Chapter 5

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We land in the middle of a field and Clint lead us up to house that was situated next to the field. Steve had his arm around me and I stuck close to his side, his presence was the only thing keeping me grounded at the moment. We enter the house and Clint calls out to someone, "Honey, I'm home."
A heavily pregnant woman comes around the corner and Clint goes up to her and kisses her on the cheek. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."
"Hey" she greats us and gave a small smile. "Gentleman, Avery, this is Laura." Clint introduces the woman "I know all your names." Laura says and we stand awkwardly. As if on cue, two children run into the room and hug Clint; they seem to know Nat and it was nice to see her interacting with the kids. I hear Steve and Tony talking but tune out the conversation before Thor leaves and Steve follows behind him. I follow him with my eyes before he goes out of sight and I'm left standing in the middle of the room. "There are bedrooms upstairs if you want to clean and get some rest" Laura says to me and the others, I nod and quickly exit the room to go upstairs. I find a room that doesn't look like it's been used and collapsing onto the bed, I pass out in a matter of seconds.
I shot up and rubbed my face, it was the guy's face and his mutilated body, I couldn't get the image out of my head. I go to the window to see the sun a little bit higher than when we arrived, I see Steve and Tony cutting up wood and it was almost comical how much bigger Steve's pile was than Tony's. I notice some clothes at the end of the bed with a note from Nat saying they were mine. I grab them and go to the bathroom.

After showering and slipping into the clothes, I make my way downstairs to see Laura in the kitchen

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After showering and slipping into the clothes, I make my way downstairs to see Laura in the kitchen. "Hey, I've just finished making breakfast want some"
I smile and nod to my head before sitting down at the table and she places a croissant in front of me "Thank you and sorry for rushing out earlier, I was just a bit overwhelmed" I explain and take small bites of my food. She just smiles "That's alright. I'm glad you managed to get some rest, I told the boys to leave you alone and Nat gave you some of her clothes which you found. You were out for about an hour." I nod and she stands up with a slight wince "Well I better see what's wrong with our tractor" she says and I frown "Should you really be exerting yourself?" I ask but Laura just grins "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do small jobs here and there."

I smile at her determination and she leaves me in the kitchen, I finish up my food; wash the plate in the sink by the window and see Clint's kids running around playing tag. I smile but it falters when I remember the mercenary, I shouldn't even be here, I could hurt them with an accidental flick of my finger. The plate I was washing shatters in the sink. I jump backwards and see my hands glow faintly before it goes away. I knew it, my emotions are all over the place so I'm dangerous, until I can sort myself out I need to be away from everyone including Steve. I fix the plate before placing it on the drying rack and running upstairs. I grab my suit and several clothes from Nat and placed them all in a bag that I found in the closet, I throw it over my shoulder and grab a phone that Tony gave me. I rarely used it but I might need the added feature that it can project images and information as I was going to try find everything I can on the winter soldier. I exit the room and run downstairs to see Tony leaving Steve by himself, I open the door and jog up to him. "Steve I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me" I burst out and Steve looked slightly alarmed at my sudden decision to leave. "Now just wait a minute, why?" he asks blocking my way with his arm and turning me to face him. "I'm too dangerous to stay here and I want to sort myself out before joining the fight again." I explain and he nods in acceptance. "There is one thing I want to ask you though" I take a breath "What do you know about the Winter soldier? I asked Nat but she didn't tell me much" Steve looked hesitant "Please Steve I need to know"
"First and foremost his name is James Buchanan Barnes and he is a friend from before I went under the ice. I call him Bucky" Steve relents and I listen with great interest. "I rescued him from a Hydra base when his regiment went missing but on a mission with the Howling Commandos he fell off a train and I thought he was dead. It turns out he was recaptured by Hydra and turned into an assassin for them; my best friend turned into a brutal killing machine." he pauses before continuing "When we took down the helicarriers, I had to fight him but I refused to kill him so I was thrown off the ship and almost drowned. He dragged me out and left me there, I don't know if he remembers me truly but I like to think somewhere deep down he stills knows me as his best friend." I smile and rest my hand on his and gives me a sad smile. "Nat released all of SHIELDS secrets on the internet, most of it is encrypted but you should be able to find something on his time in Hydra."
I hug Steve and he reciprocates it, "Goodbye Steve" I whisper but he pulls back with a smile "No, not goodbye just see you later" I smile and step back; I put the bag on my back, give him one last wave then using my powers, shoot up into the sky.
I drop my bag onto the bed of the musty hotel room and collapse onto the bed. I purposely chose a poor motel so that no one would disturb me and besides it was the cheapest one for miles. I sink into one of the chairs and take out the phone that Tony gave me, was I going to do this? Am I finally going to find out who my parents were and in turn who I am. I start digging on my phone and relatively easily find the files Nat released to the public and they were encrypted. I let the tech on Tony's phone do its magic whilst getting myself a drink and then most of the files I could now access, I search through the files that were in Russian and find one titled The Winter Soldier, this sounds interesting as I press on it then use the inbuilt projector so I could see the file on a larger scale. I quickly close the curtains and make sure to lock the door before starting to read. (A/N: Even though the files are in Russian, I will be writing it in English because it is just easier)

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