loki" I take a risk hoping that Loki might be on this planet. It paid off as I saw recognition flash in the grandmaster's eyes, so Loki arrived a week ago, that's great. "Hmm... Yes,yes your master turned up last week, we struck up quite the deal. 142, take this girl to Loki's room, he will be missing you. I expect to see you tonight at the party."
The younger woman came up to me and released me from the chair, I stand whilst rubbing my wrists before slightly bowing to the grandmaster "It would be my pleasure"

142 guided me out of the main hall and I realise this place was just as colourful and eccentric as its leader. "So how does this Loki treat you?" she asks as we make our way through the halls. "My master treats me well. He considers me one of the best he's ever had" I say in a fake meek voice. 142 rolls her eyes and drags me into a nook. She was slightly taller than me so I had to look up a bit, "Bullshit, you claim this guy is your master so you must know him but you don't have the air of a slave. I know you wanted to get on the grandmaster's good side which is why I wont rat you out but if you ever need a break then you can join me when I go out for scrapper duties."
My eyes widen but I relax when she said she wouldn't rat me out "Thank you it would be nice to get away from him from time to time" She nods and was about to lead me further when I asked "Do you have a name? I'm guessing you're not called 142"
"You can call me Val when we're alone" she replies then leads me up to a door. Then knocks, the door slides and Loki stands there looking confused. "The Grandmaster delivers you your missing servant" Val states bored. Loki's eyes widened slightly but remained emotionless "Of course, I'll thank the Grandmaster at the party later on" he says before grabbing my arm and pulling me in then closing the door on Val.

"Why the hell do they think you're my servant" Loki asks as I walk further into his room.
"Because I got captured and couldn't think of anything else. How did you become so important?" I retort spinning to face him. "That's my business" Loki answers and I roll my eyes then cross my arms. "You know you're a real arse Loki, what happened to the guy that sacrificed himself? You've just gone back to the same arsehole who I met in 2012."
"What happened to that girl that cried for me when I died?" Loki spins the question back on me and grazes my wrist, I pull out of reach "She grew up once she realised how much of a liar you are" I snap and his gaze darkens "Don't call me a liar, I never lied to you"
"You died in front of me then proceeded to lie to me that I was imagining you in the dreamscape" I say taking a step closer to Loki.
"I had to..." Loki starts but I interrupted him "Had to what? Take over the throne? Because of your selfish actions, your father is dead because you couldn't let go of the toxic ambition to be king"
"NO!" Loki shouts and pushes me away causing me to fall onto the hard floor, I look up in shock and slightly scared. He stops for a second as he realises what he just did, he tries to touch me but I flinch away. He falls to his knees and buries his head in his hands "I-I am so sorry"
I slowly crawl over to him and hesitate before pulling him into a hug, he grasps my waist and hides his face in my neck. "I'm sorry, so, so sorry. Please forgive me." he begs. Loki never begs, he pulls his face away from my neck. "I forgive you Loki but you have to take some responsibility even if Odin was dying before you exiled him." I say and he nods and gazes into my eyes, what is he looking at? He leans in and so do I, we met in the middle and I realised just how much I missed kissing him. Yes we only kissed once before but now I realise how much I missed it. Loki cups my head and deepens the kiss even more until a banging on the door broke us apart. Loki went to go see who it was and I was left kneeling on the floor flushed from what I had just experienced.

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