Breaking the Fourth Wall

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I groan and stretch out my arms as light floods my room. I rub my eyes and see the room has changed, I guess I never really noticed it whilst I was being mind controlled. I heave my body out of bed and manage to get changed before shuffling downstairs. I get myself a glass of orange juice and some toast. I sit down by the island and turn on the TV, half way through eating my food, Hela stumbles into the kitchen and sits down across from me. I make her a bowl of cereal then we both sit in silence, the only sound being us eating and the news on the telly. "Mummy, can I go watch TV?"

I nod and she runs into the living room whilst I clear up from breakfast, I notice Agnes taking Billy and Tommy into her house. Why didn't Wanda ask me? I shake my head and look away in time to see the mug on the side glitch. I blink and it goes back to normal but I could see the wallpaper running up the walls and revealing the previous years. I panic and try to use my powers but they seem to only make it worse. All of the sudden it stops and I hold my hands out if it started again but it didn't. I let out a sigh of relief before checking on Hela and coming back to the kitchen.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house for something to do, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go wrong. "Mummy!" Hela shouts from the living room, I run into room and see the TV go static. "What happened?" I ask as I go over and start fiddling with the buttons.
"I don't know, it just suddenly went blank." Hela explains worried. I look at the static and feel myself going into a vision.

"Boys?  Tommy? Billy?" Wanda calls out as she descends down some stairs. I follow behind as we emerge in a basement, I walk around the room and is drawn to a small book on the side. I see it pulsing with the same red mist that makes up mine and Wanda's powers. I reach out to touch the object when steps alerted me to the entrance of Agnes with a bunny. "Wanda, Wanda. You didnt think you and Avery were the only magical girls in town, did you?" She slams the door without touching it and continues stroking her rabbit. "The names Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear." Her eyes glow purple and I see her going into Wanda's mind.

I come too and see Hela leaning over me with a worried face, I hear music coming from the TV and sit up from where I had previously laying. It started black and white before going colour, I sat watching the music video trying to figure out why the woman's name was so familiar. Then it hit me Agatha Harkness, Harkness. My mother's last name was Harkness, I thought back to the files that I read years ago. Agatha's my Aunt.

What the fuck?

A/N: Sorry it's such a short chapter. Promise the next one will be longer see you later.

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