Chapter 4

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What is this place? I look around and find myself in a hotel corridor, I walk down the hallway and spot a door with the words 'Gamora's death', each of these doors must lead to a different memory. I walk further down the hall and spot something that makes me interested 'Retrieval of Space stone'. I place my hand on the door handle and slowly enter the memory, I feel a tightness in my throat. I realise that Thanos must feel me poking around his head and is trying to stop me but I wasn't going to.

I walk out onto a destroyed ship, Thor was trapped under metal with a metal gag in his mouth, ironically it looked like the one Thor put on Loki so he wouldn't speak. Loki was walking up to Thanos with meaning in his eyes "Almighty Thanos, I...Loki...Prince of Asgard..." Loki glances at Thor "Odinson...The rightful King of Jotunheim... God of Mischief...hereby pledge to you..." I step forward as Loki materializes a dagger in his hand, what on earth is he doing? " undying fidelity."

As quick as a snake, Loki thrusts his dagger upwards towards Thanos's neck but the mad titan uses the space stone to halt him in his tracks. "'Undying?' You should choose your words more carefully." Thanos states, he twists Loki's dagger out of his hand then picks him up by the neck. Loki struggles as Thanos squeezes his neck but eventually gives up, "you...will never be...a god." Loki tries to keep breathing, Thanos smiles but I could see the anger brewing behind his eyes. I run at the image but like a hologram my hands go through Thanos's arm, there was nothing I could do, it had already happened. There was a sickening crunch, I let out a silent scream as Thanos throws Loki's body in front of Thor, stating "No, resurrections this time"

My breathing picked up as the memory rewound itself, that monster, my mind went blank, all I could think about was murdering that Titan. I storm out of the memory, Thanos better be ready. "Let me out" I turn at the sound of myself, it was the same reflection that I saw on Asgard. "We can be so much stronger but you're holding back. How are you supposed to get revenge if you don't release the hidden, dark part of you" I look her in the eyes, am I ready? Yes I am. "What do I call you?" I ask and she grins "Call us Sorceress"

 "What do I call you?" I ask and she grins "Call us Sorceress"

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Her new outfit but with fingerless gloves^

I glare up at the Titan's face, he squeezes my throat some more but I grab his fingers pulling them away from my neck. Thanos's face goes from shock to confusion to anger; with my magic swirling around me I drop from his hands and onto the floor. I stand up with fire in my eyes and could feel my outfit changing, he wouldn't hurt anyone else, I can't let him hurt anyone else. My magic crackles around me as all my pent up anger and sorrow floods out of me. Thanos just smirks and goes to snap but I lash out preventing his fingers from moving, I run at him and with my other hand shot him several times. I use my whip to wrap around the back of his knees and make him stumble before I get him on his knees. I keep a hold of his hand so it doesn't move and lean into his face, "You're weak" I snarl but it didn't quite sound like me "Your desire to gain power has weakened you"

I go to take him out but he grabs my arm and drags me away from me then stands up, "I'm weak? I know who you are sorceress" Thanos spits out the last word "It's such a shame that you're not even fully in control and as of now you can be stopped by this" Thanos breaks the red mist surrounding his fist using the reality and power stone. I try to get out of his grip but he uses all six stones and shoots me backwards, I use a shield but couldn't form it fully and hit the ground hard.

A light blinded me as my body protests against me moving, I see Thor fly in after his axe that had just gone into Thanos's chest. There was some talking and Thor pushes the axe further into his chest, he brings Thanos close but he smirks. I try to move and talk but I just couldn't, sorceress screaming at Thor from inside my head. Why is he stalling? Just put the axe through his head. My eyes widen as Thanos snaps his fingers and bright light fills the forest.

I barely register Thor shouting and Thanos exiting through a portal

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I barely register Thor shouting and Thanos exiting through a portal. I find the strength to stand and the first thing I see is my dad falling to the ground and collapsing into dust. I try to run but couldn't move that fast, no he can't go not when I just got him back. I turn around as I see my friends turning to dust, I lock eyes with Wanda and she gives me a very faint smile of relief before she too turned to dust; I collapse and I'm sucked into a vision.

I'm on a barren planet with no one there, the people were Tony, a cyber woman and Peter. I'm guessing the rest of the team was turned to dust. "Mr. Stark?" I turn at the sound of Peter's trembling voice. No, no no, no, I run over as does Tony. "I don't feel so good..."
"You're all right?" Tony questions, his voice shaky on the verge of tears.
"I don't know what's -- I don't know what's happening. I don't--" Peter falls into Tony's arms and clutches onto him as he cries "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, Mr Stark, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go..." There's a pause before Peter whispers, "I'm sorry." Then Peter turns to dust like everyone else. Tony falls forward as he stares at his hands in shock, I turn away trying to hold in my tears, why? He was just a kid. I just wanted to scream but I didn't know what consequences that would bring.

I come back into focus and rest my hands on my bent knees, I gaze at a tree my mind completely blank. I realise the quietness of the forest and could only imagine the chaos that was going on world wide. We tried but in the end it we just weren't enough, we... I pause my train of thought but not all of us tried. I see Thor standing off to the side in the same stupor everyone else is in. Him. I stand remaining calm before throwing Thor against a tree dragging everyone out of their shock. "You" I growl "Just because you've lost everything doesn't mean that everyone else has to too" I storm up to him using my powers to pin him to the tree and creating a shield so no one else can intervene "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Because you wanted to gloat and it cost us. Why couldn't you just go for the head? WHY?!" I scream and my powers shoot out wrapping around his throat, I didn't care if he choked, only that he learns. "Avery...please...I'm sorry" he chokes out but my face remains impassive "Sorry isn't going to cut it this time" I increase the pressure and his face goes red.
"Avery stop this, this isn't you" Steve calls through the barrier.
I glare at him and he flinches back at my red and blue eyes, "You have no idea who I am" I spit then turn back to Thor, he wasn't even worth killing, I'd rather he lived with guilt of what just happened. I look at all of them, locking eyes with Pietro before shooting up into the sky, I wanted to be alone with nobody to bother me.

Her eyes^

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Her eyes^

A/N: Not quite sure if this is any good, don't be afraid to tell me how I'm doing.

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